Huntress is a crutch killer
Playing 3 games already this morning and it was Huntress every game, I'm already done. I'm going to eat my cereal and leave the rest to endure that. It's pretty clear Huntress is a crutch killer as much as it is spammed constantly. When something is used that much, it means there is a problem. Hatchets that are unavoidable and uncounterable, killers crutch on things that have no counterplay to gain a massive unfair advantage. But lets make it a huge priority to nerf a fair survivor perk again and leave Huntress in her busted state. Too many hatchets to make up for mistakes with almost no cooldown, mammoth hitboxes that are too forgiving and gigantic, a lullaby that is non-directional. Broken.
b r o k e n.
we just need improved latency.
(and the upcoming refresh to her, really only for the addons)
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Huh. Well that was... Hopefully a joke? I think?
Huntress as a crutch killer. Now that's a new one.
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given the comment history, it probaply is.
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This... is a troll right?? Huntress is one of the highest skill killers in game only behind Nurse.
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This is actually the first sluzzy post I have agreed with in a while. The hitboxes are straight busted and carry too many huntresses. At least deathslinger requires good aim
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Survivors are a crutch, 4 survivors every game.
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Sad blight face
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Not joking... Huntress is carrying killers. Too overpowered and broken, there is no counterplay to the massive unpredictable hitboxes.
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Huntress is one of the highest skill level killers in the game. Her movement speed is 110%, so if you're getting frequently destroyed by her it means you're going against some high level killers, which is not surprising given that you're playing on a Sunday morning when only the most devoted fans are online.
Then again since you have nearly 1500 posts maybe you're trolling. Or maybe you're just an idiot.
I can't tell.
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A killer was able to kill you. So therefore that killer must be OP?
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Another great balance ideas of Sluzzy for betterment of all DBD. Huntress is uncounterable you heard it here first.
By any chance did you get sniped sitting on a gen not paying attention and then instatly hook suicided / DCed due to your dumb mistakes ?
If you aren't playing attention or not thinking at all during chase that would explain why you think she's uncounterable.
Anyhow keep us entertained, you threads and comments are alway hilarious to read.
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Claudette is a crutch survivor. So many people get carried by her p3 outfit and iron will.
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Most huntresses are turds that worship pallets lol. The only annoying things are either the hitboxes or how tryhard most huntress mains are. She's perfectly fine otherwise with a good skill ceiling.
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Huntress is a balanced killer with counterplay and a massive skill ceiling. If you think she’s broken (assuming she doesn’t have Iri Head) then I would love to see your winning streak as Huntress.
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sluzzy i love you please never stop posting
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The removal of directional lullaby was absolutely idiotic, that is for sure. The whole point of it was not to be a direct upgrade to terror radius but now it is just that
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”High skill” lol
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No, it doesn't take a lot of skill to play her. I mean juat watch any youtuber that plays her. Hitting survivora around corners with school bus sized hitboxes for days. I honestly feel bad when I play her csusw every game I get tons of hits that just don't make sense.
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nice bait
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Only had to read the title to know who the OP is lol
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i hope this is a bait
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What is wrong with you
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So? still requires more skill than most things in this game.
And most of the time survivors profit from hitboxes in this game against most killers.
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Well damn
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And yet when I play Huntress it's 0 kills 0 hooks all day long 😪
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Do you play on pc or console?
I'm console, and I am starting to believe she's a lot easier on pc, but need more data.
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Um... there is a ton of counterplay against huntress. IMO she’s one of the most fun killers to go against.
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Anyone who can use a mouse can faceroll with Huntress. Easy-mode killer. Slinger and Nurse are leagues ahead in terms of aim, prediction and muscle memory required to not completely suck. Hit boxes on huntress are just lazy. Your hatchets don't even need to get anywhere near the vicinity of a Survivor to hit them.
Up skill ceiling plz because /boring to play as /boring to play against.
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That is true but once someone gets down in one hatchet, there’s going to be a DC
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Thank you for posting this, that is every game against Huntress! This killer is hardly trying and they are going down, nothing they can do.
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Huntress is played so much because she's fun.
Also, saying a killer is a crutch? Sluzzy, this isn't all that original. Go back to the drawing board, and come up with something fresh!
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at 0:12
/crutchboxes for t3h win
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For me it's more her hitboxes are too large and less the base kit. So it's not her base kit. But she needs some cleaning. But Iri Head + Infantry will get nerfed at least.
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What an embarrassing thread...LOL
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Quality bait ngl
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It's actually latency. The killers client calculated the hits which is where the discrepency comes from. The huntress would have high ping.
Actually that's wrong according to @Mr_K isn't it? There's no issue here oog boog survivors bad.
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The person who wrote this on your steam profile might agree
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If you were talking about Freddy or Stridor Spirit I would completely agree with you. Huntress actually takes skill and is fairly balanced. The only annoying thing about her is her hatchet hit boxes.
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Lol. More classic OP "killer bad" nonsense. Good for a Sunday laugh. 🤣 I'm actually awaiting the sequels "Trapper OP because traps" and "Demigorgon uncounterable because it's so big and scary" threads, coming soon. 🤔
I love playing against a Huntress, especially if they're good. The players who've put the time in to mastering them are seriously scary and a real fun challenge to face, while newer Huntress players will likely get wrecked by competent survivors. Even good Huntress players will lose since ducking behind objects or breaking line of sight counters their main attack, then she's clearly beatable. Unless you're prone to DCing/quitting on hook after being downed in the first 30 seconds of a match, of course -- then every killer is going to look OP. 🤔
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I don't think so, the hitboxes are so bad there is no skill needed. You don't even need good aim and is still awarded with kills and wins. This is why there is so many Huntresses.. BHVR should completely disable the killer until she is balanced out. They quickly disable maps when there is game breaking bugs or balance issues.
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Aaaaaaand Sluzzy is at it again 😄 🤣 😂
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Yeah sluzzy is a well known DBD troll. Pretty amusing tbh every single time wee fishes bite 😄
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It works both ways to be honest
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You wanna talk BS hitboxes?
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Entitled today, aren't we?
Calling killers "crutch" is no testament to any quality of theirs. All it says is that you don't know what crutch means.
To be "crutch" means to be an incredibly powerful for a disproportionate skill requirement. NOED, Iri head, etc. are considered "crutch."
Huntress herself is neither incredibly powerful nor easy to play. On most maps, she sucks if survivors know how to loop properly and predict her. Bad survivors who are used to holding W will find her infuriating, especially at windows and pallets. Good survivors will know to modify their play style to always be unpredictable and out of sight. First time I went against her, I got demolished for predropping pallets and holding W. Eventually, though, you learn how to juke out hatchets and modify your looping to stay out of sight.
Her lullaby's lack of directionality isn't any sort of relative disadvantage; the terror radius isn't directional either. If anything, it's an extremely advanced warning to get a head start.
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Psst,that isn't allowed.
Hatchets always have hitboxes as big as a truck ☝️
Not latency related or anything
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By skill you mean...?
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it's another Sluzzy post so you know what that means.
It's time for more cows!
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I do like this post more. This is a much better subject for discussion.