General Discussions

General Discussions


Greetings fellow gamers,

I would like to ask a question. It would be nice if a Mod or someone with experience in this matter could answer me.

Recently I encountered someone with a hacked savefile. It was pretty obvious, so i took screenshots of course. This guy was using a Legacy 3 Claudette while having 250 hours playtime and his Prestige achievements were unlocked at the exact same time (7.April 2017 18:24) so him having legacy was impossible (In game he played like a typical newcomer, running in straight lines, throwing down every pallet he finds instantly and more).

Of course i reported him with the Ingame-reporting system. I made the mistake of telling him I reported him, 10 minutes later his profile was private.
On a side note, someone of the same game added me and told me they were a 3 man SWF and they already had the suspicion of this one guy cheating but never had evidence (they didn't look at his achievements). He actually thanked me for telling them their friend was a cheater!

This story aside, my question now.

How long does it take for him to get banned? His profile has no ban, so i am sure he's not banned yet. This incident happened on October 27th, so 2 weeks ago.
Do i have to report him otherwise, with the screenshots or will he soon be banned? Reporting Ingame feels so useless, i would like to know if it actually does something.

Hopefully i get an answer to this.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!


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