Best Chase Music?

Whose is everyone’s favorite chase music? Mine personally is Deathslinger. Just makes me what to bang my head and just infinitely either get chased or chase someone as Deathslinger.
Gotta go with Clown. It’s the first chase theme that is actually disturbing in a way
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I love Demos personally! It's just so good.
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Clown and blight for me.
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While his chase music is disturbing and I like it I wouldn’t say it’s something to head bang too lol
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I can never remember his chase music cause all I hear is demos heavy footsteps and screeching.
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I haven’t come across Blight enough to even remember his chase music
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Myers, who doesn't like the Halloween theme
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It goes like: dodododododododododododo! 😊
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Cant decide between Deathslinger and Blight, so both on Place 1.
Pyramidhead would be on the next place.
Honorable mention: Stage 2 of Onis Theme, where the drums kick in.
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Although blights is headbang least to Blight
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I’d headband to that drum any day!
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I'm going old school and saying Michael Myers. Even if its technically not the real John Carpenter tracks, its still godly
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Blight's chase music.
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Deathslinger. After Demo's POV theme got changed I have to go with him. It's just so heart pounding, really gets the adrenaline going during chases.
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Definitely Deathslinger for chase but for menu music I'd go for Hillbilly.
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P head, Oni, and deathslinger
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Heck yeah my man
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1st: Pyramid Head PTB/ Demogoron PTB
2nd: Twins/ Trickster
3rd: Blight/Myers
4th: Deathslinger/Oni/Clown
5: Billy
6th: Doctor
7th Demogorgon LIVE/Pyramid Head LIVE
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Billy or Demo :)
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Twins and Oni!!! The Twins have that cool drum thing going TUN TUKA TUKA TUN TUKA TUKA and the violins??? I'm running for my ✨life✨
And ofc Oni with the BONK BONK BONK piece during his chase theme... Now that I'm thinking about it I just like spooky drum bonking in chases lol :)!
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Mikey's is my favorite. That classic iconic Halloween theme is just too good. John Carpenter greatness.
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Clown's chase music is a bop. I love it.
Also, Blight's chase music is pretty rad.
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i like Demo, myers, and pyramid head’s chase music. It’d be kinda cool if all killers had their own chase music.
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Clown has the worsssssst music stupid drums like he's in the army wtffff
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Demogorgon, Oni or PH.
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If Oni's old chase music was still in the game then I'd have said Oni. Since they changed it, I'd have to go with Blight, Doc's and pp head's being close second and third.
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You mean 'The Shape Stalks'?
The Halloween main theme is only implemented as a stinger through his power and lobby selection.
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I take it you've never heard marching drums in a circus?
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I'd have to say Blight is my current favorite with Executioner as a close second. Very atmospheric and immersive.
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1 - Pyramid Head, Just awesome although the 8m part was way better in the PTB.
2 - Trickster, By far the most terrifying chase music, hearing the screams mixed with a loud electronic beat while being chased by a bright and colorful killer is really unique.
3 - Deathslinger, Makes me want to play him just for the music.
4 - Myers, Classic.
5 - Twins, It is nice but it's too quiet and you almost cannot hear it while playing survivor (also twins suck).
6 - Clown, It' so fun chasing people with Clown while hearing a Circus's themed song.
7 - Doctor, Loud and annoying, would be higher but every time you hear it as a survivor you know you are going to be shocked.
8 - Old Demo's, Now while playing Demogorgon you hear the same music as the survivor while in chase, the old one was better.
9 - Billy, it's ok.
10 - Blight, the 32m, 24m and 8m parts are boring and hard to distinct, the chase theme is really good but it's also the loudest on the killer side.
11 - Oni, Dull and lame, especially while in a chase.
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demogorgon and deathslinger
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I actually like the Trickster's chase music! It's different and terrifying
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It sounds more like army march. Even True who streams was like ######### is up with the march music
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I was playing against a toxic SWF and somehow they hacked the chase music to this:
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Considering everything, here’s how i would rank them in different categories:
Most adrenaline filled music: Deathslinger
Most violent chase music: Pyramid Head (the Live version not PTB)
The chase music that fits the killer the most: The Twins, or the Blight (you can hear Victor crying in it and it’s just full of emotions, same goes to Blight because it sounds like he got consumed by his own ambitions)
The most fun to hear as a survivor: Demopls
The most badass to hear as a killer: The Oni
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Deathslinger and Demo.
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Blight for me
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1st. Pyramid Head LIVE/PTB, Blight, Deathslinger, Clown
2nd. Twins, Oni
3rd. Michael
4th. Billy, Demo
5th. Doctor, Trickster
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Heavily disagree, it sounds like circus drumming and is very fitting.
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The Clown is the only one that I really notice. Everything else sounds the same to me. Except Michael Meyers, I think. But I am not the most attentive person...
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Slinger hands down, honestly though most all of the custom chase music is really good, only docs sucks the rest are top tier.
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Either Pyramid Head's or Oni's killer POV music, which I haven't heard in a long time because it's been bugged for several months
I liked it way more on the survivor's end too. I'm a HUGE sucker for loud drums and fast percussion like this, especially for horror music and hearing this while being chased by Oni in the PTB was so cool.