Means To An End: Another awfully designed challenge

I've seen situational challenges before, but Jesus Christ! This one is just completely luck based! So in order to complete this, we have to drop a pallet, reset it, and stun the killer with it? I'm assuming you're gonna have tank a hit for no reason and then stun with the pallet, because if you miss it, you dropped and reset that pallet before for nothing. Some people don't even have Yui or have seen Any Means Necessary in the shrine of secrets, btw. Can't we have any challenges that are fun and not just a pain in the butt, game-throwing type of stuff? Seriously. And for those who say "it's supposed to be a challenge" playing this game and winning is a challenge, and these actual challenges are just a lot of extra work. They're in the way of getting rift xp, and they're bound to be completed to the fullest by completionists, which many of us are. So maybe they shouldn't be as difficult and annoying as they've been.


  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    It's not that hard, the one where you needed to reset the pallet close to the killer was much worse

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174
    edited March 2021

    Load in and find a pallet right away, drop it, reset it, then camp it for the killer. Take a hit if you have to and play the entire rest of the game like normal. This one was easier for me than the "reset a pallet within 10m of the killer"

    Alsi, the Jailbreak challenge doesn't require them to wiggle off, if you get a pallet save, flashligh save, or the killer just sets them down while you're close and have breakout it'll award you the challenge.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    But they could respect the pallet and not get stunned. So to guarantee it, you have to waste the pallet by letting them hit you and then stunning them. Some killers you just can't afford to give that free health state. With instadown killers, you can't do it at all. And waiting for them to hit you to drop the pallet doesn't even work consistently anyway. Somehow killers are sometimes able to hit you, you drop the pallet, and they don't get stunned.

  • Weeznit
    Weeznit Member Posts: 21

    This challenge is ridiculous. If you are able to do it, I commend you. I think I did this one already against a farming killer who was just letting us throw pallets.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2021

    this is just my opinion but a lot of the challenges are poorly designed and some repeats from tomes past.

    I don't like the ones that feel like they're their just to annoy killers and or make survivors into easy targets.

    • stun pallet stun the killer 4 times in one match.
    • reset a pallet within 10 meters of the killer

    I got the second by luck alone, and the first I had to play really badly and make stupid moves to get 4 stuns in one match.

    on the killer side getting gold devout emblems can be a pain when you have two survivors intentionally DC on you.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    here's how I did it. I saw another survivor drop a pallet. the killer didn't kick it and continued the chase.

    I lifted that up while the other person was getting downed. after hooking her, the killer came to the pallet(it was close, I was visible) and I got the stun.

    I also had about 4 other pallets that I dropped out of chase and lifted back up. but I ended up not needing them.

    it's a lot easier than you might think.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    wish I knew that before I fully commited to a WGLF, mettle of man, breakout build.

    either way, got it. XD

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Wait what? This is like one of the easier challenges

    How is it luck based? The only thing that could go wrong is getting a huntress that doesn't try to m1 or a deathslinger that pulls you away for it.

    This barelly counts as a challenge. It's more a tutorial on how any means nececary works then anything else

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Eh. I just dropped a Pallet and reset it each time Any Means Necessary was off Cooldown. And if I happen to be near them again, I will try to get a stun.

    Second game it worked (first game I died after my first hook thanks to Tampered Timer and bad luck, so not that much of a chase).

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I didn't think this challenge was that bad.

    I was working on a gen in midwich, saw a pallet nearby so I dropped it and resetted it. Then later got the pallet stun on the Myers with that pallet. I actually got a chance to reset that pallet again and got another stun with it too.

    The only real luck factor is whether or not you get a killer you can realstically pallet stun. Face nurse or huntress? Good luck.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    No, this one's fine. I managed to get it on second try. Just drop a pallet, reset it, get the killer to come to you, stun them. Bam. Did it twice in one trial, even. Helps if you're facing a Blight. Easiest killer to stun IMO.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    For this one, I was lucky enough to be in The Game. I was downstair while the Killer chased someone upstair. I dropped the pallet and resetted it like nothing happened.

    And for the current one, I dropped a pallet, I resetted and camped it like an idiot. 😐

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I was full on Power Struggle, Flip Flop, Breakout build against a Hag. I was following her for the teammate to wiggle off and she just put them down and started chasing me and at the end of the trial it gave me the challenge with no pallet stun, flashlight save, or wiggle off.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Means to an End wasn't actually tge worst one...

    *shudders in soloq Heroic Virtue*

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I prefer challenges like this got it done in 2 matches. I want the challenges to be much more difficult than they are now.

    I'm bored of a new one coming out and I complete it so quickly. Make them proper challenges where you need to use different perks etc and not just cleanse this many totems or do this many gens. It's boring.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    When I went to this challenge, I used the shack.

    Throw down god pallet and reset it, make yourself useful in the area, then when the killer comes buy waste as much time as you can before dropping the godpallet. Because of how strong the shack pallet is most survivors will be willing to get stunned if it means making you throw that pallet down.

    And don't get hung up on "wasting" the pallet. Most maps reworks have tons of safe pallets. I've seen too may survivors go down rather than use the bloody shack pallet that they get hooked instead.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    I threw a pallet at the start. The killer refused to go under it. He got a hit on me when I moved away since he was refusing even in exchange for a hit. I stood back under it and got him to down me/I stunned him. He knew what I was doing and really wanted to be difficult. :/