

Chapter Idea: Scooby Doo

Member Posts: 65

Had fun and felt like making this chapter. As unlikely as it may be.

New Killer: 

Killer: The Ghost Diver

Name: Captain Cutlor

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Unknown

Eye colour: Unknown

Power: The deep

Weapon: Harpoon.

Speed: 115%

Terror radius: 20 m.


As the story went, during one dark, foggy night, Captain Cutler collided with a yacht, following his ship down to the ocean floor. After a while, he began to haunt Rocky Point Beach, to take his revenge by killing people who rented or used yachts along the rocky point beach area. countless yachts and cruise ships have been sunk and lots of people died in the hands of the ghost until one day the mystery inc would join in a cruise ship party right in the middle of Captain Cutler's hunting area. He would get inside the deck and kill off the captain along with all the ship crews before he went to kill off guests silently as they were asleep at night in their rooms. As he approaches Fred and Daphne, he would see cloud of mist started to fill up the room that they're in, as Fred and Daphne tried their best to fight him as the mist would finally engulfed them and


Killer power: The deep.

Allows the diver to sink into the ground in a puddle with bubbles. Making him completely invisible under the map. Allowing him to move 2x his normal speed, with no terror radius. The power works for 13 seconds, before forcing the diver up from the ground, and going on a 20 second cooldown.

Survivors will hear the puddle forming with bubbles, and groans from the diver. Giving them a window to react.

Secondary power: Harpoon Spear.

Allows the killer to shoot a deadly spear into a survivor. Has a 7 second cooldown, before it can be reloaded. Which slows the killer down as well.

Mori: Guts the survivor like a fish.

My idea is he is a half stealth killer. Sneaking up on one survivor for one hit, and with his second ability he can get a chance for a down as they run. Which is a big risk shot with a reasonably high cooldown if missed. I think he could be a high risk, high reward.

(he cannot reel in survivors or any of the sort. It isn’t deathslinger, and he can’t turn invisible at every moments notice as wraith)

Killer Perks: 

Toxicology: You have developed an efficient venom and coated your main weapon in it. When you injure a healthy survivor, Toxicology triggers. For the next 60 seconds, if that survivor heals by any means, they will receive the Exposed status effect for 40 seconds.

Once this effect is triggered or the time expires, toxicology enters a coolown state for 65/55/45 seconds.

Hex: Entrapment: A hex fueling itself on the imprisonment of survivors. When you hook a survivor, all vault locations within 32 meters of the hook are blocked by the entity. This effect persists for 0/3/5 seconds after the survivor is unhooked or is sacrificed.

( This is pretty strong on Killers like Bubba but considering it's a hex I think it can be justified.)

Excitement: With each successful hunt, your expectation for the next grows stronger.

Every time you hook a survivor for the first time, gain a token, out of a maximum of 4. For each token, gain a 2%/3%/4% increase in movement speed when outside of a chase and not close to any survivors.


New survivor: 

Survivor: The scooby gang.

Name:Scooby, Shaggy, Fred, Velma, Daphne

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female and male.

Hair Colour: Multiple

Eye colour: Multiple.


the Mystery Inc was accidentally established on one night where Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby Doo were attending their highschool prom night. The night turned into chaos as The Black Knight ghost would show up and scare off some of the students and teachers, but they managed to capture the ghost and reveal his identity before the cops would come. Few years have gone by as they manage to make a name for themselves. They are invited into solving the mystery of the ghost of Captain Cutler. They would join a cruise set to the Rocky Point Beach where the ghost usually hunts. They started to do their investigation. Shaggy and Scooby were looking around in the kitchen, enjoying their late night snacks as they would suddenly get engulfed by the mist, Shaggy would push Scooby Doo away as he would get taken into the Entity world. Scooby ran to get help, but would find Velma as she too was getting engulfed inside the mist while Fred and Daphne got taken by the Entity while they were fending off the ghost of Captain Cutler. Scooby quickly jumped into the mist behind them.

Will count as only 1 survivor, but will be switchable through cosmetics like Legion or Legendary skins.

Scooby doo will not be playable, but he will sit next to the survivor in the menu screen. He will play no role in the gameplay. Sorry to those who wanted to play as a dog.

Survivor Perks: 

Like, Zoinks, Scoob!:

When you would’ve normally been grabbed in a locker, you instead get a chance to walk past the killer by performing a quick skillcheck. Gives the haste effect for 2/3/4 secs.

