Entity Displeased. You killed the survivors to fast.

Why is this in the game? Just had a match where I got a 3k within the first 2 minutes of the game. I let the last guy ds me and get hatch for points but guess what, de-pip. Why is this a thing? Even a 4k probably would've gotten me a de-pip to. Lets hope this MMR is better.
No good deed
3 -
The Entity feeds off pain, suffering, despair, and other negative emotions. It wanted it a meal and you handed it three M&Ms. Of course it is displeased. You ended the game as fast as you could so all your emblems are garbage. MMR has nothing to do with it.
Next time play with your food a little bit better.
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Emblems need looked at for sure, especially for killers. I've gotten lots of 4ks and depiped.
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The problem with this though, is that often it is not in the killers control. Survivors killing themselves on hook, or letting their teammates die on the hook. Once you hook a survivor, you can't unhook them, you rely on the other survivors to actually do something.
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I mean, if the Survivors are all running around suffering and injured the whole game and the games are longer because *legion things*, isn't that more in line with what the entity wants?
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There is no way you hook and drain all four survivors to zero in under 3 minutes on accident. That was intentional.
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If gens go too fast and people just escape with hardly any other interaction they also depip.
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I think a lot of frustration surrounding the pipping / depipping conversation is so much is out of your hands when it comes to whether you rank up. And performing your job too well causes a derank. It overall just leads to a very muddled and almost random feeling allocation of points if your opponents perform poorly.
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emblems don't only focus on kills. It focuses as well on long games to entertain the entity. Pressure gens, and hooking survivors over and over again to make them suffer.
The emblem system is sort of designed around the lore, entity doesn't like fast games you need to entertain it for a long duration.
2 -
The emblems are done to encourage "healthy" gameplay. So if survivors are super effecient, just do gens and barely interact with the killer, they depip. The same thing goes the other way. If you as killer are super efficient and kill everyone too fast, just slug everyone at the start or mori right away without hooks or barely chasing as Myers, it "punishes" you for that.
The game lets you play as you want, but the emblems are there to remind you that's not exactly how they planned the game to go.
I don't really think it's wrong, anyway.
5 -
Emblems are a bad way to enforce healthy gameplay IMO. Mainly in that they do nothing to enforce healthy gameplay. They are the equivalent of someone shaking their head at you disapprovingly while allowing you to continue doing the thing they don't like anyways.
If there are gameplay patterns that are unwelcome in the game, you deal with those patterns at the source, not by deducting points from Gryffindor.
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I mean if survivor escape too qucikly/without chases they depip too. Nobody gets hooked, they don't get any benevolent points. No chases? No evader emblem.
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So the Onus is on killers to play the game less well, not on the survivors to play better...
That's a crap system. It should stand to reason if those Survivors are blown out of the water by you, they depip and you rank upward. Showing mercy to bad teams is not a skill, it just shows why matchmaking in this game is broken. Frankly, the way it is now only proves Trutalent is correct in that the killer win condition is and should be based on hooks, not kills.
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See that's different though because in that instance, the survivors are being punished for having an AFK/really bad killer who doesn't chase enough to give even one survivor an emblem.
Gens may go fast, but not so fast that if a killer actually plays the game, the survivors will just depip. If a survivor never gets hooked in 5 minutes, thats a bad killer and survivors shouldn't be punished for that either
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You get rewarded for having a healthy game with multiple chases and hooks.
I'm also pretty sure if the Entity just wanted to kill survivors it could do that itself faster than you.
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There's also the case of time investment.
Does any game that only lasts 2 minutes deserve to give any of its players tons of BP and rank progress?
That severely handicaps survivors who have a 15+ minute wait between matches. You want the killer to drag the game out, so that they (and you) get a better chance of using their/your skills and earning more BP/rank progress.
Survivors are in the same boat. Complete all gens and escape without engaging the killer or healing/unhooking anyone and you might de-pip.
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Because the points/rank system is build around an utopia state of the game (trial should give good chases and some kills in a perfect balanced game) but developers can't balance it in reality. 😊
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The entity feeds on hope. You didn't play with your victims.
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Because nobody goes to a horror movie to watch it end in the first two minutes? :) Here, watch this little scene... the main character explains it far better than I can:
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Think of emblems as an audience in a gladiator battle. They want a spectacle if you want to please them.
That said nothing is stopping you from ending the match asap and just ignore the booing.
