How do you feel about your game being live streamed?



  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    I don't mind.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    If I see I went against a streamer, I'll usually check to see if they're live after the match to say gg in the chat (I play on PS4 so I don't have post-game chat). I like checking back the next day, too, to watch the game from their perspective. Sometimes I can see my garbage moves in-game (like the time I got stuck between crates on Hawkins against a Bubba, I literally laughed at myself), but it's always interesting to check out the other side. For the most part, the streamers that I've popped into the chats of have been really nice! The Bubba for example was super chill, and even watching the playback, he was nice about things the whole game. Had a good laugh with a streamer playing Clown once because we were on Grim Pantry and he fell through the floor right on top of me and scared the crap out of me, so when I popped in chat and mentioned it, he got so happy and said he could only imagine how terrifying it must have been to have big ol' Clown just fall out of the sky on you. I find that most of the streamers I've gone against are just vibing tbh, and in those cases, I like that there's an easy way to have a quick post-game chat cross-platform. But even if it was to a wider audience, I wouldn't care because it doesn't affect me or my game at the end of the day.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093
    edited March 2021

    I stream survivor rounds on Twitch, and record killer rounds for YouTube. I don't have anything indicating either (like a TTV in my name).

    I don't play "toxic" if at all possible from either perspective. When my team gets wrecked by a killer and I see they have TTV in their name, I usually head to their stream to give them a follow (if they played non-toxic, which has been pretty much 95%+ of my interactions) and compliment them on their play. I've had nothing but good interaction with those people I've run against, so I haven't minded being part of their content at all. Being able to check out how I played afterwards has also been instructive in my getting better.

    As killer recording for YT, I've messaged many a player after the game to give them a GG (I'm on console) -- I've met a lot of really nice people that way (many of which I now play SWF with as well), and when I've told them they're part of a YT video, to a person they've always been excited to see the match from my point of view. On the occasions I've run into a streamer playing survivor, I've gone afterwards to compliment them as well when warranted, and again, I've pretty much had nothing but positive interactions with people I've played against, so I have no issues with being a part of someone's stream.

    I've only had one bad experience -- a TTV player who was a fellow survivor and who rage quit less than a minute into the match since we were facing a Spirit. As tempting as it was to head to their stream to thank them for hanging the rest of us out to dry, I just let it pass. I'm not saying there aren't ill-mannered people out there who stream and are bad individuals, but I've been fortunate not to run across them.

    My biggest regret was that I played against the Ohmwrecker once in a match, the biggest name content creator I've ever faced in either capacity (I was The Pig -- he booped the snoot and I let him live when he was on death hook). He was streaming, not on Twitch, but on Caffeine instead, and I wasn't able to see the match from his end. I would have loved to hear what he was thinking/saying during it.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Like 90% TTV survivors are just play nice in a normal game, if there are 1 TTV, I always go into their stream and say hi before the match. (Only that one time I got instantly blocked)

    With 2 or more TTV in a match, I dont have much time to do that.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,700

    You can discuss the topic, but please keep in mind the forums have a no name and shame policy, so avoid naming specific people, especially in a negative light.

  • Woot1234
    Woot1234 Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2021

    Cuts both ways. I've been destroyed by a streamer and quickly cut over to their feed to hear the insults. Likewise I've destroyed streamers and then in the post-game they admit they got destroyed. Sometimes a bit salty too. Can't take that too seriously though.

    It's interesting in either case when they take time to discuss how the game went because it's an opportunity to get someone else's perspective on a match and potentially learn a few things.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165


    When I'm killer I dodge, they can find someone else to provide them with content. Most times as killer I'm just trying to complete a challenge, not deal with sweaty ttv player that just wants to be toxic and trash on players for views.

    If I could as survivor I would dodge if I knew the killer was a streamer. Most killers do toxic crap while trashing on players for their viewers similar to survivor streamers and I'd rather avoid that.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I found a small streamer I enjoy through them having TTV in their name but even before that I didn’t mind seeing streamers in my games. I actually love when they stream the match I’m in because it gives me an opportunity to either:

    • Reflect on my mistakes from the other side’s perspective


    • I can see the other side’s perspective if I did well to serve as a slight boost to my ego.

    I honestly can’t lose either way, I either better myself or I get an often much needed confidence boost. People who intentionally go out of their way to try and make the streamer’s content less interesting by being a complete dick to them are just pathetic losers. People are entitled to stream if they wish. If this upsets you for some reason then just dodge the lobby. It’s so easy to be nice and so unnecessary to be intentionally rude. I guess people just forget basic manners once the internet becomes involved.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    I don't mind, but I'm worried I'll make a fool of myself, which in turn always makes me play worse.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    I like to watch their vods to hear them react and see how I could play it better. So stream all you want

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’ll try to just play normally and drop by their chat after the game. Most of them are pretty chill

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727

    I just treat streamers the same as everyone else.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    I don't mind it but i doubt i am in any other streamers games, i stream the game but I don't mind it at all.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I couldn't care less, I don't play any differently if it's a TTV because they're just playing the game, the same as you and me.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    You shouldn't let simply the thought of someone trash talking get to you. Because even if they did it, and on stream, they're gonna forget all about it in the next 5 minutes, they won't even remember your username. It's a videogame, you're playing it for fun just like everybody else. There's no reason to be insecure about your gameplay, their trashtalk means nothing.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I don't care at all. I play like I always do. I don't treat them any different nor do I check the streamers afterwards.

