Spirit, Legion or Deathslinger

I'm new to dbd and wanted to know which of these 3 killers is better to buy

which is the most difficult to use?

which is the easiest to use?

which is the most fun to use?

which is the one with the best perks?

can you give me some advice on the killer you recommend?

thank you


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Deathslinger requires you to have good aim and is definitely more fun if you can hit your shots. Spirit is the strongest. Legion is the easiest to use. Legion and spirit have some equally decent perks.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    I'd say Spirit would be best for you, she's a top tier killer with a couple of good perks, she also isn't very difficult to use once you get used to her.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Hardest to use - Deathslinger

    Easiest to use - Legion (people will tell you spirit but that's mainly due to salt, she requires more skill to be played than legion or just having headphones)

    Most fun - that subjective. Slinger if you like FPS games and enjoy shooting. Legion for average M1 gameplay with power that mainly works to slow down the match with mending. Spirit if you want to play very strong mindgame based killer that's depandat on sound.

    Best perks - It goes probably like this, from best to worst. Spirit → Legion → Deathslinger

    I'm a deathslinger main so ofc I would recommend him. Pick him if you want very strong consistent chase killer (one of the best chasers in DBD) with no mobility powers. He's extremely good chaser once you learn how to properly aim his harpoons and how to use them to counter loops. There is a really lot to learn with him as each map has different tiles which can all be outplayed from different spots and a lot of very cheeky shots from tiniest of holes.

    I've been playing his since he released and from time to time I still learn something new about his power. Also nothing beats the sound of hitting a survivor and reeling him towards you for a smack.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Of the three’s teachables: Spirit Fury is the best perk, especially mixed with Enduring from Hillbilly.

    Spirit is also the best killer of the three. I recommend if we’re only getting one, then this one. She was also featured in Tome 2 so some challenges to look forward to as well.

    Next in viability is Deathslinger. Funnily enough, Spirit and D-slinger are amongst the most complained about killers in the game.

    Legion, I would do last of these choices. I enjoy playing them and won a lot with them but just prefer the first two more.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I like legion, although when bhvr panic-nerfed them they added a lot of unfun little mechanics to them, so using your power can be pretty punishing. Also related to this - the majority of their addons don't really do anything. Salt risk: medium. Although not as hated as before, mending isn't especially fun and survivors who don't understand how their power works will try and hide from you and then accuse you of hacking.

    Spirit is fun to play, play her enough and you just...won't really lose. That may be fun or unfun for you. She's also going to be nerfed again at some point, not that they've announced anything but it will happen. Salt risk: very high. Expect to be considered worse than Hitler for playing her. Raise to extremely high if you run meta perks on her

    Deathslinger is the hardest to learn and your time for practice is limited because survivors will start smashing gens when they realise it's a slinger and with your 110 cowboy waddle you're not likely to be stopping them. Salt risk: high.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Most difficult would probably be DeathSlinger since his gun requires very precise aim due to the small hitbox

    Easiest would be Spirit if you have a good set of ears and headset

    Most fun DeathSlinger because it's fun to shoot survivors

    Spirit has the best perks

    I'd say get Spirit between the three since she's very strong, but at the same very little skilled compared to Nurse. One thing I would recommend is don't use Stridor on Spirit, because to me personally it makes her braindead to play.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Hardest killer to use: if you aren’t exactly in to FPS games than Deathslinger would definitely be the hardest from that group. If you are in to FPS games, I would say Spirit is the hardest. She’s not super difficult overall though.

    Easiest killer: definitely Legion. He’s not the best killer but his power is very simple. All you need to learn to to stab people and apply pressure and you’re set.

    Most fun killer: fun is subjective. For me it’s Spirit. She’s always been my favorite. Tracking by sound and going invisible is very fun. Deathslinger if you like FPS games. Legion if you like simple killers that are underrated.

    Best perks: Deathslinger’s perks are horrible. Legion has Discordance which is pretty good. He also has Iron Maiden and this perk can be good for Huntress but other than that, it’s not good. Spirit’s perks are definitely the best out of these three killers.

    I guess I would recommend Spirit the most because she is my favorite killer and she’s strong. I will warn you that if you do pick up Spirit, then expect a lot of salt from survivors.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    If u don't want survivor to kts first hook play Legion without thana. I also approve going against Deathslingers if they have no aim but it's not usually the case.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    If you got good flick aim and know how to anticipate movements, Deathslinger

    If you're a bit of a weeb, go for Spirit

    Legion .... just don't bother. LOL

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    let me answer your questions one by one:

    difficulty (from hardest to easiest):

    1) Spirit

    2) Deathslinger

    3) Legion

    fun (in my opinion):

    1) Deathslinger

    2) Spirit

    3) Legion


    1) Legion

    2) Spirit

    3) Deathslinger

    i would suggest you to go for Spirit first.

    she is definitely the strongest of the 3 and very fun to use once you got her down. her Perks are also quite strong, she has not a single bad perk unlike both Legion and Slinger.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Spirit is the strongest killer out of all 3, prety fun to play and her perks are all good. Legion is one of the weakest killers in the game, from his perks the only decent one is discordance. Deathslinger has crappy perks. I personally hate playing him and if you are on console I'd avoid him at all costs.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2021

    Slinger and Spirit are a lot of fun.

    Plus you can make whiny survivor mains mad so I mean that is always bonus points.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Spirit is the easiest of the killers there, you just have to equip Stridor and practice a bit and suddenly it's 4k after 4k. Legion has a deceptively low mechanical skill cap, but you have to be an absolutely amazing m1 killer, and you have to use FF as a tracking and mobility tool as needed, something most people don't do. And Deathslinger is just, he's one of the hardest killers in the game. You need to be so damn good at aiming you never miss a shot, or those gens will fly by. Ignore everyone who talks about how easy Slinger is - they are either unfairly gifted at FPS games, or think everyone is some potato that won't ever call your bluffs.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    The safest bet is Spirit, although she takes a little practice. Legion's power is literally to injure people, and Deathslinger requires good aim.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Spirit hard to master? She's faster than Legion, can still see scratchmarks and can down people with her speed. The hardest part about Spirit is learning to listen, which is already a skill you need to hone as a killer.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Eh, both suck cus of lack of counterplay, even when I play killer I keep my distance from Spirit and Deathslinger because they guarantee me a 4k because survivors dont have enough resources to counter them.

    They might be fun at first, but they become extremely boring over time. Especially if you run perks that compliment their already powerful basekit.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    None of them are difficult to use. I would say Deathslinger is the most mechanically demanding but he's just instant ads and shoot.

    Legion is the easiest but only by a hair.

    Spirit is the most fun to play as for sure, god help you playing against a 5+ hours spirit with stacked slowdown. Legions sense of speed was gutted and, again, Slinger is just point and shoot. Very boring.

    Spirits perks are decent. Legion's got 1 or 2 good ones. Slingers are so bad I can't even remember them.

    If you want to win with minimal learning required, Spirit.

    Want mass DCs? Slinger.

    Want to lose? Legion.

  • StreetRat115
    StreetRat115 Member Posts: 54

    I'd say you should get spirit, she's very strong and takes a bit of skill but once you become decent at her you'll stomp on majority of teams and she's a lot of fun as well. Legion can be fun as well but he doesn't really have a skill cap you'll play him for 5 minutes and that's how you're going to play legion forever. Deathslinger is a killer I think everyone should learn how to play because he's insanely fun and strong as well, however I would say don't get him until you're more experienced with the game because you have to understand survivors movement and also he plays different from majority of killers out there. Lastly if you don't have the Oni consider getting him too because he's insanely strong and also has in my opinion the most fun power in the game