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Why do people use iri head on Huntress?

Member Posts: 2,270

Is there really any reason that people use iri head other than the fact that they want to win in a video game so badly that they have to make the game as unfair as possible in their favor?

I had a Twitch streamer use the excuse of them warming up for practice as a Huntress main. Really? You want to practice by making the game as easy as possible? Iri head is the most ridiculous thing in this game.

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  • Member Posts: 318

    I use them now every game because I know they get changed in the future. I only use them with 1 and not 3 but I want them gone.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Just hope that they get changed into something fun for both sides when the Huntress gets her add on rework. Although, they didn't change the red one-hit add on for clown with his rework, which was a big mistake in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I want Trapper buffed. I don't want Huntresses base kit to be nerfed, just this one addon that the devs even think is too OP.

  • Member Posts: 598

    I don't know mate, in my region they do the exact opposite. There some sense of honour and integrity with skillful killers. Hardly have latency issues on my server either cos we're population dense near the server. Huntress is one of my favourites to play against, especially a good one.

    I don't think I've seen iri head in a hundred Huntress games. I think the players gets it's overpowered. Not sure why Huntress hasn't got an add-on pass yet. It's been in the game since release. That's nuts.

  • Member Posts: 598

    It is the most ridiculous killer thing in the game. As soon as huntress downs somebody it's also impossible to get a hook save if they choose to. If a twitch streamer is running it for practice, don't expect their stream to grow lol. They're bad at the game.

  • Posts: 5,229

    I've had 6 huntresses today. All 6 were toxic and 2 had Iri heads.

    I am on NA servers.

    Even if I ran into a nice huntress as surprising as that would be, it wouldn't outweigh the fact that most of them are just the worst. I don't know what it is, even Leatherfaces camping is rarer for me.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Because it's a good add-on and they want to. Do they need more reasons?

  • Member Posts: 915

    I see this very often (like at least 1 times every session). It's ridiculous this hasn't been nerfed yet. Like how can people even say it has a counter or it's fair, it's an easy win for the killer, nothing else. If i play with a team i try my best (mostly in vain) but whenever i play solo i just try to die early because my time is too valuable for me to go through this. Maybe if everyone would think and play like this, the Huntresses' would lose motivation to use this add on - i used pink moris sometimes before the nerf whenever i had multiple bad games in a row. It never felt satisfying because most people just refused to play the game and surrendered to their fate.

  • Member Posts: 313

    After seeing u guys talking about nerfing it, I used all of my IRI heads on my main account. On my another account I have 11 IRI heads and I will use them when I see full of squares ID X 4 or more than 2 flashlights.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I see that iri is pink, which should be pretty rare on bloodweb, so I imagine they can't run it ALL the time. It's not like it's common, so I just let em have it. I accept potential defeat and move on to the next game, where it's not likely that the killer has a pink OP add-on lol.

    The iri head huntresses I find in my rank don't really seem toxic. It might feel like it, cuz they killed me LOL, but that's what killers do. Some games are easy for em, some aren't. I don't think about it too much and try to get into the next game as soon as I'm dead lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    Yeah i used to love Huntress but the more i play the more i see that 95% of the Huntress players are just ultra sweaty and toxic.

    You can be sure that even if they go outside of the Kindred radius (which is rare) they still are holding a hatchet up, ready to down you when you get unhook.

    Iri Head is maybe the most powerful addon in the game, has no real downside to it, or don't require any specific skill to activate, if you compare it to Iri Coin from Deathslinger that need to it you from at least 15m for it to work. Iri can be paired with belt so the -4 hatchets isn't much and don't have any distance requirement.

    Either make it that hatchet hit from at least 24m are downing the survivor, she can only carry one no matter the belt addon or that she is incredibly slow down when readying a hatchet so the survivor have a shot at getting some distance/finding a hiding place

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    No i'm asking if there is any other reasons than the ones I stated.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I don't play killer much and don't really see swf that often or if I do I just don't notice it. It's not really a problem that pertains to me so I didn't ask that question lol.

  • Member Posts: 214

    I recommend playing killer more especially huntress. As someone who dabbles with huntress from time to time hit can be difficult lining up (especially console players) a shot or you could have some amazing hitboxes (talking about you autohaven) that just eat your hatchet out of thin air. Depending on the previous match the huntress you faced might have felt like they wanted to overpower the survivors as they had a bad match. Other than that you'll just have to deal with Iri hatchets until they change it and don't worry both sides are waiting for things to be fixed that seem unfair to players.

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2021

    When I use iri huntress, I only do double hook then farm with the survivor. Though I know some survivor just suicide on hook, not blaming them. If I face an iri huntress, I suicide on hook too, because most of the time they're not going to farm with the survivor, the game feel like zero chance to win to keep me stay in game.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Instead of suicide, which btw is screwing over the other survivors, practice dodging hatchets that match or be more sneaky. Huntress can't hatchet what she can't see.

