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Least favorite map for playing killer?



  • Member Posts: 4,104
    I dislike playing on Lery's Memorial Institute when I am playing Huntress. I know I could make it work, but I'd rather get to use my hatchets in general not just for vaults.
  • Member Posts: 72

    Any coldwind map because transparent jungle gyms or haddonfield because that map was designed by a literal sociopath

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    @Khalednazari said:
    The Swamp. Even though it's size is reduced, it still feels big. The gens are really spread out. 

    I disagree, i love the new swamp (not grim pantry tho)

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    coldwind farm

  • Member Posts: 7,162
    edited November 2018

    I'll throw in Family Residence. Just had two matches on that today as Michael and then Wraith. All that tall grass and bamboo is a nightmare. Didn't help that I had two Claudettes in one match dressed all in dark brown clothing.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Wretched shop, torment creek and fractured cowshit. These maps without bamboozle are literal hell.

    Good advice. I'll try that on my Nurse 😃

  • Member Posts: 661

    @Eight said:
    Gideon Meat Plant.

    I don't like it with Piggy (although it should be ok with her), it's a pain with Huntress, and the only other killer I play regularly is Spirit. And it's a pain with her too.

    Have played it with Hag a few times, and had very easy games - lots of dark, unobvious places to trap that survivors like to run through.

    The Game is actually considered one of the more killer friendly maps because of the lack of real obscuring scenery. It's just walls and floors mostly when compared to the corn and reeds in other maps. Nurse is godly there as well due to being able to manipulate the floors.

    Also a lot of bad survivors panic when they hear the terror radius even though it's on a different level.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    Haddonfield. PS4 framerate.

  • Member Posts: 513

    @purebalance said:
    The Game is actually considered one of the more killer friendly maps because of the lack of real obscuring scenery.

    Oh, I know. And I have no criticisms of it.

    It just doesn't suit me.

  • Member Posts: 661

    @Eight said:

    @purebalance said:
    The Game is actually considered one of the more killer friendly maps because of the lack of real obscuring scenery.

    Oh, I know. And I have no criticisms of it.

    It just doesn't suit me.

    I mean I'm weird as a survivor I prefer the maps like the Game, Lampkin Lane, and Badham.

  • Member Posts: 513

    @purebalance said:
    I mean I'm weird as a survivor I prefer the maps like the Game, Lampkin Lane, and Badham.

    You are weird. Lol.

    Not a fan of any of those, when playing either side.

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    I love playing Haddonfield and Badham as survivor. Can't stand the Game though.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Hate any map that's not The Game.

  • Member Posts: 193
    Mother's dwelling. Don't know why, but I'm complete trash on that map. I think it's gotten in to my head that I'm going to get smoked on that map before the match begins and lose it before it starts. I had a bad experience with that map when I first started playing and think I have PTSD from it lol. 
  • Member Posts: 193
    The new map also. I've actually tripped over survivors in the bamboo lol
  • Member Posts: 661

    @Eight said:

    @purebalance said:
    I mean I'm weird as a survivor I prefer the maps like the Game, Lampkin Lane, and Badham.

    You are weird. Lol.

    Not a fan of any of those, when playing either side.

    I'm a city person in general so the landmarks and places to go are pretty easy to keep track of for me. Random spattering of brown walls in area over there is a little harder than house with 2 floors, house with the god basement, school and killer shack or the various house designs in Haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 661

    @chefdave12118 said:
    The new map also. I've actually tripped over survivors in the bamboo lol

    I love the bamboo as a survivor although also I've tripped over OTHER survivors when in a chase or been body blocked by them hiding in it.

  • Member Posts: 213
    Fractured Cowshed hands down. I have not consistently done ######### on any map with any killer apart from Fractured Cowshed. 
  • Member Posts: 661

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Fractured Cowshed hands down. I have not consistently done ######### on any map with any killer apart from Fractured Cowshed. 

    They adjusted one of the barn loops on that one to where the window is slightly off so it's not as bad as before.

  • Member Posts: 213

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Fractured Cowshed hands down. I have not consistently done ######### on any map with any killer apart from Fractured Cowshed. 

    They adjusted one of the barn loops on that one to where the window is slightly off so it's not as bad as before.

    Nah even after that, because of the size and layout of the map in general, it’s a pain in the ass. I’d rather have the swamp maps than that.
  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2018
    Coldwind because of how annoying the corn can be.

    Yamaoka because of how easy it is to lose a Survivor if you look away for 0.0000000000001 nanoseconds. 

    Haddonfield because of the long loops and the amount of windows. 

    Badham is a worse version of Haddonfield.

    I only hate the Swamp maps and Red Forest if they give me bad FPS (most of the time they don’t but when I do, it’s always on one of those maps)

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Red Forest and Blood Lodge. If I'm Nurse or Huntress, I hate playing on Lery's. I love that map for everyone else though.

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