BBQ being too OP

As a survivor main, you feel BBQ being too OP and should be removed. If Killers have to use another aura reading perk. Which one would you prefer them to use?
- Nurse calling: once you're injured, you're likely not able to healing.
- Im all ears: doing fast vault reveal your aura for 6sec, you're unable to do any mind game around loops.
- Blood warden: block Gates for 60sec if a survivor is hooked during EGC, Killer loves to pair it with Noed.
- Deer stalker: let Killer see you dying, pair with Knockout makes Survivors unable to see dying teammate. Killer becomes slug master.
Please pick a number.
Then I, as a Killer will play the exact of your choice.
3. I just want to see what happens after picking a number.
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Bbq is fine. People even complain about wglf lol.
Use what the game gives you and don't bother arguing with people like that. They are salty and want easy games.
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BBQ gets killers away from the hook, it's a good perk.
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What's up with the complaints about perks like BBQ. As a survivor main I don't have a problem most of them.
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Lol, make thrilling tremors cd 30 seconds, and people are going to whine everywhere.
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Bbq is potentially the most well balanced perk in the game.
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Everyone uses BBQ because there is no other perk that you could use instead that would give you more bloodpoints.
Good killers use BBQ, because everyone is using it. Survivors get destroyed by good killers. See that every good killer uses BBQ, but the other perks are generally more varied. Therefore they assume that because every good killer uses BBQ that the reason the killer is winning is because of BBQ.
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So I win? We go with 3?
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I am a Survivor main, hear me out.
BBQ is not OP, it is overused due to the extra BP effect. If that effect was in Monstrous Shrine, I kid you not, Killers would be using MS instead. In a similar way, many survivors used WGLF when it didn't provide any extra effects.
Also, BBQ aura reading promotes healthier gameplay. Giving vision of targets far away allows the killer to more effectively contest main objectives while giving survivors the breathing room to perform rescues and heals safely.
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Complaining about BBQ is like complaining about WGLF. It rewards the Killer with extra points. If you’re complaining about the aura reading ability, walk in the complete opposite direction you were gonna walk for 5 seconds then turn around or just hide in a locker. Its not that big of a deal.
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Exactly. If the bloodpoints were removed, BBQ wouldn't be useless, but it would only be run by a few high mobility killers that can really take advantage of it. It definitely wouldn't be the meta pick it is now.
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I would recommend that you spend more time in the game than complaining in the forum about a perk that only serves to earn a few extra points. Try training loops because if it bothers you that the killer finds you at the barbecue and takes you down. "It's because you play with a lot of stealth"
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That's the problem with most survivors out there: they substitute stealth for looping skills when they should know both.
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Only rookie survivors think BBQ is OP. It's easily counterable (hiding behind gen/hook auras & in lockers) or if you're far enough away for a killers BBQ to proc, then you have enough time to get out of the area before they reach you.
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Nah it's not OP at all. 80% of the times I use BBQ It's because I'm farming BPs, not because I actually want to use the aura reading ability, that's a minor advantage.
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When I started playing this game as Survivor main, I heard rant about BBQ is being to OP from other survivors, I believed it. When I became a Killer main later, BBQ was a on shrine and I grind to get shard to get BBQ.
I was a baby Killer, you cant see how much I disappointed about how weak BBQ is because I could not get any hook to even benefits 4sec aura.
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BBQ really isnt that strong and is easily countered lol ######### would you wanna nerf about it?
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It's probably the most fair perk in the entire game. Like....It's actually one of the most impressively well designed perks, and if they ever changed it for the worse, I feel that would sign the beginning of the end of DBD for me.
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I dont know.
Only wish the perk isn't licensed DLC teachable.
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Or Discordance or Tinkerer or Surveillance or Whispers or Thrilling Tremors or...
(Not all info perks are Aura perks, fellow survivors. Personally I'd rather BBQ than any of the above.)
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Ngl, read the title and thought Sluzzy was the OP.
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To what I think, BBQ does little to nothing to low rank Killers, where they hardly win a chase and earn a hook to make it work.
To high rank Killers, once they get a hook, 4sec aura info of other 3 survivors can give Killer ability to start a new chase faster (or instant with high speed killers). Which push alot pressure on Survivors. Explain why some survivors think its powerful.
As for my favor, Nurse calling on Spirit is even more dirty than Stridor. All I do is just injure multiple survivors, and the game could end right there (Killer can see you at 28m, when outside TR 24m)
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All 4 of those perks are just as broken as BBQ tbh. Offers no counterplay. I think killers should use other perks that are more fun to go against such as fire up, which allows for survivors to have some actual counterplay to the perk by not doing gens.
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I take the 3! xD
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I don't know if this post is serious/ a pledge for a nerf to bbq or not but since this is the umpf-teenth time this is asked for.
How about taking the bp bonus from bbq and adding it to monstrous shrine/unrelenting. Change the condition for stacks from 25% per hook per individual to 10% per healthstate off a survivor and make the cap 150-200% and you will suddenly see a Z-tier perk being meta.
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Trust me, BP is the main reason to pick, 4sec aura for each hook is just a bonus usefulness in game. If BP is removed from BBQ, I can bet my life that 90% Killer would pick much better aura perk (just info perk in general).
Joke on u, I use it all the time.
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I mostly use Nurses Calling on Nurse. Predictable I know but omg is it fun to blink out of nowhere and ruin someone's day who thought they where safe mending in the corner of the map behind one of those sparsely covered brick walls.
I rarely if ever use BBQ because it takes up a precious perk slot for far more useful and powerful perk combos. Sure I miss the xp but BBQ's just not for me.
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BBQ is fine. While the effect can be strong at times, it’s certainly not overpowering and has adequate counter play. Just in a locker or fake going one direction and double back.
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I take 3 and 4
Because deerstalker isn't commonly used and I never make it to the exit phase to worry about Bloodwarden
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It's not op it's just overused by cheesy players like dh and all the rest of the small pp perks.
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annoying and overused? yes
Op? no