    Also, what makes a match more unfun and unfair to Survivors is first hook suicides and DC s. But yeah.......the huntress with the iri heads is the toxic one......BTW, advice to survivors as it is what I do. If i get hooked and face camped, I wait through first phase .... Then Struggle till my time runs out. Most survivors just kill themselves. Why? When playing survivor you're part of a team. And one thing we need to do is distract the killer. You on a hook with a face camper means the others can pop gens. So the killer screwed you, oh well, don't screw the rest of your team over. Stay on that hook as long as possible.

  • Member Posts: 3,772
    edited March 2021

    Dunno. Feels like cheating yourself out of gameplay. You'll most likely get at least 1 DC as there's no way of even knowing if its an Iri at match start. I've made smart plays where I'd sacrifice a health state to get my speed boost to escape a bad situa-HAHA just kidding iridiscent head.

    Personally I think they should revert it to 3 hatchets, make it only insta on a fully charged shot. Remove infantry belt.

  • Member Posts: 918

    Why not? It’s good.

    Why do swf groups bring 3 toolboxes and a key?

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    They want a easy game, even though killer is at its easiest right now.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Winning at all costs is a reasonable thing for either side to want to do (barring rule-breaking). If that ends up being un-fun, that is more of an issue with the game itself than the players trying to win.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I mean in that case every survivor should be bringing pink keys every game and every single person should be playing Nurse. I don't have a problem with people using amazing killers like Nurse and Spirit but iri head is just way overboard. Sometimes you should be finding a common ground and not be using the most overpowered builds every game especially in a game that is very unbalanced like this one is.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    It being reasonable does not mean everyone is required to do it. It means that it is okay that they do it. Again, if that ends up being unfun, that's an issue with the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I'm also not saying you are required to not use iri head, i'm just asking what the thought process behind it is. Like why people don't want to improve at the game and want to be handed wins.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Some people want to use the best tools available to win. That is not inherently a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 3,772
    edited March 2021

    You've just opened a big ol' can of whataboutism knowing this forum.

    For some players winning is everything, even if it means taking shortcuts. The dopamine from winning is the "fun" for them, not the actual gameplay. They don't care if you or they have fun as long as they win.

    I like to win, sure. But I also want to have fun. It's why I tend to only play low/mid tier killers nowadays and avoid meta/boring perkbuilds, I'm sort of the opposite in that as long as the match was tense and challenging, I don't really care about the outcome. Spirit/Fred/Slinger all made chases short and boring and that was where the fun in the game was for me. But for someone who loves those killers their fun comes from the fact that chases are short and easy, and the fun comes from elsewhere for them.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Yes, I didn't realize how much whataboutism there would be lol. Saying "Well what about SWF with keys" isn't helpful.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    It's funny seeing users who have previously complained about it in their own threads immediately break out the "BUT WHAT ABOUT [blank]". Its a problem with the whole community, not just here. It's a problem with every asymmetrical game I've ever played.

    People experienced in one form of gameplay but not the other usually resort to it when something they like/use often gets criticised. There's a major lack of impartiality on these forums that makes serious balance discussion very difficult.

  • Member Posts: 458

    My favorite is when the match ends and I see that the Huntress was using Iri like "apparently it was a good thing none of them hit"

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    5th time you have posted in this thread something that makes me very certain you aren't actually looking for a dialogue. You've decided already what you believe, and won't hear anything against it.

    I play console, I use iri heads from time to time, (pink add-on, and I prioritize perks in the bloodweb, so I'm not exactly swimming in hatchets) my aim is terrible enough that I'm as surprised as the Survivor if I get a hit with it.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I've gotten a lot of helpful insight on this thread, that's why I make them.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Put a range restriction on it and you'll be giving her a useless add-on. You can't even name someone or find any videos of someone successfully using Slinger's detain of the add on because it's just not worth it.

    Putting a range restriction on iri heads is like asking a guy how long his pecker is and for him to measure it after making out. Just by asking him he aint gonna be in the mood anymore.

  • Member Posts: 848

    sometimes I play as the huntress and I use add-ons for making my hatchets go faster. but I hate hook camping. they should actually do a thing that if they hook camp you, you should get out of the hook and have the endurance effect. that's my idea if they hook camp for you that long, it's annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,316

    Mate Billy, bubba, clown they all have insta downs and to be honest huntress and clown insta down takes more skill tbf as you have to aim and throw. Bubba just needs to rev his chainsaw and it basically has aoe and Billy can also chainsaw fairly easy.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Deathslinger you need to not only hit the player but also reel them in so there's a bit more to him being successful than the Huntress. Huntress you just need to hit someone with the hatchet from a distance and plenty of good Huntress players can do this so the add on will still be useful for them. Putting the range restriction means no more ridiculous point blank insta downs.

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