A very lengthy question to killer mains...

Just played the best Bubba! I was able to juke him amazingly well- I was able to preform a 360 that landed me around his back and BOOM he ran into the other direction before realizing that I was behind him.
And before I know it? He downs me ( expected, jukes only get you so far in a dead zone and he has a chainsaw) but oh! The camp! Why not get some popcorn dude LOL RIP to the poor Nancy who was just trying to come save me.
I did start next to him... But seriously can any killer mains explain why a show of skill gets you camped? Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to do a proper 360 after this last update to 4.2.0?!
**This is a thought on a particular incident and is not meant to stereotype or categorize any one playstyle or character
Chances are if he was playing bubba that was his game plan all along to be honest.
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People get bitter about the smallest things, you should just move on from it.
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Honestly I view it as a compliment in a sense. If you played very well and he decides to camp he likely assumes you are a big threat to him still being in the game.
Although it's scummy and frustrating to have happen, it does tactfully make sense to take out the biggest threat. He likely didn't think he would get you very easily in the future
Bubbas are the most common campers from my experience as well
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My guess? Just like survivors, they want to achieve their objective. If you show skill, why run the risk of letting you off the hook and possibly escape? That's just my opinion though, I don't know for sure, but I feel your pain. Whenever I pallet stun or do a good loop (ultra rare for me) I tend to get camped and repeatedly hit while on the hook. I literally just had a game where I pallet stunned a Bubba and he camped / tunnelled me and then let everyone else live. It happens. Breathe and move on. I don't let it get to me. It's just a game and I'm sure they have their reasons.
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You ran in a circle, have a cookie.
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Dodging leatherface chainsaw is rarely skill, it's usually blind luck or he just makes a mistake. It's a very large sweep and it isn't hard to just...turn.
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You want a medal for spinning in place?
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360's only work on bad killers, if I get 360'd I just say ok lmao down that person hook them and continue. I'm playing killer for actually learning how to loop, get BP and play the characters I like either because of their power or lore. Camping is useless and just admitting your too bad of a killer to play properly for your rank.
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Maybe you should stop trying to bm him with 360s and he won't play like that. It's worth a try.
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That doesn't translate to endgame. Instead of camping the person on the hook to secure one last kill, you'd just go to the corner of the map and let them get unhooked and escape? That may be showing honor or sportsmanship, but not skill. In fact, it's the opposite of playing smart, because why would you give up such an advantageous position? It's the survivors' faults that they're in that position anyway.
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Let's not play up stereotypes please. I main Bubba, and I definitely do not camp unless the survivors ask for it.
In regards to OP, you probably annoyed him with that 360, some Killer players are very fragile and get annoyed if you avoid or outplay them.
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Idk if u are being serious or sarcastic with that lol
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It's not sarcasm. The sole purpose of 360s are to style on the killer, and maybe put it in your highlight compilation. If you successfully or unsuccessfully do it to a killer, they can see you're calling them a chump, so they're gonna take things up a notch.
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So you are gonna tunnel and facecamp ppl who try to ''style'' on you LMAO
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Yeah where's the style in standing still in front of the hook. Feeds the fire honestly ahaha
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Bang on. Best way to receive a camp.
Go next knowing your last opponent was lazy, mundane and felt out of your league.
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Do you have any idea how easy it is to pull off any form of juke right now? The survivors literally teleport around the killers screen. Turning left is a near-instant 90° jolt. It's insane. The current patch broke movement again and no-one really talks about it. Tracking through a lunge is sheer luck, which is why you don't see good killers lunging, but that's kind of beside the point: movement is broken, you don't even have to 360 to juke.
Also, don't try and pretend one arsehat is every killer in existence.
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LMAO "bm him with 360s"
I didn't realise spinning in a circle was rude
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Isn’t the sole purpose to try to avoid being downed? Some of you are so fragile. I feel like some of you would prefer if survivors just jumped onto the hooks for you. 😩
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Lol. It's like asking people in COD to stop killing others, so they could land a shot on you in order to not get annoyed. Maybe survivors also need to start DC'ing when huntress snipes someone, or Billy does a good curve on a survivor?
