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Feedback on the chaser camping penalty for killers

It does not work,. Period. Ever since the halloween event started barring a few chilled out killers, I was either facecamped or tunneled around 95% of my games and tonight witnessed by 3 friends, it happend with 4 different killers. A myers, a doc and 2 dif wraiths.

All did same thing hook you stand there nodding at you and if anyone tries to save just hit em once so they go away to heal, rinse and repeat.

My suggestion is this (cue the killer main hatred) Instead of losing emblem points, put a counter onscreen showing their bloodpoints for the game and while they stay in camp range, show their bloodpoints draining away.

Lazy/bad killers will not give a damn about deranking or not ranking up if they can do this get crappy emblem results and stay where they are, but I am seeing it at rank 3!

Several of my friends have told me they have been in games like this too. it sucks all the fun out of the game when it is played like that. And b4 the killer mains have a go at me, I play killer too, I dont camp as I find that boring, I actually use BBQ and chilli for whats its intended, bonus points nad to go hunt other players, much more fun that way, for everyone.

I don't mind dying in game to a skilled killer, but a lazy swine should not be rewarded for facecamping. I have recorded some of it and asson as I get it to youtube (most likely tomorrow or saturday I will provide the link as proof it is happening.

Don't get me wrong, I love DBD its probably up there with 7 days to die and FO4 for sheer amount of playtime it gets on my PS4, but when damn near every killer I face plays like that, its not fun and I start looking to play something else and maybe eventually give up on DBD.

I have a rule with any game, if I no longer get any fun from playing it, its time for that game to go.



  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    Camping sucks, but it's not against the

    SWF group should have been able to send 2 survivors in, one distraction, other to save.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    So you're the fabled "easy to beat" 4 man swf?

    But seriously, you can't punish killers for camping. They will camp out of spite.
    And if you can't think of legitimate reasons to camp, you aren't one I'd take seriously on balancing. 

    Reward them for leaving the hook to get someone new. Make it more valuable than keeping you on the hook.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I know it doesn't do much. Especially since some people don't care much about pipping. What they need to do in order to finally make this strategy less viable is to apply the same changes to the Bleedout Timer of hooked survivors that they added to the chaser emblem. So after 15 seconds after hooking someone, if the killer is within a 20 or 24 meter radius of the hooked survivor, then the Bleedout Speed of hooked survivors is decreased by 50% or 60%. This effect shouldn't apply if survivors are within that radius or if the killer is within a chase. And it shouldn't apply once the exit gates are powered.
    This way camping wouldn't be useless, but reward killers much less, which only makes sense since camping doesn't really take any skill.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Do you really get camped that often? Cause I definitely don't. Seems like you only got very unlucky. But yeah, something needs to be done about camping because otherwise killer lobby times will increase to 15 or 20 minutes again. And I personally don't want that, since I main killer.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    I always wonder what alternate universe the people who complain about camping live in. Every game I play I get normal killers who play the game normally. I've only see one face camper every 25 games or so, and over several hundred matches I've only gone up against one hard face camper who's won. And the only reason the guy won is because no one had Self Care and everyone kept slowly crouch walking towards the hook (on top of a hill) instead of hook rushing the killer so at least someone could escape.

    I honestly think that implementing a rank penalty for camping was the wrong way to go, since Behavior has always toted camping as a "perfectly viable strategy." And I think that if Survivor try to be altruistic instead of doing gens when the killer camps the killer should be awarded with a pip, because either they did something right or the survivors seriously did something wrong.
    I'd much rather that Behavior implement more perks that rely on you being far away from the hook. Perks like Devour Hope and Make Your Choice are a good place to start, but I hope they implement more perks with effects that rely on you being a certain distance away from an unhook.

  • 2BadWaluigiTime
    2BadWaluigiTime Member Posts: 21

    I camp anyone who pallet loops me

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    People play how they wanna play.

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716
    I agree... It literally does nothing.
  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    I camp anyone who pallet loops me

    So you basically camp a survivor for trying to survive? If they drop the pallet just break it. A survivor purpose is to not get hit and survivor. All this tells me is that you're one of those bloodlust gamers.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.

    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Might_Oakk said:
    Wait you were in a 4man swf and couldn't deal with a camper? Definitely not the killers fault. Say hes camping me just do gens...

    4 man SWF should be able to rescue from a camper anyway. 2 might have an issue, but 4 definitely should not. Even vs LF you can bait out what you need and have 1-2 distract while the third rescues.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Attackfrog said:
    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.

    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.

    Bullshit. The only time a facecamper is really punished is if you get extremely lucky with randoms or you're SWF. Or the killer is just plain bad which explains the facecamping typically. The whole "blame yourself for getting caught" ######### really needs to stop. There's a huge difference between unsafe unhooking, kiting the killer near a hook and having someone else stupidly unhook vs the killer not going out and actually hunting the other survivors like the game was meant to be played.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @TigerKirby215 said:
    I always wonder what alternate universe the people who complain about camping live in. Every game I play I get normal killers who play the game normally. I've only see one face camper every 25 games or so, and over several hundred matches I've only gone up against one hard face camper who's won. And the only reason the guy won is because no one had Self Care and everyone kept slowly crouch walking towards the hook (on top of a hill) instead of hook rushing the killer so at least someone could escape.

