Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Thought I'd run a nice game of Speed Limiter Billy last week. Threw in the Glenvale offering just to give myself a smaller map--reduce the time it would take me to find survivors.
With 6 seconds left on the lobby timer, two survivors immediately swapped characters to ones holding keys.
I had queued up for killer with the mindset that I didn't care how the match would end. If the survivors gave me a good enough run-around I might have even let them all escape intentionally. I just wanted to practice curves.
But when these survivors key-swapped they threw down the gauntlet. What they did was the equivalent of saying "at least two of us are escaping, and theres nothing you can do about it." ...and I just couldn't let that happen.
SWFs like this are not looking to play ball, and they sure as hell don't care if I have a fun game. So why should I ensure the same for them?
The health of this game, and its community, seems to ride on unspoken agreements that players will always keep the opponent's best interest at heart--or at least in mind. But thats just not good enough.
I hope BHVR continues to assess the balancing issues in DBD, and that they do not overlook outliers or niche synergies, just because they are seen so infrequently. It is not too noble a goal to prevent even the most infrequent of circumstances from ruining a players' experience.
Survivors on red ranks are usually "no fun allowed" type of people.
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You forgot to also mention killers.
Regardless, red ranks are no fun.
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I'll be talking about "no fun allowed" killers when the post would feature mother-daughters ring slug spirit on gideon.
Right now I'm seeing "fun allowed" killer matched with "no fun allowed" survivors using every single dirty trick in the book.
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I mean speed limiter or not you did bring a dusty noose which is pretty much equivalent to a pied piper
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I want to have fun! That's why I don't last really long in matches nor red ranks lol
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I hope you slugged them to death
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I'm actually in the boat that believe Dead Dawg Saloon is survivor-sided.
A killer who intentionally brings the map with Corrupt & Pop can almost always hold a nasty 3-gen. But for the average match, the small map size makes it far easier for survivors to gen-rush than it helps killers patrol gens.
Glenvale has a lot of pallets, great LOS to see the killer coming from a mile away, and some pretty disgusting tiles to loop.
Regardless, I brought the map because I like ripping chainsaws from one side to the other.
I don't bring map offerings too often. When I do, survivors always happen to bring one as well.
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How dare they use BT!
Srsly tho why did you highlight BT lol. The only problem with it is BT bodyblocking.
The keys and ######### werent very nice tho
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Oh no, survivors, who tried to escape? This must be punished!
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I was also confused about the BT highlight. Is this now considered a toxic perk? I can’t keep up for these community rules lol.
Also, couldn’t they complain about a Billy using Infectious Fright? That literally screams SLUG FEST ‘21 to me. I’ve never gone against a one-shot killer using that perk who doesn’t try to slug the entire team. Interesting. 🌚
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It's the fact that keys are absolutely game breaking and bringing two is absolutely a declaration of war
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I don't see any issue with slugging tbh, people who say slugging is bad are just going too far. Might as well just let them escape if I can't leave a survivor on the floor. I'll never understand why someone would complain about being given yet another second chance.
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BT allowed them to play with reckless abandon.
They frequently unhooked in my face, or even had me chase a survivor back to hook to unhook in my face. The unhooked survivor would then body block me for as long as they could.
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Well clearly they wanna be hit, and counting to 15 seconds isnt hard lmao. Easy slug.
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But I love Dead Dawg as a survivor, all it takes is for your team to not be potatoes and it's amazing. Strong windkwsz a couple of decent pallets, some platform gens, bushes to hide in... The only time I feel like it's killer sided is when I'm going against a doctor.
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I’m not complaining about it. As I don’t care if I’m slugged, camped or tunnelled. As it’s just a game lol. But, a lot of people view those tactics as scummy. So I always find it funny when killers/survivors call each other out for their perks / gameplay whilst doing pretty much the exact same thing.
I was playing with a Claudette recently called NOED = Bad Player and she was using Dead Hard, DS and Unbreakable. But in her eyes those perks are completely acceptable whereas NOED is the devil. I just find the hypocrisy and constant finger pointing humorous. 🍿
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Call me unorthodox, but I don't use Infectious to slug. Especially not on a Speed Limiter Billy post-WGLF buff.
Just as BBQ lets me know where survivors are in the distance, Infectious lets me know where survivors are nearby. There is a time and place for slugging, and I am often amused by killers who become a slave to the crying sounds of Infectious Fright.
I like the information Infectious provides. Thats all.
