This forum has become a massive echo chamber

We all know it. Despite most people not wanting to admit it.
If literally anything pro-survivor comes up in these forums, it gets absolutely ransacked by the forums majority.
If something related to both sides comes up, the survivor part gets ignored and the killer side gets praised.
This whole site is just one big circle jerking echo chamber now. The mentality is "Killer = Good, Survivor = Bad".
No ideas can be shared and nothing can be said unless it's pro-killer and anti-survivor.
Hell, I bet 99% of you didn't even read this far. The second you read "pro-survivor", you tuned out, tightened your big boy pants, pushed up your glasses, cracked your fingers and were ready to tell off the "toxic survivor main" who posted this.
Ffs... It's like I'm not even allowed to play both sides anymore.
Sorry, I tuned out at the "pro-survivor" part. What were we talking about?
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Nerf DS.
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Dunno from my recent experience it doesn't seem too echochamber-like to me
I had some neat discussion about infectious fright and nerfing it, same with nerfing freddy yesterday
If you could provide some examples of what you're talking about, I'd like to better understand where you're coming from
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This forum is a massive conduit for people playing a video game to feel sorry for themselves for being oPpREssEd by the existence of other people who play the video game?
No kidding.
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Very true.
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I see both sides represented--not equally, but I do see both sides being pissy about things with their side backing them up and the other vilifying them.
Sorry you feel burnt-out on it, though. Try having some good old-fashioned hang-out time with your friends and come back to this mess later, yeah?
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Yeah its pretty circle jerky. Unfortunate which is why I stick to discord.
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Survivor op
Nerf now
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they are
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You clearly only hear what you want to hear. By all means wallow in your essence. In my experience, there are long, ranting posts by people complaining from the viewpoint of both roles, and all get jumped on with equal vigor. That is the nature of the internet. Me, I play both roles, and think any "us versus them" nonsense is a waste of our time. When I hear a post like yours, I know to just ignore you because you have no context or perspective on the actual game.
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A lot of killer mains come on here to complain and seek validation from other killer mains.
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In terms of thread-making I don't think there's a massive difference, you get Killer complaints and Survivor complaint threads, but in terms of replies/upvotes, it's salty Killers all the way down.
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nah, the only reason why killer threads get more upvotes is because survivors are not used to kindness.
Add a "tbag at the exit gate" button and I'm sure survivor posts will be voted as well!
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I’ve heard rumours there’s a couple of post about noed. They’re usually anti killer pro survivor
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That's not true, many of us play both sides and will put our opinions across to benefit either side when we feel it's needed. But thanks for labelling us all the same, that's a great way to get people on your side lol.
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I’m glad someone finally said it.
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Probably because anything pro-survivor that comes up involves more second chances, or nerfing the only viable killers because they're "not fun".
Survivor doesn't need buffs, it just needs some QOL changes to reduce the negatives and some changes to bring solo in line with SWF. A good example would be a totem counter, or a way to share info like in Junds video. This would buff solo and wouldn't really affect SWF. You could also make BT distance related rather than TR so that Freddy and stealth killers couldn't get away with camping. These would make solos and duos more powerful, reduce some of the unfun aspects of survivor such as surprise NOED or camping, and it wouldn't overpower the current rank 1 swfs.
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This forum is a massive echo chamber for people like you who think the forum is an echo chamber that favors killers when in reality there is equally as much annoying, useless complaining on both sides.
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lmao it was always like that, from the moment I entered this place it was filled with threads about how the evil x mains ruin the experience of the game.
80% killer jerk, 20% survivor jerk. It gets ######### tiring seeing someone ######### and moan in every other thread about the side they don't like.
The forums are a joke but it's the best we have I think.
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I certainly don't see it, I get just as much praise/hate for any of my opinions. Proof would be nice if you're going to make these kinds of claims, and I'm talking a study over a year or so of threads that take aitno accounts patches with heavy buffs/nerfs to one side.
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It would be an echo chamber if only one side did it. Literally every thread complaining about one side has the other side complaining in it too.
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Yeah,i feel like OP hasn't been around for too long.
How else could you NOT see all the threads of killers AND survivors complaining
For example:
-A person complains about dead hard and you'll see survivors mains telling you to just bait the dead hard
-Another person complains about NOED and you'll see killer mains to just do the bones
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The millionth thread on this. Next up killer mains will complain the devs are survivor sided and then immediately get "bashed" as well. I see it happen to both sides. I think the answer is obvious. Ppl disagree with ideas and will give their disagreements.
Also to be fair, most of the "pro-to-a-side" ideas are kinda... Not really fair for both sides. Most of them would basically kill the perks/killers. For example, DS probably needed a change but the devs made it an even more circumstantial perk. Same thing with Moris. They probably needed a change but the devs just made them meh. The good ideas generally follow this trend. The absolutely terrible ideas are much worse. It's why dbd powers always seems to trend toward mediocrity or extremely circumstantial abilities.
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I feel like this game would be so much better than it is if people could have civil discussions and bring forth their ideas on how to bring this game as close to balanced as possible. Half these posts I read just seem like post game rants because someone had a bad game and can't just move on from their loss.
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Including this post.
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On the contrary. Any time I suggest a killer buff or killer perk change, shot down. So either the killer mains are sleeping while I make those posts, or this forum is actually mostly survivor sided.