It really could use a overhaul. Plague barelly can pip having an amazing match and I'm positive you can reach red ranks with Legion without killing a single survivor
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do you want an answer based on lore or on gameplay?
for lore:
the entity feeds on hope of survivors / killers. this is achieved best by giving them bits of hope to clinge onto just to take them away last second again. a killer who kills everyone within 2 minutes by slugging and onehooking them does not allow for such a thing to happen, as they would just crush all hope the survivors had right away, making the entitus miss out on a lot of potential hope to feed on.
lore wise its not a killers job to just kill their prey. its a killers job to make them suffer as much as possible before killing them off. its also said that characters who lost all hope and ended up being but dead shells got thrown away by the entity into the so called void - something we have barely seen anything of yet outside of the Blights story.
for gameplay:
because its no fun for anyone when you slug and then onehook everyone.
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Shame on you for doing your objective
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I see a lot of replies in this thread are saying that it promotes you playing in a healthy manner but it misses that it relies on both parties for that. If, as a killer, people suicide on first hook you're punished for that and it's nothing you can control.
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It really is a weird setup. They tell you to kill, but apparently just going and doing that really well is... bad. Because: reasons. I understand the lore reason they come up, but it makes for weird gameplay. I'm reminded of Devour Hope, where if I want stacks of it on a map like Hawkins I have to hook the Survivor and immediately run as hard and fast as I can away from the hook so I can get out of the radius to get my stack when I let the Survivor go. Neat idea, but it makes no sense at all.
It's a game that wants you to hit every Survivor, chase every Survivor, and hook every Survivor and do it multiple times each. But at the same time the Survivors are doing Generators and their Lightbringer Emblem doesn't lose points if you get chased off the gen or someone else finishes it. It's just do the gens (mostly) for that Emblem. Meanwhile, the Killer can actually LOSE points if the Survivors heal. What? Why? Wouldn't the Entity want them to heal so I can wound them some more? To inflict more pain?
The whole system feels like it was rushed together in a single afternoon and no one decided to fix it later.
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I think of it as: the entitys goal isn't to have people die, but be entertained. When you de-pip in these situations, the entity says "that was boring, couldn't you have played with your prey some more?
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Personally, I just think it's bad manners to slug and kill everyone within the first couple minutes of the game. How is that fun for anyone, especially after waiting so long for a round to start? There have been times when we have all spawned together - survivors and killer. The killer immediately downs everyone before we can even touch anything (Usually just happens with Leatherface or Hillbilly or any other person who can instadown you). Game over. Yeah, they got their 4k, but I just don't see how it could have been much fun. A good example of this happened when I first started playing. We were all in the yellow rank, got a rank 3 killer. We all spawned together close to the killer. The killer was a Leatherface and instadowned us all right away and hooked us. Game last maybe a little over a minute. It wasn't fun for us and I can't really see how it was fun for the killer either.
When I play as a killer, I never do that. Granted, I usually play as a friendly killer, but when I have to do challenge where I have to get a 4k, I'd never go that path in order to get it. I'd much rather have chases, hook, etc...than just down everyone ASAP and hook them. I'd much rather only get a 1k and have fun than a 4k that felt...for lack of a better word: cheap.
If you are super competitive and feel you must do this to be happy, then all the power to you. In some ways I can even understand. Maybe the killer is having a bad bay with a bunch of toxics, said screw it, and decided to instadown and hook. I don't know. Whenever I happens, I just shrug and move on.
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Right... and?
Yes it's a two-way street.
But just because the survivors all committed suicide, doesn't entitle the killer to a boatload of bloodpoints and a rank up for no effort. The match only lasted 2 minutes, so the rewards reflect that.
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I always feel a lil bit upset when I use Hex: Devour Hope. I earned my tokens, I risked using a Hex Perk, survivors failed to manage their secondary objective or notice the dangerous situation I was creating, and I capitalized.
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NA THE GAME IS MESSED UP. You all know it is. When you have a game where you know you have pipped and played with your food to the point that its all over the place, and you barely maintain, you get 8000 in 3 catagories and 6 in the other and think......WHAT ELSE COULD YOU HAVE DONE. You cant take it seriously. Its a joke. I've pipped in games where i shouldn't and not pipped in games where i should. Adress the inconsistancies. Its fine to say you could of done better. Not to be biased but when you always apply that in everything you do then this game just becomes a joke. BUT ITS FUN :)
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probably lots of slugs with 1 hooking deaths, that playstile causes that. the called unfun playstile usually doesnt get rewarded and im fine with that, otherwise the game wouldnt be fun for survivors.