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I love it too but a lot of killers can really benefit from the fairly unsafe pallets and small size
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I consider I'm against several Killers when my teammates switch to a key when I can't leave the lobby anymore.
The only time I accepted to run with two key holders was yesterday, because I needed people to leave before me for a tome challenge.
Keys are a declaration of war to Survivors too.
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Keys aren't fun for anyone except the person using the key, unless they have it for its aura reading use!!
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I usually play casual SWF with friends, we're not that great, a mix of ranks between red and yellow.
One of us decided to take a key, just because they had no med kits or toolboxes and thought "why not?"
5 killers dodged our lobby, the one that stuck around slaughtered us in seconds.
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Being super honest, I don't usually care if they're bringing keys. When I started playing dbd I brought them all the time, because I love the ring add on and being able to see the obsession's aura, besides not needing to run DS because of it. But I've learned quickly that keys are taboo's and stop bringing them out to avoid stress.
So unless I have a challeng to kill x amount of survivors or something like that, I let it go, because it can be fun. But if someone does a last second swap, I just disconnect during the offering screen. I think that's just plain disrespectful.
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The keys suck, but the BT isn't bad. And you got a 3K. Also, not a single DS.
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Tbh I think the game is way more fun if you keep the opponent's experience in mind, I like playing the killer more cinematically and I'd rather take a hit as a survivor than loop you
I wanna win because I deserved to win, using tricks always leaves a bad taste in my mouth
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Speed limiter billy is NOT a one shot down. Yeah, if you didn't have speed limiter and still used infectious, you would be in a really good position if you're good at the game. But it can be countered if you put in calm spirit, which can counter multiple perks and killers.
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I mean, once you were in the match you would have known there were no DS's as there isn't a single obsession perk in play so i don't see why you've even highlighted BT.
and despite the two keys, hatch offering, & speed limiter you still managed to 3K, idk man, survivors op or something.
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You can also counter Stridor Spirit by bringing Iron Will and No Mither. Doesn’t mean I’m using those perks every single game lol. I virtually never see Calm Spirit being used as it’s too situational.
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You're running bbq and chilli shut up
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I dunno... Playing killer in red ranks is sweaty but I had a lot of fun with it. There's some decent competition.
People ranks are the worst. Survivors are either toxic douchelords or stealthy cowards who haven't learned how to run a proper chase so you end up playing a 20-minute round of boring AF hide-and-seek with some Blendettes who all run self care, iron will, and spine chill.
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Everyone's ignoring the fact that you still killed 3! Very nicely done!
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survivors don't swap to keys last second to be "disrespectful' they do it to avoid franklins.
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It's a bit of a swine move to swap last second, but then again so is adding lightborn when you see a flashlight or Franklin's when you see lots of items. I've literally watched experienced streamers change their perks to counter which survivors would do if they could see the killer. So i can kinda understand why people might do the last second swap even though it's a bit scummy.
Tbf I rarely if ever see this happen though maybe 1 in 100 games that I'm in does a survivor swap out.
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I've played the game for a long time and know the game almost inside out but I never. Ever. Play enough to get me to red ranks. It just makes the game boring and repetitive as it's the same build every game with sweaty survivors or killers looking to crush your day within the first minute of play.
Like I've always said. It's the people not the perks that need fixing.
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Had This happen to me when I solo qued the other day. Last second the obvious swf threesome all switched to keys, I was so pissed I couldn't lobby dodge.
I worked gens, got a hex off the board and even ran the killer at one point. Never saw those three. Finally with 2 gens left the killer got me. I run kindred and where are they hanging out in the basement waiting for the hatch to show up. Didn't even try to get me, they just wanted their free escape. And of course their all red ranked.
Keys need reworked badly
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Honestly as a survivor I was so happy when Moris were nerfed but even I was pretty pissed that they didn't bring keys down a couple of notches. I don't know why they even exist as they remove endgame tension, end the game early or just result in a facecamp. It just isn't a good mechanic and they should really be reworked, I'm not sure what it would take to balance them but man, they are one of the 'fun for nobody' aspects in this game. The only way I can remotely see them being fun is bringing one so a killer tunnels you so you get to be chased half the time but even that is unreliable and you may as well just bring a green key
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I can understand the irritation with keys but BT? How are the survivors supposed to know your not going to face camp? I run BT almost every game because of the way the killer plays.