    They are humans like everyone else.

  • Yumyumtasty
    Yumyumtasty Member Posts: 172

    Funfact: most ppl watch streamer for the personality, otherwise Marth88 would be a top DBD streamer since he's arguably one of the best killers in this game

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298

    Indifferent, but you'd think that if it was a TTV killer that they'd try to avoid tunneling/camping much otherwise it's probably one with practically nonexistent viewers.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I dont like it for 3 reasons:

    First and foremost, IF they are making money they are not giving any to the rest of the players that unwillingly participate, they wouldnt be able to play the game without the mass of players that dont stream, I dont think the guy who is getting bullied and dissed on livestream is very happy of being the laughing stock of a bunch of people when he is not even getting anything out of it.

    Second mainly as Survivor teammates streamsnipping is real and it hurts the team A LOT, I dont consider it illegal, its like playing poker and showing your hand willingly to your rivals, but it doesnt mean I want to team up with you.

    Third, this is not always but a lot of streamers please their audience by trolling and bullying the other team, so they end being useless, not doing much of worth because they want to piss off the Killer with their clickity-click or bullying Survivors with scummy stuff etc.

    I almost always dodge streamers, nobody asked me to participate in their stream and I dont want to.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    How is the legal ground here? When i say before the match, that i don´t consent to participate in the stream.

    Isn´t Twitch obliged to interfere?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I dont think there is much legal ground yet, like pretty much everything Internet related when something new appears is rarely regulated because the laws are not really prepared for new stuff but one day, something is gonna happen and somebody is going to want reparations (either some massive bullying, some unwilling participant who thinks is entitled to a share of the profits, a real death threat or wathever) then an ambulance-chasing lawyer is gonna pick the case and make a fuss, forcing regulations over all of it.

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    You ever just think of it as putting smiles on peoples faces and entertaining them? Didn't think so, with that attitude.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Streamers, especially the big ones have been asking for a streamer mode that hides names for a while now, it's not like they want to show your stuff off.

  • Hazular
    Hazular Member Posts: 31

    I've generally only had good experiences with streamers so far but I am pretty new.

    Had a nice Michael who went easy on me and gave me hatch so I dropped by his stream after the game for a follow and a lurk. Was playing Huntress once as a Rank 17 and got matched against an entire purple rank lobby. Stuck it out and managed to get a couple of hooks (but no sacrifices), dropped into two of their streams and they both gave me some constructive feedback rather than just mocking me for my terrible aim 😅

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2021

    I'm not a lawyer, but under GDPR you might have some sort of argument for having the video censored and/or deleted, since it can be argued that it contains personal information. Of course, that presupposes you are in the EU. Not many places have passed privacy protection laws that apply online.

    EDIT: Again, not a lawyer. If you want legal counsel, then speak with a lawyer and/or some institution in your country that provides legal counsel. We can't know which laws apply to your country.

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    All of this is false as no personal information is being displayed. A nickname that can be changed at will online does not classify as personal information. Cut the crap.

  • Botiz
    Botiz Member Posts: 483

    I don't suppose you happened to morph as the killer did you?

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    You are very much spreading misinformation and then excusing it by going "I'm not responsible". Just don't comment for a change if you have nothing substantial to say.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    (1) 'personal data' means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;


    I'm not talking out of my ass, that is what the GDPR seems to be saying. However, because I'm not an expert, I explicitly said so and also advised Tsulan to consult someone who is.

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    I am guessing the "online identifier" is what you are so wild on. In Steam's case that would be the ID64 because that is the definitive ID to your account that does not change. Even the web address to your profile can be changed at a whim, not just the nickname. I doubt Streamers would go out of their way to fetch people's ID64 while trying to enjoy the game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2021

    The GDPR states that for data to be processed anonymously, the process that results in anonymity must be irreversible, because

    Data that has been encrypted de-identified or pseudonymized but can be used to re-identify a person is still personal data.

    And now under "pseudonymization"...

    Pseudonymization is when data is masked by replacing any identified or identifiable information with artificial identifiers.

    Although it can be a great way to protect the security and privacy of personal data – pseudonymization is limited. Even though pseudonymous data will not identify a person directly, they can be indirectly identified relatively easily.

    Some examples of this type of personal data include

    • An internet user name, such as a name used to post to an online discussion forum.
    • Any social networking data, such as a person’s friend list and login information.
    • Internet user-generated data – data that is knowingly generated by an individual, such as discussion forum posts, internet searches, and personal data that they input into their social networking profiles.
    • RFID codes (radio frequency identification)- RFID chips will usually include an identifiable unique number, which individualizes any property to which it is attached and can therefore be used to identify someone.
    • Unique identification numbers on personal devices. For example, Mac addresses, IP address, Bluetooth number, International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number, or Near Field Communication number.


