Does anybody know if there are any current sound problems in the game?

I just played a game with infectious fright where I've downed people but I barely got any scream alerts. Then when I would pick somebody up, they would come out of the woodworks. One had a toolbox and was constantly trying to sabotage hooks I was headed to after I picked up a survivor. Another was just holding their sprint burst in order to try to bait a hit from me. And at the end of the game when I only had 2 survivors left, I downed a survivor, saw the Yui trying to move in for a hook sabo, so chased and downed her instead of picking up the first downed survivor, hooked her and had BBQ show me the general location of the other survivor, and then could not find her because I didn't hear any cries of pain.
During the game itself I was thinking "Dang, I haven't seen this many Iron Wills in a while", but when it got to the end screen, this is what I saw
Now admittedly, it could have just been the most unexpected series of coincidences and I was never actually in range for infectious fright to go off most of the time. Maybe the bleed out survivor wasn't in range for me to hear her. So I have to ask if other people are having similar problems or not?
This game has a LOT of problems with sound.
There's a bug that gives survivors free Iron Will.Another one makes downed survivors completely silent etc.
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I’ve had the sound of survivors on hooks keep playing after they’ve been sacrificed
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Infectious is spotty right now. Sometimes you get the bubble but not the scream, othertimes you get the scream but not the bubble. Yeah there are a lot of sound problems too. The game tends to think survivors are further than they are if there’s a wall between you, even if its just a single outdoor wall which wouldnt affect sound. Also survivors are meant to be quieter when crouched but they’re actually silent to the killer
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Same here. One guy called them "ghost echoes", which in some way could be cool, were it not for the fact it can drown out the soundsbof other survivors nearby.
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Better Question: When is sound not broken?
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I’m so sick of hunting down pained survivors, only to find an item, a pool of blood, and a mean looking meat hook.
I get it Hooky, you did great, now shut up.
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Just typical BHVR with their "leave it broke, fix it later, and break it again" mentality
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I'm always getting the sound bug of hearing sacrificed Survivors near the hook they died on, and occasionally I sometimes get Survivors who make no noise on the ground. But yesterday I got a really weird Killer sound problem- was playing against a Clown on Chapel and couldn't hear his TR all game. Not a status effect like Undetectable or Oblivious- I could always hear a heartbeat but he had no TR music, themed or otherwise. One of the weirdest bugs I've gotten in a game.