    I honestly think that implementing a rank penalty for camping was the wrong way to go, since Behavior has always toted camping as a "perfectly viable strategy." And I think that if Survivor try to be altruistic instead of doing gens when the killer camps the killer should be awarded with a pip, because either they did something right or the survivors seriously did something wrong.
    I'd much rather that Behavior implement more perks that rely on you being far away from the hook. Perks like Devour Hope and Make Your Choice are a good place to start, but I hope they implement more perks with effects that rely on you being a certain distance away from an unhook.

    It varies what rank you're at. It's huge from 20-13 then goes away for a while until about 6-4 there's a weird resurgence.

    On topic, however, the penalty does absolutely nothing even in terms of a penalty. I had a few games running dying light recently where I ran into the obsession within 15 seconds of the game starting and downed them pretty quickly so facecamped. I literally lost the same percentage in doing that as I have as Hag dropping 1 trap nearby. I also still got iridescent on chaser while face camping.

    The punishment needs to be both rank and blood points and actually flash on the screen to show the deduction in BP. Seeing even -5 BP every 3 seconds would deter a lot of the 20-13 players.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    So you're the fabled "easy to beat" 4 man swf?

    But seriously, you can't punish killers for camping. They will camp out of spite.
    And if you can't think of legitimate reasons to camp, you aren't one I'd take seriously on balancing. 

    Reward them for leaving the hook to get someone new. Make it more valuable than keeping you on the hook.

    There's no legitimate reason to camp other than MAYBE Dying Light or basically you're bad or spiteful.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    I can save a friend from a chainsaw facecamping Leatherface without BT.

    This is simply a "git gud" situation.

    BT doesn't work on chainsaw anyway.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Attackfrog said:
    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.

    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.

    Bullshit. The only time a facecamper is really punished is if you get extremely lucky with randoms or you're SWF. Or the killer is just plain bad which explains the facecamping typically. The whole "blame yourself for getting caught" ######### really needs to stop. There's a huge difference between unsafe unhooking, kiting the killer near a hook and having someone else stupidly unhook vs the killer not going out and actually hunting the other survivors like the game was meant to be played.

    First: I just said how bad I am. And yet survivors seem to be able to overcome my camping. Pretty often actually! Kiting me, blinding me, blocking name it.

    Second: I am pretty sure killers hunting and hooking survivors is how the game is "meant to be played".

    If getting camped is so troublesome for you, try playing killer. It's clearly way easier. And maybe you could be the shining example for us bad killers of a great, non-camping, nice killer.

    You can't change how killers play. I can't change how you play....But you can. If you are struggling, maybe check out some vids on YouTube and change your play style so you don't get caught and camped as much.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    You can't punish killers for playing the game exactly as the devs envisioned it from the beginning. 

    How would you like it, if survivors lost points while camping the hook or a gen? Sounds fair?

    It you are a 4 man SWF, equip BT for god's sake. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    I can save a friend from a chainsaw facecamping Leatherface without BT.

    This is simply a "git gud" situation.

    BT doesn't work on chainsaw anyway.

    Yes it does.
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Attackfrog said:
    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:

    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.

    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.

    Bullshit. The only time a facecamper is really punished is if you get extremely lucky with randoms or you're SWF. Or the killer is just plain bad which explains the facecamping typically. The whole "blame yourself for getting caught" ######### really needs to stop. There's a huge difference between unsafe unhooking, kiting the killer near a hook and having someone else stupidly unhook vs the killer not going out and actually hunting the other survivors like the game was meant to be played.

    First: I just said how bad I am. And yet survivors seem to be able to overcome my camping. Pretty often actually! Kiting me, blinding me, blocking name it.

    Second: I am pretty sure killers hunting and hooking survivors is how the game is "meant to be played".

    If getting camped is so troublesome for you, try playing killer. It's clearly way easier. And maybe you could be the shining example for us bad killers of a great, non-camping, nice killer.

    You can't change how killers play. I can't change how you play....But you can. If you are struggling, maybe check out some vids on YouTube and change your play style so you don't get caught and camped as much.

    I do play killer and my killer rank is better than my survivor. I'm rank 1 atm without using Billy or Nurse and I do not camp except in extremely rare or situational times. You can 100% change how killers play by implementing the change I suggested. -5 BP per 3 seconds of being near a hooked survivor flashed on the screen would easily deter people from camping and it really isn't much. For most baddies, just seeing that flash on the screen would be enough for them to stop considering they don't even think about how bad the BP for EVERYONE is when they camp.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    So you're playing a four man SWF and you're unable to punish camping? The second you, or your friend, on the hook says that they're being camped.. you should all just have rushed those generators to punish the killer.
    Its your own fault for being super altruistic.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    edited November 2018

    @Attackfrog said:
    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:

    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.

    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.

    Bullshit. The only time a facecamper is really punished is if you get extremely lucky with randoms or you're SWF. Or the killer is just plain bad which explains the facecamping typically. The whole "blame yourself for getting caught" ######### really needs to stop. There's a huge difference between unsafe unhooking, kiting the killer near a hook and having someone else stupidly unhook vs the killer not going out and actually hunting the other survivors like the game was meant to be played.

    First: I just said how bad I am. And yet survivors seem to be able to overcome my camping. Pretty often actually! Kiting me, blinding me, blocking name it.