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This is one of the most irritating things in the game, I think. If I get 5 stacks on my devour hope, and I take advantage of that and kill the enemy team, I rank down. That's moronic.
More importantly, I think the core of the game is a little rotten. The pip system is effectively a band-aid slapped on a gaping wound of poor decisions. Why do survivors sit and hold down a button to do gens instead of grabbing parts throughout the map and then bringing them back? Why are hooks so safe for killers? The hook and gen systems in general absolutely cripple the game's depth and trying to solve it with a scoreboard that fingerwags at you is an idea that's lazier than I can even comprehend.
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Once you hit red rank 1s you can basically lose every game and you will never leave rank 1 or 2 lol.
If you kill one survivor ever you safety.
Meanwhile someone is in purple ranks or lower just MOWING survivors down and barely pipping.
It's a busted systems, the devs have admitted it's garbage and doesn't work.
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That's a good response, I like it, though at the end of the day this is a *game* we're playing, and it feels as if you get punished for playing too well or for having unskilled opponents. I remember I almost depipped because nobody bothered unhooking, went down in seconds and let everyone die on first hook.
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Yeah, I don't AGREE with it, but it appears to be what the game developers were going for. Sort of making a lore-based excuse on why Killers should make the games longer to cause a fuller gameplay experience and justify queue times.
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So that they can make a complete and undeserved comeback, which shouldn't have happened but we wanted to go easy on them and give them a chance so we could get adequate points? I know that's not gonna happen every time but it's certainly a possibility. It's a joke.
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Yes, the game punishes killers all around. If they played bad, if they played good. Doesn't matter. With DBD, it's the killer's game to lose, even if the survivors don't win.
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No. Especially not with the rank rewards coming soon.
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I mean, if the killer is terrible and survivors are able to escape within 2 minutes, they also depip. So fair is fair, if you rush the game for no reason other than rushing it, you get a depip.
The devs intent for killers to toy around with survivors, and they intent for survivors to distract the killer as much as possible. Perhaps instead of dead hooking, you could have slugged them to keep the upperhand while trying out something new. A lot of people complain that this is essentially "giving players a chance on a comeback", but to me, that is a bullshit reason. Do you not want a challenge? Do you want wins to be handed to you? If you want to challenge yourself as a killer, you want to make the match last as long as possible for a chance to be challenged. You could always kill 1 survivor early and turn it into a 1v3 if they are getting too much control of the game.
If you dont care for being challenged, then simply eat the depip and stop complaining. Because if you dont care about challenge in the game, why care about the pip system? Rank doesnt display skill anyway. Might aswell sweep lobbies with rank 20 survivors as you dont care for a challenge.
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Yesterday I got 5 games in a row where I 4ked or 3ked and didnt pip in a single one of them
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Emblem system was a noble attempt, but ultimately is a failure and can be safely ignored.
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The thing that bugs me isn't so much the random pips as the implied judgement when it tells you it's displeased. Like, the Entity didn't play that game -- it doesn't know what my options were. It can keep its spooky noises to itself.
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The devs are trying to incentivise both sides to have fun so if a team of survivors rush gens in 3 mins and get out they will likely depip because no one had any real fun that match. Same as if a killer slugs and has everyone dead in 3 mins they will do the same.
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But I didn't slug, they killed themselves on hook. Out of my control
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I am not going to force a challenge onto myself. If i can win the game right now I will. A true challenge is actually challenging not making it a challenge. That's really stupid how I should just extend the game to "challenge" myself.
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It can be frustrating but you have to think of all the chase points, hook points etc that were missed out on, and depending on your rank these make a big difference.
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I wasn't saying they should get a mountain of bloodpoints and rank up as a result, I'm just saying that you shouldn't de-rank because you heavily outplayed your opponents or they quit early.
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Like others said, it's supposed to be kinda like the lore where the entity feeds off suffering but in game the whole system is kinda poorly implemented. You can have fairly decent games where you get 3k's and play a fair while but the game decides you only get a brutal killer because well I don't know, I guess the entity just didn't like you chasing that one guy around his hooked buddy for a bit too long. Then there's killers like Plague who find it difficult to even get two pips after playing perfectly because she gets routinely screwed over by deviousness points. Then you have killers like Doc and Legion who will just swim in pips no matter what because of their absurd point gains. The system's really all over the place and needs to be reworked into giving players a more concrete idea of how to rank up.
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I hate seeing "Entity Displeased" when I've played well.
Don't like it, Entity? Go get your own damned carryout next time.
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It's because the show was over too soon, so the entity had to leave before it finished its popcorn.