Seriously, think before you type something.
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A lot of this community are extremely sensitive and have such inflated egos that if you do something that’s even remotely toxic in their mindset, you’re scum and must be punished lol.
I remember once being face camped by a Bubba because I was trying to heal during my chase. Apparently in his eyes that was extremely toxic, when it’s a good tactic? If I have a window to be able to heal why wouldn’t I take it? Because if I’m able to extend my chase, that’s a good thing for me and my team. He was so butthurt over it for no reason. There’s just too many children or adults with childlike mindsets that play this game.
I remember him messaging me like “you think I’m going to let you heal?” 💀
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That actually used to be an incredibly overpowered tactic that a lot of survivors used to bully killers, way back in the days of Self Care being insane and pallets being worse. A lot of people still have bad memories, I guess.
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I remember. But this was long after Self-Care was nerfed. He was just being a little cry baby. He told me that it was toxic and that I should have been scared of him and kept running lol. He was having some weird power trip. I’ve been camped for pallet saving, using Head On, finding a flashlight and getting a save, breaking a hook, using Breakout. Basically, if you do anything other than run in a straight line from the killer, you risk being labelled as toxic. Obviously not every killer is this sensitive, as I’m definitely not. But there’s an alarming amount of them out there.
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All of those things you just listed are incredibly annoying to go against and potentially turn entire trials by themselves. Call people sensitive all you want, but it seems to me that the anger and frustration is more misdirected than unjustified.
It's good to retain perspective on things, not only by playing both sides but remembering what happens to each side. There's a lot of BS that killers have to deal with and a lot of the time people blow up because they've simply had enough and need to vent.
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I play both sides frequently. But, things are in the game for a reason. As a killer I can’t really get mad when somebody breaks a hook, or pallet stuns or gets a flashlight save because those mechanics are in the game for a reason. They’re not exploits, they’re genuine tactics. So if I can’t handle them happening to me, I should maybe think about playing something else.
I’ve played against plenty of SWF who’s sole purpose is to try to annoy me, so I can understand people finding that hard to deal with, but some players ‘punish’ people for some of the most ridiculous things.
I got face camped for doing the challenge of fixing a generator near the killer. They walked past me with somebody on their shoulder and my generator was on 95% so obviously I finished it in case they had PGTW. They then camped me when they downed me and messaged to say it was because I was extremely cocky for fixing a generator in their presence when I should have been scared and left the area. I was literally doing a challenge that the game asked me to do lol. So in moments like that, that particular playing is being too sensitive in my eyes. As they’re being offended for the sake of being offended.
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Bubba is taylor-made to patrol hooked survivors. They increased the strength of his chainsaw to combat this, but it just means he can patrol a bit further away.
Unless Bubba is actively looking for new prey, the hooked individual has minimal chance of escape if Bubba plays to his strengths. His weakness comes if survivors understand this tactic and the other is willing to spend time on the hook to distract him until he becomes paranoid of the flailing gens around him.
It does suck big time, but Bubba is one of the very few killers where patrolling a hooked survivor is the best way to utilise him.
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As I said, misplaced anger. The game itself is flawed, forcing killers to never slip up or else face game-ending consequences. It's little wonder that many of the few killers that do exist at high ranks blow up at the slightest provocation, the game wasn't balanced around aggressive survivors and killers have been conditioned to expect toxicity from us thanks to bully squads.
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I wasn't even mad tbh lol I was actually pretty pleased that I managed to juke him so as a purple rank. I just see the behavior a ton and was genuinely curious. :)
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Eh. The group I play with (albeit in different system) has a pretty hard time juking. And I almost alwaya 360. But it does get me camped or tunneled pretty quick in nearly every game with every rank I've tried, so....
Maybe try it out for yourself if you doubt my results.