    Now, you can say that streamers would be unlikely to go for the ID64, and that's probably correct, but it's not what you were saying before. You were implying I was talking out of my ass and spreading misinformation. I expect an apology.

    Also, keep in mind this is not just about Steam. There are multiple other platforms that do not let you change usernames at will, and people on those platforms play DbD as well.

    EDIT: And, just because I don't want to be accused of providing legal counsel, I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, and you should see a lawyer if you want legal advice.

  • Yoonz
    Yoonz Member Posts: 66

    You started digging up legitimate information after you have been called out, you won't be awarded an apology. On top of that, you aren't targeted specifically by any streamer streaming the game. They're just enjoying the same game that you are enjoying and streaming it. I doubt anyone in their right mind would go to court with "I saw Streamer X streaming the gameplay footage of [DATE, TIME] with me in it and demand a trial."

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I tend not to watch streams anyway, but I have no issue with it and play the same in a match where I was streamed as I would in a non-streamed match.

  • as killer watching their vod to see their perspective is always fun after the game if their chill i may stick around in their stream for a while if they tilt and are toxic it can be funny to watch them get rolled by me a second time

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    Not so. It's vertical integration.... uh, or horizontal.... well, maybe more diagonal here? Something like that.

    If this were an independent forum that logic would hold, but it's run by the people who control the direct content that's being streamed. BHVR could--if they wanted--ban people who released footage without first obscuring the names. They could--if they wanted--include a means of automatically obscuring that info for streaming. The former idea isn't very realistic---though the latter seems pretty easy--but the point being: they wield power over the content produced (and, more-so, what continues being produced) even without controlling the platforms.

    When it comes to FogWhispers though, it's not even control by-proxy though. There's already a direct financial relationship I'd expect to include any number of onerous conditions already. A clause against "naming & shaming" from at least their quasi-employee streamers is easily within grasp.

    Not to say they should (or shouldn't do) this. It's the schism of standards that's funny. Outside the forums, they seem perfectly in-line with the reality most everyone else accepts as fair game (that being "if you don't want your gameplay shared, you shouldn't be playing multiplayer games" and such).

    To be fair, it's not really ironic I suppose. Silly--sure--but the actual underlying logic is consistently applied. Fog Whispers talking smack about nobodies benefits them. Nobodies speaking ill of Fog Whispers--even in measured, accurate and meaningful discussion--well, that ain't so good. Thus, policy is born.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    How would you even know you're in streamers game?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    ...Which may or may not be correct. It's based on my reading and my understanding of the GDRP.

    I cannot stress this enough: if you want legal advice, talk to a lawyer. Anything else should be taken with a big grain of salt.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Wow someone figured it out, but lets not name shame him, forum rules, I will say, hes not my favorite but I could care less about his attitude.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    There is a distinct difference between seeing someones name and then going out of your way to go to someones channel and watch the game so you can see what they are doing, what they are doing and what perks they have.

    The fact that some people think this is a fair comparison is completely absurd.

    Everyone in the game can see your name, the dozens of players you go against can see your name.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    I don't think I've ever been aware I was part of a match being streamed except one time. A killer sent me a message in the lobby telling me they were streaming and gave me instructions on how they wanted me to play.

    I don't care one way or the other if I'm being streamed but the moment you tell me how to play.....

    I equipped OoO and Sole Survivor. I immersed until all 3 other survivors were dead. Then I just followed the killer around while they looked for me. I did that for a good 10 minutes before finally allowing them to find me. I would normally never do such a thing. However, the moment someone thinks being a streamer allows them to give me instructions on how to play I'm going to very purposefully ruin their stream.

    In other words I'm perfectly fine being part of a stream because I don't care at all what anyone else thinks of the way I play. I'm playing for my enjoyment. Just don't send me a message before the match telling me how to play because you're streaming. It's not going to go well for you.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Don´t worry. I was just curious. Thank you for the effort.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I ussually don't like playing steamers as I'm always on a rotation of like 6-7 killers and they change constantly. None of my killers have every perk to combat everything I need them. Since I am still leveling all my killers I am more of a jack of all trade type so when I see a streamer party I sometimes don't see the point in there meta party versus my yellow/green perk killer I barely use so I will dodge (since can't switch my killers). Now when I am using killers I have a bit more time into or at least a set of decent perks it can be a great learning experience. So I just recently started watching streams (Tofu, Monto my Favs for now) but before I never did like ever. My 13 year old son is obsessed with watching them all like sometimes will watch instead of play. So I load into a game with Slinger not alot of time spent on him but enough and things are going decent. The kids are on there laptops like norm so I'm enjoying my game and this crew was good (didn't notice the ttv in lobby) flashlights, 4 DH, yata yata and there ahead and they pop the gen on the hanging deck (saloon) as I coming up the stairs they scatter well I screwed up and couldn't decide who to chase and jumped off, looking around, and fired mid air and hit the streamer still one of my best shots with him. When the game ends my son goes Dad they were playing you (no one knew wish I did). Found out he called me a god because I didn't miss any of my shots against them (I'm not next game missed like 6) and also got some advice in other areas. I would still rather only play them when I am more equiped for it that way they get the correct challenge as well.