deathslinger should be 115%
hes just a worse huntress so i dont see why not
No thanks. No ranged killer should be 115%.
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I choked on my drink when I saw "DS should be 115%"
And I'm the guy who plays DS at rank 1.
Like he wasn't oppressive enough, lol
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He's 110% to encourage him to use his m2. If he was 115% every deathslinger would never use his power.
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i mean hes just worse compared to huntress. Literally no point in using him over her
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that does not make much sense, why would you choose to never use his power ?
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Oh ######### no.
By existing on the map with the ability to insta-ADS he has permanent zoning on you, even without LOS.
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And he is not a worse huntress by any means. He possibly has the best 1v1 in the whole game.
If you are going against a deathslinger with STBFL + Warden keys pray he has ######### aim and you get an indoor map because otherwise you are pretty #########.
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Oppressive as in chase.
DS is a threat only if he hits shots & goes for shots.
A DS that only shoots at windows / pallets is a disgrace.
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No thanks. He has a worse map presence than Huntress, but he is much better in 1v1.
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By literally existing he has permanent zoning, it's exactly the same issue as Pyramid Head. Combine that with his stupid terror radius that you can't hear until he's sniffing your hair and literally unreactable shots and he's broken as ######### in a chase.
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so bassically what im getting from this is hes only good with stbfl and the key addon otherwise hes cheeks. Also if survivors zig zag gl hitting them
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this game isnt a 1v1 its a 1v4 also so being good in a 1v1 means nothing
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If you think he's worse huntress then you never saw good deathsinger at play. Making him 115% would make him completely broken with how strong his power is in chases.
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Quickscoping is a thing. It takes 0.5 seconds for him to be able to shoot once he starts ADS. Also nerfing his ability to quick scope by increasing the time to lift his gun, would just make him a worse huntress. Right now his main thing over Huntress is his better 1v1 due to quick scoping.
Also Deathslinger already moves slower than survivors when in ADS.
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thank you for agreeing with me but i think its ok to have a worse huntress but it makes me sad because hes fun to play but hes just not good enough to play against a swf 4 man with meta perks. (which is 80% of the killer)
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also no one except like 300 people play this game extremely sweaty and understand how the game actually is at the top 1% so i guess arguing with people is kinda dumb because no one really knows what they're talking about
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his terror radius is 24m, average size for a 110% killer, except for the fact that you can't ######### hear it. Genuinely, you cannot hear it until he's already too close, especially if they use Monitor and Abuse, because it's so god damn quiet.
He is oppressive. He's too oppressive in the 1v1, yet because he's 110% with no map mobility he's garbage in the 1v4 which is what makes him balanced. Making him 115% would completely throw this out of wack and make him Pyramid-Head-But-Better.
And, that's another thing- generators aren't fun. Being instantly shot with no reaction time because his 1v1 is so obnoxiously good isn't fun. Deathslinger isn't fun, and making him stronger by making him 115% without nerfing other parts of his kit, when existing on the map forces survivors to have to guess every nanosecond because you physically cannot react to the majority of his shots due to server latency, travel time, and ADS time. I don't know how I can make that clearer.
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quick scoping doesnt matter because you cant quickscope more than one person so it doesnt really do much
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That is meaningless. I play a lot of Deathslinger and you get a feel for where your shoots will go with practice.
Good Deathslingers quick scope majority of their shots.
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Yes you can????
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If you've ever actually played against a competent DS you'd know that he absolutely can quickscope. The harpoon being off centre will only affect shots made from super far away. If he's within say 15 metres, the fact that it's off centre will have practically no effect.
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(Double post.)
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what does quickscoping have anythjing to do with his balance? Thats not the problem his problem is you cant shoot people over pallets and down them thats all he needs
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Its 24 meters but most use m&a for 16 meter tr. One of the issues of his music is that it starts as a low violin (?) plucking that can be drowned out by the generator noise.
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okay heres an examplwe bubba can down actaully down the whole team if theyre together and hes faster deathslinger gets a quickscope and gets to be sad
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No offence but if you think that would be a genuinely healthy change for him never seek a career in games design.
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BEcause it's a form of attack that not a single person on earth could react to. Once you've been shot it's essentially a free hit for him no matter what. Even if you break free, you'll still go from healthy to deep wounds (because you should totally get injured for the killer making a bad shot).
