Nothing is over!!

Stop saying it’s over that Trickster will never be buffed again nothing is over!! When he comes out play him until you know his strengths and weaknesses then give all the feedback you need remember we have 2 hot fixes to fix him give the devs all the feedback they need to buff him just because they didn’t buff him in the PTB doesn’t mean there not going to buff him at all!
Don’t give up fight back give all the feedback you can find about him and submit it so they can buff him!
Ik I just made an unofficial petition
So if you feel like he was done dirty go there and leave your "feed back" and please read what I put
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So, they might still buff him more before release. If they make his knives hit a bit harder, at least he will be a bit competitive. If they give him single ricochet, at least he will have a fun mechanic. If they get rid of Main Event, nobody will notice or care. In the event of any of these things, cool. They did a good.
However, if he releases and the current changes are all he gets, I think people will be justified in their disappointment. Yes, one can play him and learn him to death, but it's not really the players job to do something they don't find fun just so they can give super-accurate feedback. Furthermore, playing Trickster on the PTB and giving feedback clearly wasn't enough (so far). If no further changes are made to Trickster before release, then BHVR hasn't really given any real indication that ANY feedback will be taken into account. At that point, you could play him for a year, write a novel about the issues with him, get a team of scientists to describe his issues and the solutions to them, and you'd still have BHVR just sitting there in their office saying "So how can we nerf Legion today?"
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Lol. Is the trickster free or do you expect to pay money to be his beta tester and provide additional feedback that might not be listened to when he's live?
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Well, he is free if you have enough shards...
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Ohh hold on here's almost half a month of my life 1 free character please