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fragile egos.
something you're gonna find on both sides.
they go in with the expectation to win and then feel entitld to their victory / are absolutely convinced they were the best player in the entire trial by far, so any time anything happens that might prove them otherwise they get toxic towards.
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When in a dead zone would you prefer the Survivor to stand still and await you with a cuppa coffee? Nah lol if I got a trick up my sleeve I'm gonna try and use it until I get to the next zone.
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That's my point exactly.
I'm gonna spin a killer if I've got nothing to work, not to mention most killers make 360s too easy to work with
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,,show of skill"
Maybe the bubba was just bad? Then it really wasnt skill. Besides that, 360s are EXTREMLY easy and not skillfull.
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I'm not attempting to stereotype ( I will adjust the post to state so). I was actually in a pretty decent mood when I wrote it and wasn't even upset. It just happened to that I started next to when the event occurred.
As far as the outplay, I think that the reset is what failed us lol. They day before I had been facing reds and had to really think. Now, I'm not saying that this one didn't make me think, in face he did really well! All I'm saying is that when you spawn next to killer it's hard to judge, especially in a dead zone 10 seconds in. I did what I saw for an escape attempt (and, no, to date it hasn't worked yet but hey, works in progress and all that) :)
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I wasn't even mad tbh lol normally I cut my 360 jukes too close and get sliced and have never up to last night been able to successfully preform one on Bubba. That chainsaw is hella death 😂 the fact that I even managed to go past his swing I knew that I was both gonna go down and gonna go with a vengeance. But I was only thinking second phase, not full sacrificing.
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This is the point where I wish I had video capabilities. He was pretty much in death zone.
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360s as bm??? What?!
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I see it all the time. Tbh if a Survivor is a jerk to killer and and they go out of the way to provoke I "attempt" 1 save. If killer camps with popcorn it's all theirs. Or I judge now much we really needed another body on the field to see if it's worth the hit and possible down. May be terrible on my part but I don't condone jerk playing. I have no issue taking my good ol' time if you predop pallets and butt dance.. if you corner vibe and not help out the team.
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In that sense I have to wonder if they (killer) aren't aware of what Survivor challenges look like? But tbh I flat out don't do some because I know it'll get me downed and outted before I get any true play.
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Oh, 100% there. I think we had two gens be done in the time it took me to die? Lol it's a choice. Tbh he still played really well and probably would have got 4) without the popcorn, but it's hard to tell. I died in the first 2 minutes and the game is skewed if you don't have 4 bodies working on the objective.
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Mmmm. No I totally agree. Survivor definitely don't make it easy and if they're out for annoying then that killer is gonna be pressed in the next round. I've always had the logic that fair is fair. A slip op is a slip and if you've out played me then I get a one way field trip to Hookville! Al la Backpack Express.
Everyone get frustrated with something that happens. It's the (maybe not so) beauty of a pvp online game.
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Idk. I hate it when people do that, so I tend not to camp. If a survivor frustrates me, I give 'em an additional slap after hooking them and move on.
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Some survivors DO DC when you get a Huntress snipe on them or a great Billy curve...
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Mmm maybe in general, but I know that I've managed to outplay at least two genuinely great red ranks who've held red for years and it actually came as a surprise.
I do agree that in most cases camping may be lazy but on occasion I agree. There's a time and place for all.
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Which is silly lol. I've played Huntress and tbh it's terribly incredible hard to get that throw just right! Especially if it's across the field!
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If they’re a killer main, they probably don’t. But still, fixing a generator near a killer isn’t toxic. Why let it get kicked with PGTW and lose your progress when you can fix it? It’s just common sense. 😂
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Oh, I agree with you. I was more pointing out that some survivors already disconnect for anything.
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How is doing a 360 bm? It’s a last resort if you are in a dead zone.
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I was wondering. I thought I was just entirely losing it, as I never used to get juked and now it seems like it happens all the time.
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I usually just camp people with TTV in their name. I'm not giving them content, and I will make your stream as boring as possible by letting you rot in the hook, even if it costs me the game.