    Second: I am pretty sure killers hunting and hooking survivors is how the game is "meant to be played".

    If getting camped is so troublesome for you, try playing killer. It's clearly way easier. And maybe you could be the shining example for us bad killers of a great, non-camping, nice killer.

    You can't change how killers play. I can't change how you play....But you can. If you are struggling, maybe check out some vids on YouTube and change your play style so you don't get caught and camped as much.

    I do play killer and my killer rank is better than my survivor. I'm rank 1 atm without using Billy or Nurse and I do not camp except in extremely rare or situational times. You can 100% change how killers play by implementing the change I suggested. -5 BP per 3 seconds of being near a hooked survivor flashed on the screen would easily deter people from camping and it really isn't much. For most baddies, just seeing that flash on the screen would be enough for them to stop considering they don't even think about how bad the BP for EVERYONE is when they camp.

    When I camp, it's not for the bps. Why should I get punished when I see a second survivor trying to pull me off the hook so a 3rd could free you.

    Your system would only work if it only activated if there wasn't a survivor within x meters of the hook. Othereise, you are just punishing me for playing the game as it was "meant to be played" when really it is your teammates who are killing you by rushing the hook when they should be opening chests, destroying totems and popping gens.
  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    @TigerKirby215 said:
    I'd much rather that Behavior implement more perks that rely on you being far away from the hook. Perks like Devour Hope and Make Your Choice are a good place to start, but I hope they implement more perks with effects that rely on you being a certain distance away from an unhook.

    Perks like Hex: Devour Hope lead to Survivors hook rushing to deny said bonuses.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Attackfrog said:
    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:

    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:
    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.
    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.
    Bullshit.  The only time a facecamper is really punished is if you get extremely lucky with randoms or you're SWF.  Or the killer is just plain bad which explains the facecamping typically.  The whole "blame yourself for getting caught" ######### really needs to stop.  There's a huge difference between unsafe unhooking, kiting the killer near a hook and having someone else stupidly unhook vs the killer not going out and actually hunting the other survivors like the game was meant to be played.
    First: I just said how bad I am. And yet survivors seem to be able to overcome my camping. Pretty often actually! Kiting me, blinding me, blocking name it.
    Second: I am pretty sure killers hunting and hooking survivors is how the game is "meant to be played".
    If getting camped is so troublesome for you, try playing killer. It's clearly way easier. And maybe you could be the shining example for us bad killers of a great, non-camping, nice killer.

    You can't change how killers play. I can't change how you play....But you can. If you are struggling, maybe check out some vids on YouTube and change your play style so you don't get caught and camped as much.

    I do play killer and my killer rank is better than my survivor. I'm rank 1 atm without using Billy or Nurse and I do not camp except in extremely rare or situational times. You can 100% change how killers play by implementing the change I suggested. -5 BP per 3 seconds of being near a hooked survivor flashed on the screen would easily deter people from camping and it really isn't much. For most baddies, just seeing that flash on the screen would be enough for them to stop considering they don't even think about how bad the BP for EVERYONE is when they camp.

    When I camp, it's not for the bps. Why should I get punished when I see a second survivor trying to pull me off the hook so a 3rd could free you.

    Your system would only work if it only activated if there wasn't a survivor within x meters of the hook. Othereise, you are just punishing me for playing the game as it was "meant to be played" when really it is your teammates who are killing you by rushing the hook when they should be opening chests, destroying totems and popping gens.

    @Attackfrog said:
    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:

    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:
    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.
    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.
    Bullshit.  The only time a facecamper is really punished is if you get extremely lucky with randoms or you're SWF.  Or the killer is just plain bad which explains the facecamping typically.  The whole "blame yourself for getting caught" ######### really needs to stop.  There's a huge difference between unsafe unhooking, kiting the killer near a hook and having someone else stupidly unhook vs the killer not going out and actually hunting the other survivors like the game was meant to be played.
    First: I just said how bad I am. And yet survivors seem to be able to overcome my camping. Pretty often actually! Kiting me, blinding me, blocking name it.
    Second: I am pretty sure killers hunting and hooking survivors is how the game is "meant to be played".
    If getting camped is so troublesome for you, try playing killer. It's clearly way easier. And maybe you could be the shining example for us bad killers of a great, non-camping, nice killer.

    You can't change how killers play. I can't change how you play....But you can. If you are struggling, maybe check out some vids on YouTube and change your play style so you don't get caught and camped as much.

    I do play killer and my killer rank is better than my survivor. I'm rank 1 atm without using Billy or Nurse and I do not camp except in extremely rare or situational times. You can 100% change how killers play by implementing the change I suggested. -5 BP per 3 seconds of being near a hooked survivor flashed on the screen would easily deter people from camping and it really isn't much. For most baddies, just seeing that flash on the screen would be enough for them to stop considering they don't even think about how bad the BP for EVERYONE is when they camp.

    When I camp, it's not for the bps. Why should I get punished when I see a second survivor trying to pull me off the hook so a 3rd could free you.

    Your system would only work if it only activated if there wasn't a survivor within x meters of the hook. Othereise, you are just punishing me for playing the game as it was "meant to be played" when really it is your teammates who are killing you by rushing the hook when they should be opening chests, destroying totems and popping gens.