(does not stun the killer. Can only be performed once)


Wiggling in the killers grasp will slow the killer by 2/3/5% of his normal speed.

Scooby doo, where are you?:

Unhooking survivors gives you 1 and up to 4 tokens. By the press of the ability button you consume one token and reveal the killer's aura for 3/4/5 seconds with a scooby doo howl. You cannot get tokens back.


Killer Cosmetics: 

There's a wide array of monsters both from movies, series and what not that they can use for killers.


Survivor Cosmetics: 

Movie cosmetics.

Cartoon Cosmetics.

Scooby Apocalypse Cosmetics:


New Map: Scooby Museum.

Small notes to end it on:

Q and A:

Q: Don’t you know scooby doo doesn’t fit the horror theme?

A: While that’s true in many ways, I still think the diver could look scarier than many of the previous killers, and the survivors are just normal people in any scenario.

Q: Scooby doo is for children. Not horror.

A: This is in many ways true, and that’s why it's highly unlikely to become a thing. Still one can dream right? The only reason it could be a thing, would be because of the Scooby apocalypse comic. Which is a spin off with monsters, gore and some of the team even dying.

(yes, this was an actual thing somehow...)

Scooby Doo seems very open to licenses, and has been in Batman, WWE, Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural and many more.

Q: These powers and perks are busted. You should redo them

A: I’ve made over 8 guides now, and I've noticed people have very different opinions on balance. So I will only touch it if the reasons people list are fair and something I can understand. Otherwise I rather leave balance to the developers.

This chapter was mainly made for fun and in wishful thinking. I don't ever expect it to become an actual chapter, but I can still hope. Don't go too harsh on me

Special thanks to Vioren and Sansfield for the help with a few things.

Seen my chapter before? I share most of my chapters first on Steam. Thanks for reading.

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  • Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2021

    Scooby Doo does walk on two legs and when he runs or crouches. He can get on all fours.

  • Member Posts: 4,531
    edited March 2021

    Ah yes, I can't wait to see Scoob and the gang get their skulls broken by a Japanese demon and their flesh ripped apart by chainsaw wielding cannibals.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Scooby Doo perk idea

    When you're in the dieing state if the survivor is over you press the action button to hich a ride on a survivors back keep spamming it until you wont to let go. If the killer hits the survivor you were on does no damage to the survivor but makes you fall off the survivors back.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Yes to Daphne :D.

    You made some effort making this, good job.

  • Member Posts: 65

    Lmao, I would love to see it. Though I personally didn't list scooby doo as a playable survivor for a reason. Even if he can walk on two legs. It seems too far stretched and I don't think people would like that at all. Dogs are sacred.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    What kinda ######### up childhood did you have? I grew up watching Scooby Doo, I would never want to see these childhood characters in a game like dbd.

  • Member Posts: 65

    I mean, you can have different opinions. Fred loses his head if you ever watched and read scooby apocalypse.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Yeah I know, if you want a Scooby Doo chapter in this game that's good for you, but I personally can just never see it happening nor do I want it.

  • Member Posts: 65

    I don't see as negatively as you do. If you ever read scooby apocalypse, then fred loses his head. It is all about how they approach it.

  • Member Posts: 65

    Besides, if you ever looked it up. You would know the developers already attempted to get the license, but warner bros said no back in 2019. So whether it can happen is also unlikely for that reason, but in that interview they also stated that there was a time where it may have been possible because of the same comic I referenced here.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Well I haven't read Scooby Apocalypse, so I don't know what happens in it, but to me these characters are just cartoons from my childhood, and I doubt I'll ever see them as anything more.

  • Member Posts: 65

    “Scooby Doo is near and dear to Behavior, we’ve made a few games over the years, so yes, it is something we have brought to the table a couple of times. Unfortunately, the Scooby Doo franchise is one that they absolutely now want to keep kid friendly forever. There have been a few exceptions, on Supernatural the TV show and the Scooby Apocalypse comic series, and maybe there was a time they were more open to that kind of thing, but no, there is no chance right now. But that sort of thing, yes, we are constantly looking at what else we can do. The Scooby Doo thing was obviously one of the first things we looked at.”

    I will reference it here incase you're curious of how the interview went, but as my post mentions too. It was unlikely from the get go. It is more of a fun chapter and wishful thinking. I would imagine if they ever got the scooby license, they would have to change the characters up a bit to fit the aesthetic of Dead By Daylight. Similar to how they changed the characters to look older in Scooby Apocalypse. That's what I mean it all depends on how they approached it.

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