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Those aren't really comparable.
If a team of 4 survivors all stick together and get downed by a single chainsaw sweep by bubba, that's a huge misplay on the survivor team.
Deathslinger quickscoping has very little to do with survivor misplay.
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IF they're together. How often does that happen? I play him a ton and I can tell you, very very very rarely. Slinger is better than him by a country mile.
On topic, Slinger doesn't need a buff. He's arguably the strongest killer in the 1v1, and as mentioned by others, his sheer ability to quick scope you makes it so that you can't take optimal movements without risking getting shot.
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God no
The best decision devs did was to refuse to listen to the community when they said Deathslinger should be 115% after his ptb.
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It would be very cool to see the result but I already know it'd be broken.
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he's not a "worse Huntress".
he can very easily hold his own when compared to her, its just that one has better snowball and ranged attacks while the other has better close range, anti loop attacks.
Slinger already has a very oppresssive chase power, we really dont need him to be 115%.
i think he should be reliant on his redeemer to be played efficiently, making the redeemer a choice instead of an actual requirement would mean he needed it nerfed quite hard in return.
he is balanced quite well in his current state.
i dont think he needs any changes at all.
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By that logic, all killers should just have Bubba's power. Not every killer has to have the exact same strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and statistics.
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Monitor and Abuse is one of his most commonly run perks, and even without it you can't hear his terror radius due to the fact that the beginning is so quiet. Enter a KYF, get a generator to above 25% and then try and hear it. It's virtually indistinguishable without, like, £400 headphones. Also you cannot change the individual volume level of just the terror radius- it's all or nothing. Considering how I'm already suffering from damaged hearing due to playing this game too loud to try and hear anything I don't think turning it up further would be a good idea.
I'm still responding to the original post, not attempting to put words in your mouth. Read the title of the thread you're on and suddenly it'll make a lot more sense.
What's fun for me? Interaction. Being able to do things against a killer that they can do back- case and point Bubba, Billy, Nurse, Huntress, hell even Clown, Freddy, Pyramid Head, and Spirit to a degree. They're all more engaging than a Deathslinger because you can actually interact with them, as small as that interaction is vs PH and Spirit. What's not fun? No interaction, be it because their 1v1 is too oppressive or because their map pressure is so abysmal that you spend 6 minutes holding M1 and escape. Even worse? Doing both.
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As deathslinger you're supposed to shoot and down them before they even reach the pallet with how fast your ADS is. And even if they do reach the pallet & throw it down, you can still outplay almost all pallets pretty quickly if you're good.
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Please point me to the location of this option in the in-game settings because in 2.9k hours I have yet to find it. The two options I can find are "Menu music" and "Main music".
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He's not a worse Huntress at all. He can hit through gaps Huntress couldn't dream of. He has no Lullaby which warns Survivors that he's in the area. Put Monitor and Abuse on him, and you'll almost never hear him coming. He can also get more use out of NoED than Huntress, and can pull survivors back from the exit gates.
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controversial opinion? On the internet? OMG insane no one could comprehend you guys are crying so hard lmao
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Because your opinion is hot garbage and we're making sure to let you know.
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id like to be your friend you seem realy nice :)
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every ranged killer should be 115% we have a killer who goes through walls, waaaaaaay more broken. nurse and spirit can be broken, why deathslinger cant be a bit more powerful?
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Well you can ask some people like @NoOneKnowsNova, @KiwiCoattails, @megswifey, @Jyn_Mojito, @MadLordJack, @OniWantsYourMacaroni, @lowiq, and @Donkerydoo and they'll back you up on that fact lol. There are some more people, too, but I don't wanna drag an army in here rather unfortunately. Hell I could even get some people ik on Twitter or Discord, too, if you really wanted though :p
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uh oh you had a controversial opinion prepare your anus for battle. I dont really agree with your statement but thats ok! maybe they should make it so ds can down over pallets thats all
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mustve had that one saved up huh bet you feel like you really got me XD
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No not really, why?
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He kinda did, I mean just look at the moo moo...
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Bold of you to assume I'd say yes to that.
Obviously the awnser is yes.
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I am a deahtslinger main and I say no