    That's not camping. You're also currently not penalized if they were there. However, more than likely if you have them "trying to pull you off the hook" they weren't there and you were camping like a bad player to begin with. You should get punished because you decided to stay there and ruin the game for both yourself and other players by not leaving initially. Nobody is saying that you should leave the hook when you literally see a survivor there.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @se05239 said:
    So you're playing a four man SWF and you're unable to punish camping? The second you, or your friend, on the hook says that they're being camped.. you should all just have rushed those generators to punish the killer.
    Its your own fault for being super altruistic.

    Actually a 4 man SWF should be able to easily free the person and escape. More than likely at least 1 is going to have a flashlight. 2 distract or take hits while the third unhooks and body blocks the escape. Also more than likely at least 1 has an insta heal.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @purebalance said:

    @se05239 said:
    So you're playing a four man SWF and you're unable to punish camping? The second you, or your friend, on the hook says that they're being camped.. you should all just have rushed those generators to punish the killer.
    Its your own fault for being super altruistic.

    Actually a 4 man SWF should be able to easily free the person and escape. More than likely at least 1 is going to have a flashlight. 2 distract or take hits while the third unhooks and body blocks the escape. Also more than likely at least 1 has an insta heal.

    Point still stands. From OP's whining, it sounds like he and his friends got wiped trying to save their pal more than a few times and is now taking to the forums to express his emotions.

    Yes, getting camped and facecamped sucks but you don't REDUCE the amount of campers by feeding them points through over-altruistic saves.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Attackfrog said:
    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:

    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:
    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.
    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.
    Bullshit.  The only time a facecamper is really punished is if you get extremely lucky with randoms or you're SWF.  Or the killer is just plain bad which explains the facecamping typically.  The whole "blame yourself for getting caught" ######### really needs to stop.  There's a huge difference between unsafe unhooking, kiting the killer near a hook and having someone else stupidly unhook vs the killer not going out and actually hunting the other survivors like the game was meant to be played.
    First: I just said how bad I am. And yet survivors seem to be able to overcome my camping. Pretty often actually! Kiting me, blinding me, blocking name it.
    Second: I am pretty sure killers hunting and hooking survivors is how the game is "meant to be played".
    If getting camped is so troublesome for you, try playing killer. It's clearly way easier. And maybe you could be the shining example for us bad killers of a great, non-camping, nice killer.

    You can't change how killers play. I can't change how you play....But you can. If you are struggling, maybe check out some vids on YouTube and change your play style so you don't get caught and camped as much.

    I do play killer and my killer rank is better than my survivor. I'm rank 1 atm without using Billy or Nurse and I do not camp except in extremely rare or situational times. You can 100% change how killers play by implementing the change I suggested. -5 BP per 3 seconds of being near a hooked survivor flashed on the screen would easily deter people from camping and it really isn't much. For most baddies, just seeing that flash on the screen would be enough for them to stop considering they don't even think about how bad the BP for EVERYONE is when they camp.

    When I camp, it's not for the bps. Why should I get punished when I see a second survivor trying to pull me off the hook so a 3rd could free you.

    Your system would only work if it only activated if there wasn't a survivor within x meters of the hook. Othereise, you are just punishing me for playing the game as it was "meant to be played" when really it is your teammates who are killing you by rushing the hook when they should be opening chests, destroying totems and popping gens.

    @Attackfrog said:
    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:

    purebalance said:

    @Attackfrog said:
    I suck and I have seen lvl 20 solo survivors steamroll me when I camp if they get their crap together.
    If you are dying to a facecamper, first blame yourself for getting caught. Then blame your teammates for letting you get facecamped.
    Bullshit.  The only time a facecamper is really punished is if you get extremely lucky with randoms or you're SWF.  Or the killer is just plain bad which explains the facecamping typically.  The whole "blame yourself for getting caught" ######### really needs to stop.  There's a huge difference between unsafe unhooking, kiting the killer near a hook and having someone else stupidly unhook vs the killer not going out and actually hunting the other survivors like the game was meant to be played.
    First: I just said how bad I am. And yet survivors seem to be able to overcome my camping. Pretty often actually! Kiting me, blinding me, blocking name it.
    Second: I am pretty sure killers hunting and hooking survivors is how the game is "meant to be played".
    If getting camped is so troublesome for you, try playing killer. It's clearly way easier. And maybe you could be the shining example for us bad killers of a great, non-camping, nice killer.

    You can't change how killers play. I can't change how you play....But you can. If you are struggling, maybe check out some vids on YouTube and change your play style so you don't get caught and camped as much.

    I do play killer and my killer rank is better than my survivor. I'm rank 1 atm without using Billy or Nurse and I do not camp except in extremely rare or situational times. You can 100% change how killers play by implementing the change I suggested. -5 BP per 3 seconds of being near a hooked survivor flashed on the screen would easily deter people from camping and it really isn't much. For most baddies, just seeing that flash on the screen would be enough for them to stop considering they don't even think about how bad the BP for EVERYONE is when they camp.

    When I camp, it's not for the bps. Why should I get punished when I see a second survivor trying to pull me off the hook so a 3rd could free you.

    Your system would only work if it only activated if there wasn't a survivor within x meters of the hook. Othereise, you are just punishing me for playing the game as it was "meant to be played" when really it is your teammates who are killing you by rushing the hook when they should be opening chests, destroying totems and popping gens.

