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General Discussions

Basement Bubba is boring. We need more Basement Heads or Basement Trappers

Member Posts: 101

In an effort to find more meme builds to try to enjoy the game, I decided to run this build with PH:

Add on: Obsidian Goblet

Perks: Iron Grasp, Iron Maiden, Monstrous Shrine, Discordance

What a disgusting game

Spawn into autohaven, hook one in the basement, apply trails all over the shack, stand on trail to be undetectable

Everytime someone left the shack they were tormented. Everyone who got off the hook got sent to a cage. They caused Iron maiden to proc 3 times. 3 died on basement hooks, the 4th tried to find hatch but I found it first and stood near it in a trail/undetectable and closed it in her face with no terror radius

This game is fun when you play like a #########

With PH it felt a lot easier and more involved than using Bubba. Do people just use Bubba because he can down multiple survivors in front of the hook at once? Even Trapper seems more fun with trapping the hell out of the basement/shack but I hardly ever see it. Point is, if it's gonna be a basement game, using Bubba just seems boring af in comparison to what you can do with other killers

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