
Whenever I have to struggle it always kills me within seconds even when I'm pressing as fast as I can
Ya, it's pretty poopy.
I don't see the point in spamming a button to stay on hook. A lag spike will kill you with that kind of mechanic.
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I face this issue as well. All the devs need to do is remove requirement for mashing space until they come up with an alternative. Get rid of it please.
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The mechanic of the cage of PH is way better imo, or that you'd have to hold a certain button, instead of smashing it. And if you released the button for say 10 seconds (To give time for lag) you insta die, since it's an actual strat to ######### on hook to get the other surv hatch, as many people do. (DCing is also a, faster, way haha)
But yeah this struggle thing is super annoying if you don't pay attention for like a few seconds, scrolling with the mousewheel is the only reason my fingers still work.
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You really don't need to press as fast as you can...that can actually cause you to get killed as the inputs don't register. I don't have struggle on my space bar, i find it a lot easier on my mouse wheel so I can just scroll down.
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You have to take console into consideration though. Does not matter what button we switch it to we will need a new remote at some point. Most want some kind of change skill checks, hold button, etc. Either is better then smashing which I have to do on console. Pressing calmly is a guaranteed death on console with lag/frame drops. One teammate uses dead hard while I'm struggling and it could be the end of us all same if the killer has sloppy. Things had got better for awhile but are regressing again. Frame drops are starting to spike again.
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*cries in controller-user*
mouse wheel is a great option - but you need a good (gaming) mouse for that. I tried it with my mouse and died quickly..