    That's not camping. You're also currently not penalized if they were there. However, more than likely if you have them "trying to pull you off the hook" they weren't there and you were camping like a bad player to begin with. You should get punished because you decided to stay there and ruin the game for both yourself and other players by not leaving initially. Nobody is saying that you should leave the hook when you literally see a survivor there.

    I have been in plenty of game where I hook, the n turn around d and see people trying to blind me or pull the person. Also, I hook, go kick the nearby gen that just exploded and come back to check my hook and There is some one trying to free my hook.

    Most people consider that camping and your system would penalize me for it. But even if I planted my fat ass right by the hook, why should I get punished for it via bloodpoints? I will already be punished by only getting one sac and no other bps (so long as your teammates are doing their jobs).

    Sucks for the one on the hook, but then again, you did get caught. And there should be some penalty for that. Other wise,why avoid it?
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @se05239 said:

    @purebalance said:

    @se05239 said:
    So you're playing a four man SWF and you're unable to punish camping? The second you, or your friend, on the hook says that they're being camped.. you should all just have rushed those generators to punish the killer.
    Its your own fault for being super altruistic.

    Actually a 4 man SWF should be able to easily free the person and escape. More than likely at least 1 is going to have a flashlight. 2 distract or take hits while the third unhooks and body blocks the escape. Also more than likely at least 1 has an insta heal.

    Point still stands. From OP's whining, it sounds like he and his friends got wiped trying to save their pal more than a few times and is now taking to the forums to express his emotions.

    Yes, getting camped and facecamped sucks but you don't REDUCE the amount of campers by feeding them points through over-altruistic saves.

    Pretty much. Getting more kills from doing it makes them do it more. If they're that bad as SWF that they can't rescue then they can coordinate to just gen rush AND they don't have to worry about the hooked person killing themselves on the hook or dc'ing like non SWF groups have to deal with.

    You should hear me ranting when someone kills themselves or dc's due to a camper "Oh yeah right punish the team because he's camping rather than stay on the hook and punish him for his stupidity"

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @purebalance said:

    @se05239 said:

    @purebalance said:

    @se05239 said:
    So you're playing a four man SWF and you're unable to punish camping? The second you, or your friend, on the hook says that they're being camped.. you should all just have rushed those generators to punish the killer.
    Its your own fault for being super altruistic.

    Actually a 4 man SWF should be able to easily free the person and escape. More than likely at least 1 is going to have a flashlight. 2 distract or take hits while the third unhooks and body blocks the escape. Also more than likely at least 1 has an insta heal.

    Point still stands. From OP's whining, it sounds like he and his friends got wiped trying to save their pal more than a few times and is now taking to the forums to express his emotions.

    Yes, getting camped and facecamped sucks but you don't REDUCE the amount of campers by feeding them points through over-altruistic saves.

    You should hear me ranting when someone kills themselves or dc's due to a camper "Oh yeah right punish the team because he's camping rather than stay on the hook and punish him for his stupidity"

    I ######### hate that ######### #########. Be a man and help your team by staying alive.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    I do have to say for the sake of non SWF groups, the killer portion of Kindred rank 3 needs to be baseline.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84
    edited November 2018

    Thanks for the differing view points folks:)
    I did say I play killer but I tend to find killer games frustrating a lot of the time, I will also say that I am probably a bad killer, I tend to let the last person escape as I am generally a nice guy by nature. As killer never gotten better then rank 8. Survivor I got to rank1 last time for the first time and a at rank3 atm I did not say when I am getting face camped by a nodding killer I tell my friends to gen rush, but my friends have a "no one left behind" mentality and not all of them have BT and most of them are lower rank then me.

    Again as I said I have no problem dying in game it is after all part of the game but Spawn next to killer in the open, get fowend and face camped or just get facecamped cos the killer just lost ruin or when one apologised for it but he did "for his ritual" its just not fun.

    But seeing as a good deal here were saying its fine camping is legit and how the game is supposed to be played, then maybe I should just play the same way?

    In any case the BP event ends soon so I am guessing once its over this level of bullshit will die off a bit, it always tends to be worse during an event

    Post edited by pabloddiablo316 on
  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84 this is the clip I wzs on about as you can see my friends did gen rudh but this wasted a BPS and i only got about 9k points at end of game

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    this is the clip I wzs on about as you can see my friends did gen rudh but this wasted a BPS and i only got about 9k points at end of game

    I do wish the hooked person should gt credit for gens and being a decoy basically similar to the one you get for distraction. Only this would work based upon if the killer is camping and no survivors are near as well.

    So you get credit for gens being done and then get distraction points the longer you keep them occupied.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Wolf74 said:

    @powerbats said:

    this is the clip I wzs on about as you can see my friends did gen rudh but this wasted a BPS and i only got about 9k points at end of game

    I do wish the hooked person should gt credit for gens and being a decoy basically similar to the one you get for distraction. Only this would work based upon if the killer is camping and no survivors are near as well.

    So you get credit for gens being done and then get distraction points the longer you keep them occupied.

    So again a survivor main asking to get rewards for failure.
    You got caught, you are on the hook, you failed.
    Now you can decide to be a decent teammate and stay as long as possible, or your just a douche and suicide on the hook or leave.
    Rewards are for success.
    Killer don't get rewards for escaping survivor either.

