General Discussions

General Discussions

If the trials were real and you were a survivor who would you least like to face?

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edited March 2021 in General Discussions

For me it would be Blight or Doctor in terms of i hate to be caught by but Oni or Huntress would also be terrible because id basically be guaranteed to be caught ones a samurai warrior and the others a hunter who spent her whole life hunting and killing.


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  • Member Posts: 312

    leatherface and billy they have #########!ing chainsaws

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Plague and doctor would be the worst imo

  • Member Posts: 1,147


  • Member Posts: 63

    Probably the chainsaw bros. I’ve always found chainsaws in movies disturbing, really loud and gory.

    spirit as well, ghosts are scary ;-;

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,603

    Hag, each and every time it would be The Hag!

  • Member Posts: 14,900

    I mean... is there a killer anyone would like to face?

    i guess vs. Plague there would at least be those magical fountains that can cure any wounds and illnesses..

    but I wouldn’t like to get stabbed by a Teen multiple times even though many say Legion would be easy to fight back, they still have their knives.

    Huntress on the other hand is skilled in hunting and killing. At least it would be over quickly?

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021

    Least-Demo id probably feel the most hopeless about since the rest you could almost fight back with but Demo I feel like I'd just be waiting out for my death.

    Most- maybe doctor honestly. Id still likely die but I find more psychological things to be at least interesting.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Anyone of them, I don't think in real life you gonna come back from all those injuries. Sure as hell not surviving 2 hooks through the chest.

    Except Legion, I think I could kick Legion's Ass IRL.

  • Member Posts: 1,531

    Plague - god I do not wanna be puked on

    Doc - wow going mad sounds so fun/s

    Legion - small child stabby stab, I'd feel like a fool running from them

    Twins - idk I just feel like being chased by Vic would be terrifying

    Blight - pinball but its drools Blight serum

    Spirit - Literally ######### am I meant to do here, waifu woman goes invisible them stabs me when I breath

    Oni - I'd be too turned on by his hotness to run

    Trapper - see Oni

    PH - man this dude is the manifestation of sexual frustration, guilt, hatred and desire for punishment, seems ######### scary. Also see Oni.

    Hag - Breaking: Grandma stabs you from ground after shouting at you

  • Member Posts: 147

    The Hag is the most scary killer for me. She's also really strong & I don't think I could survive against her.

    Plus she would just eat me alive once I'm downed and I'd prefer just getting quickly killed instead thanks.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Probably Myers. Being stalked and hunted by something that's barely even human is horrifying. There's Demo, but he's not really an evil creature, just an animal. Myers on the other hand is emotionless immortal evil.

  • Member Posts: 101

    From least terrible to most terrible:

    Plague because vomiting is one of the worst feeling things humans can experience

    Leatherface/Billy because death by chainsaw (or sledgehammer) sounds miserable

    Pyramid Head because no thank you I would not like to be tortured in cages and forced to atone/confront self guilt

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