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Bruh, BBQ and Chilli isn't OP if that's what you're insinuating. It's still a great perk, but wouldnt be nearly as big in the meta if it wasn't for its bloodpoint boosting ability and while I wish survivors had a similar perk (or that they just removed the bloodpoint boost and increased base bloodpoint gain by a fair amount for both sides) I can't blame anyone for running it. Its just a fun perk that gives you freedom with other killers and their builds with more bloodpoints, what is the issue?
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Slugging is considered toxic because it's so damn boring. I get there is a time and a place where you should slug but those killers who literally just go out for slugs make the game so incredibly dull as you lie on the ground for 2 minutes waiting for your useless SoloQ teammates to grab you and literally having nothing else to do.
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Oh no how dare you do nothing but hold m1 (whilst you recover), that simply can't compare in boredom to any other part of survivor gameplay, oh wait hmm, how funny...
######### please being slugged is no more boring than doing a gen. Survivors just dont like it because it means they are losing.
Fyi I play both survivor and killer I'm not biased just using my brain
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Plus the piper offerings plus the hatch offering, yeah anyone pulls that kind of crap on me and switches items or characters at the six second mark I disconnect during the map load, no disconnect penalty, and I’m not gonna let people play those kind of ######### games with me.
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I play both, you obviously don't. Do you seriously think the only thing to do is a gen, and yes, even then while gens are boring the skill checks are better than literally ######### all. Gens are shorter, you have to worry about killer pressure and will get forced off into chases (the best part of the game for survivors), you can't try and take hits for teammates or aggro, try for a flash save etc... the list goes on. You literally can't do anything about your situation when being slugged until a teammate helps so yes, it is far more boring.
Fyi, I play survivor and killer I'm not biased, just using my brain
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Lmao holding m1 is the most boring thing to do in this game. The only fun part of survivor is chase interaction. Idk why you're assuming I dont play both because you don't like my opinion. Also wow the occasional skill check that must be so exciting for you. But funnily enough, I'm not talking about when you move off a gen, I'm talking about actually doing a gen, boring, more boring than being slugged because more than likely you're directly in the action trying for a pickup.
If you seriously think slugging is bad you have some thinking to do.
######### trying to be facetious at me, the nerve.
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DBD is a HUGE grind--I will gladly use perks that help chip away at the grind.
WGLF has been a staple in my survivor builds for the past 3 years, and I always have BBQ in my killer builds for the bloodpoint boost. I don't play half the killer roster, simply because I leveled them to 50 and they don't have BBQ, and I don't expect to play them until I prestiege and find BBQ in my bloodweb.
I want bloodpoints. Simple as that.
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How is it not an op perk? It does two things,guess what if a survivor wants to brink a token building perk that's all those perks do is stack that's it
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The key swap is mostly to try to counteract Franklin's, because that perk is the worst, especially since your item disappears. Also, there is a great chance that you are going to get tunnelled and camped to death if you have one because most killers react that way to keys. I play mostly solo queue so I do bring keys as personal insurance, because if I'm the last one left, 99% of the time, I'm not getting a gate open and now with that new perk that blocks the gates, I'm not getting out at all unless I can find the hatch and have a key to get through it.
Also, you killed 3 of them, what are you complaining about? The keys didn't save both of the ones carrying them or anyone else. Only one escaped. I'd say you won that match.
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I just lobby dodge if they switch last second, especially late at night when search times are 5+ minutes.
Come into the match honestly or keep waiting
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This is where there's no point playing nice. I've done padded jaws Trapper and still been tbagged and had keys used against me.
These people cry about sweat builds but then pull out all the stops against the bad builds or low-mid tier killers. Shame they have the devs wrapped around their little finger and no doubt more killers will be receiving nerfs to satisfy them soon.
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Is this a boast?
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Well the point of the speed limiter is to put you at a competitive disadvantage, so I don't know what you expected. The keys are definitely a bit sweaty, but you really can't blame them for running BT. Camping is never fun.
All of this points to the issue of DBD being in the limbo of competitive and for fun. I am, probably like you, bored with running the same meta perk builds every time (survivor and killer), and so it's nice to have a game of mad grit demo now and then. I wish we had a non-competitive mode for goofs who just want to goof off.
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They're role is to escape, your role is to kill. You can't be mad that they wanted to escape just because your original plan was to just practice. Looks like you got a 3k out of it anyway (I assume forth guy got hatch) so clearly playing speed limiter billy vs 2 keys wasn't to big of an issue.
I agree keys are bs and should be nerfed, but the only personal responsible for ensuring you have a fun game is you.