    Actually I'm currently a killer main so that was an epic fail, why is it that everytime someone suggest a buff or qol you and the other extremists cry x main? It's like you can't debate and can only throw insults as bad as the survivor side extremists.

    When they eventually turn this into a true horror game and make it a hide and seek you extremist killers are going to have to go find a new game. Because it won't be so easy to find survivors, you'll have to actually hunt and look for those immersed survivors without the benefits of Whispers etc. The loopers will end up disappearing as well on survivor side but that's ok also.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @pabloddiablo316 said:
    It does not work,. Period. Ever since the halloween event started barring a few chilled out killers, I was either facecamped or tunneled around 95% of my games and tonight witnessed by 3 friends, it happend with 4 different killers. A myers, a doc and 2 dif wraiths.

    All did same thing hook you stand there nodding at you and if anyone tries to save just hit em once so they go away to heal, rinse and repeat.

    My suggestion is this (cue the killer main hatred) Instead of losing emblem points, put a counter onscreen showing their bloodpoints for the game and while they stay in camp range, show their bloodpoints draining away.

    Lazy/bad killers will not give a damn about deranking or not ranking up if they can do this get crappy emblem results and stay where they are, but I am seeing it at rank 3!

    Several of my friends have told me they have been in games like this too. it sucks all the fun out of the game when it is played like that. And b4 the killer mains have a go at me, I play killer too, I dont camp as I find that boring, I actually use BBQ and chilli for whats its intended, bonus points nad to go hunt other players, much more fun that way, for everyone.

    I don't mind dying in game to a skilled killer, but a lazy swine should not be rewarded for facecamping. I have recorded some of it and asson as I get it to youtube (most likely tomorrow or saturday I will provide the link as proof it is happening.

    Don't get me wrong, I love DBD its probably up there with 7 days to die and FO4 for sheer amount of playtime it gets on my PS4, but when damn near every killer I face plays like that, its not fun and I start looking to play something else and maybe eventually give up on DBD.

    I have a rule with any game, if I no longer get any fun from playing it, its time for that game to go.

    The penalty works very well. I tested it myself. If you camp all the game, then you will go out with zero chaser or maximal bronze chaser if you had to catch the last 2 guys by hand.

    What BHVR doesnt understand is that noone wants to rank up as long as the game is such a mess at high ranks regarding unbalance and queue times. On top of that, there are ZERO rewards for ranking up.

    Also I dont understand why you dont simply do the gens and leave the killer behind with <10k BP? It is so easy, you just have to hold M1. But nope, survivors - as stupid/entitled as they are - rush the hook even though I make no secret that im standing directly in front of it.
    In the games where I tested the penalty, I easily 4ked AND even piped because the survivors refused to use their brains :wink:

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @pabloddiablo316 said:
    It does not work,. Period. Ever since the halloween event started barring a few chilled out killers, I was either facecamped or tunneled around 95% of my games and tonight witnessed by 3 friends, it happend with 4 different killers. A myers, a doc and 2 dif wraiths.

    All did same thing hook you stand there nodding at you and if anyone tries to save just hit em once so they go away to heal, rinse and repeat.

    My suggestion is this (cue the killer main hatred) Instead of losing emblem points, put a counter onscreen showing their bloodpoints for the game and while they stay in camp range, show their bloodpoints draining away.

    Lazy/bad killers will not give a damn about deranking or not ranking up if they can do this get crappy emblem results and stay where they are, but I am seeing it at rank 3!

    Several of my friends have told me they have been in games like this too. it sucks all the fun out of the game when it is played like that. And b4 the killer mains have a go at me, I play killer too, I dont camp as I find that boring, I actually use BBQ and chilli for whats its intended, bonus points nad to go hunt other players, much more fun that way, for everyone.

    I don't mind dying in game to a skilled killer, but a lazy swine should not be rewarded for facecamping. I have recorded some of it and asson as I get it to youtube (most likely tomorrow or saturday I will provide the link as proof it is happening.

    Don't get me wrong, I love DBD its probably up there with 7 days to die and FO4 for sheer amount of playtime it gets on my PS4, but when damn near every killer I face plays like that, its not fun and I start looking to play something else and maybe eventually give up on DBD.

    I have a rule with any game, if I no longer get any fun from playing it, its time for that game to go.

    camping is fine and a necessary part of the game yeah its not fun but against sfw groups what choice do you have?

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    @Master said:

    @pabloddiablo316 said:
    It does not work,. Period. Ever since the halloween event started barring a few chilled out killers, I was either facecamped or tunneled around 95% of my games and tonight witnessed by 3 friends, it happend with 4 different killers. A myers, a doc and 2 dif wraiths.

    All did same thing hook you stand there nodding at you and if anyone tries to save just hit em once so they go away to heal, rinse and repeat.

    My suggestion is this (cue the killer main hatred) Instead of losing emblem points, put a counter onscreen showing their bloodpoints for the game and while they stay in camp range, show their bloodpoints draining away.

    Lazy/bad killers will not give a damn about deranking or not ranking up if they can do this get crappy emblem results and stay where they are, but I am seeing it at rank 3!

    Several of my friends have told me they have been in games like this too. it sucks all the fun out of the game when it is played like that. And b4 the killer mains have a go at me, I play killer too, I dont camp as I find that boring, I actually use BBQ and chilli for whats its intended, bonus points nad to go hunt other players, much more fun that way, for everyone.

    I don't mind dying in game to a skilled killer, but a lazy swine should not be rewarded for facecamping. I have recorded some of it and asson as I get it to youtube (most likely tomorrow or saturday I will provide the link as proof it is happening.

    Don't get me wrong, I love DBD its probably up there with 7 days to die and FO4 for sheer amount of playtime it gets on my PS4, but when damn near every killer I face plays like that, its not fun and I start looking to play something else and maybe eventually give up on DBD.

    I have a rule with any game, if I no longer get any fun from playing it, its time for that game to go.

    The penalty works very well. I tested it myself. If you camp all the game, then you will go out with zero chaser or maximal bronze chaser if you had to catch the last 2 guys by hand.

    What BHVR doesnt understand is that noone wants to rank up as long as the game is such a mess at high ranks regarding unbalance and queue times. On top of that, there are ZERO rewards for ranking up.

    Also I dont understand why you dont simply do the gens and leave the killer behind with <10k BP? It is so easy, you just have to hold M1. But nope, survivors - as stupid/entitled as they are - rush the hook even though I make no secret that im standing directly in front of it.
    In the games where I tested the penalty, I easily 4ked AND even piped because the survivors refused to use their brains :wink:

    M1? I am on consiole y numpty lol
    And if you look at the video I stayed there, did not quit and mt friend gen rushed the hell out of him, as we did the o3 times that night i happend, but its sucks to be camped like that and as I said b4 (i think) While it happens, when ever there is an event it gets ridiculous.

    I will not blame my friends either as for the most part they have inly been playing since the game was free ealier this year

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @pabloddiablo316 said:
    It does not work,. Period. Ever since the halloween event started barring a few chilled out killers, I was either facecamped or tunneled around 95% of my games and tonight witnessed by 3 friends, it happend with 4 different killers. A myers, a doc and 2 dif wraiths.

    All did same thing hook you stand there nodding at you and if anyone tries to save just hit em once so they go away to heal, rinse and repeat.

    My suggestion is this (cue the killer main hatred) Instead of losing emblem points, put a counter onscreen showing their bloodpoints for the game and while they stay in camp range, show their bloodpoints draining away.

    Lazy/bad killers will not give a damn about deranking or not ranking up if they can do this get crappy emblem results and stay where they are, but I am seeing it at rank 3!

    Several of my friends have told me they have been in games like this too. it sucks all the fun out of the game when it is played like that. And b4 the killer mains have a go at me, I play killer too, I dont camp as I find that boring, I actually use BBQ and chilli for whats its intended, bonus points nad to go hunt other players, much more fun that way, for everyone.

    I don't mind dying in game to a skilled killer, but a lazy swine should not be rewarded for facecamping. I have recorded some of it and asson as I get it to youtube (most likely tomorrow or saturday I will provide the link as proof it is happening.

    Don't get me wrong, I love DBD its probably up there with 7 days to die and FO4 for sheer amount of playtime it gets on my PS4, but when damn near every killer I face plays like that, its not fun and I start looking to play something else and maybe eventually give up on DBD.

    I have a rule with any game, if I no longer get any fun from playing it, its time for that game to go.

    camping is fine and a necessary part of the game yeah its not fun but against sfw groups what choice do you have?

    I go hunting for survivors, simple as that, even games where I dont get say more then 1K if outplayed, I come out of it with 40k plus because I was active and chased and hooked ppl, because I know camping sucks I avoid relying on it

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    @Wolf74 said:

    @powerbats said:

    this is the clip I wzs on about as you can see my friends did gen rudh but this wasted a BPS and i only got about 9k points at end of game

    I do wish the hooked person should gt credit for gens and being a decoy basically similar to the one you get for distraction. Only this would work based upon if the killer is camping and no survivors are near as well.

    So you get credit for gens being done and then get distraction points the longer you keep them occupied.

    So again a survivor main asking to get rewards for failure.
    You got caught, you are on the hook, you failed.
    Now you can decide to be a decent teammate and stay as long as possible, or your just a douche and suicide on the hook or leave.
    Rewards are for success.
    Killer don't get rewards for escaping survivor either.

    Where did I ask for a reward, as usual, someone brings up something that is becoming and issue and straight away its insults and cheap shots instead of debating.

    A considered reply is one thing but just slinging mud? bye bye not going to reply to you anymore

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    Dude, where are you finding all these facecampers? You know I play the same platform as you, and I've played nothing but survivor since the event started and haven't found a single one (rank 1 though).

    Penalizing killers who camp is total BS. Yes camping sucks as a tactic and isn't fun for anyone but when you open that Pandora's box suddenly people are crying to penalize looping (If survivors loop the same pallet more than 1x they should watch their chase BP go down! If survivors sit in the gate waiting for everyone to get out/be safe, they should lose blah blah blah points, seems silly right?).
    Rewarding going after others is a better option than punishing them for doing what they want/what works for them (it wouldn't work if everyone just learned not to reward camping by being overly altruistic or by just staying crouched around the hook instead of working gens btw).

    Forcing anyone to play how you want is not fair to them.
    They paid to play just as much as you did (and hey, more than people that grabbed the game during the free month).
    Unless they're breaking rules, just deal with it/adapt/learn how to counter it or suck it up and move on to the next match. It's really not that common after you rank up, so why let a couple bad games get you that upset.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    Instead of fixing the game, penalize campers.

  • benzos
    benzos Member Posts: 178

    @powerbats said:

    this is the clip I wzs on about as you can see my friends did gen rudh but this wasted a BPS and i only got about 9k points at end of game

    I do wish the hooked person should gt credit for gens and being a decoy basically similar to the one you get for distraction. Only this would work based upon if the killer is camping and no survivors are near as well.

    So you get credit for gens being done and then get distraction points the longer you keep them occupied.

    that's a good idea. distraction point for proximity camping is a good bonus.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Unless they are getting banned, campers will continue to do the same. No point punishment is going to reward survivors the way they would like. Every time I have been camped, the killer made no effort to chase teammates regardless of how close they got. Take it away officially and you will be spite camped for their enjoyment. Its not about the points if they are actively forsaking them.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Unless they are getting banned, campers will continue to do the same. No point punishment is going to reward survivors the way they would like. Every time I have been camped, the killer made no effort to chase teammates regardless of how close they got. Take it away officially and you will be spite camped for their enjoyment. Its not about the points if they are actively forsaking them.
    Because chasing a survivor like that is dumb as hell when securing a kill. 

    In the span of chasing and hitting the distraction the hooked survivor can get rescued and cover about the same amount of ground from the hook. 

    If the killer loses the distraction, the unhooked, and the rescuer, they're kinda boned.
    If the distraction is the survivor that's been a pain in the ass to catch, they would be dumb to fall for it, imo.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Master said:

    @pabloddiablo316 said:
    It does not work,. Period. Ever since the halloween event started barring a few chilled out killers, I was either facecamped or tunneled around 95% of my games and tonight witnessed by 3 friends, it happend with 4 different killers. A myers, a doc and 2 dif wraiths.

    All did same thing hook you stand there nodding at you and if anyone tries to save just hit em once so they go away to heal, rinse and repeat.

    My suggestion is this (cue the killer main hatred) Instead of losing emblem points, put a counter onscreen showing their bloodpoints for the game and while they stay in camp range, show their bloodpoints draining away.

    Lazy/bad killers will not give a damn about deranking or not ranking up if they can do this get crappy emblem results and stay where they are, but I am seeing it at rank 3!

    Several of my friends have told me they have been in games like this too. it sucks all the fun out of the game when it is played like that. And b4 the killer mains have a go at me, I play killer too, I dont camp as I find that boring, I actually use BBQ and chilli for whats its intended, bonus points nad to go hunt other players, much more fun that way, for everyone.

    I don't mind dying in game to a skilled killer, but a lazy swine should not be rewarded for facecamping. I have recorded some of it and asson as I get it to youtube (most likely tomorrow or saturday I will provide the link as proof it is happening.

    Don't get me wrong, I love DBD its probably up there with 7 days to die and FO4 for sheer amount of playtime it gets on my PS4, but when damn near every killer I face plays like that, its not fun and I start looking to play something else and maybe eventually give up on DBD.

    I have a rule with any game, if I no longer get any fun from playing it, its time for that game to go.

    The penalty works very well. I tested it myself. If you camp all the game, then you will go out with zero chaser or maximal bronze chaser if you had to catch the last 2 guys by hand.

    What BHVR doesnt understand is that noone wants to rank up as long as the game is such a mess at high ranks regarding unbalance and queue times. On top of that, there are ZERO rewards for ranking up.

    Also I dont understand why you dont simply do the gens and leave the killer behind with <10k BP? It is so easy, you just have to hold M1. But nope, survivors - as stupid/entitled as they are - rush the hook even though I make no secret that im standing directly in front of it.
    In the games where I tested the penalty, I easily 4ked AND even piped because the survivors refused to use their brains :wink:

    Dude, that's bs. "As stupid/entitled as they are" that's such an overreaction. In 4 man swf teams that usually works, sure. But in a group of solo survivors, once the last one has realised that the killer is camping, it's probably to late for the last 3 survivors to rush gens effectively against the killer. Has nothing to do with survivors being entitled or stupid. I mean if you play solo survivor, and notice that nobody is unhooking someone who got hooked. Chances are you will think that the other survivors are also doing gens or what not and you will then go in for the save.
    This is just the main strategy that can really hurt solo survivors, but not swf survivors. One of the biggest disadvantages solo survivors have.
    Also, this game is supposed to be fun for both sides. Camping is no fun at all for survivors. I'd rather get gen rushed by the best 4 man swf team ever than get camped. Cause at least when getting gen rushed I can still play the game.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Unless they are getting banned, campers will continue to do the same. No point punishment is going to reward survivors the way they would like. Every time I have been camped, the killer made no effort to chase teammates regardless of how close they got. Take it away officially and you will be spite camped for their enjoyment. Its not about the points if they are actively forsaking them.
    Because chasing a survivor like that is dumb as hell when securing a kill. 

    In the span of chasing and hitting the distraction the hooked survivor can get rescued and cover about the same amount of ground from the hook. 

    If the killer loses the distraction, the unhooked, and the rescuer, they're kinda boned.
    If the distraction is the survivor that's been a pain in the ass to catch, they would be dumb to fall for it, imo.
    I know why they did it that way. My point was that if they are dedicated to camp, forcing penalties is not going to sway them. Fact is survivor just have to play around it, can't save everyone.