Trickster should be delayed

Until April 1st. It's only fitting...
*Sad K-Pop noises*
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I’m quite looking forward to him tbh. I’ve never been into Kpop but I like his aesthetic and want to see what other outfits there are going to be for him.
we are already chasing survivors in onesies, togas and dressed as elves and Xmas presents so it’s not like the game is strictly dark and gritty traditional horror anymore so hopefully we get more killers with varied designs
but ######### if his power isn’t weak lol he needs a buff when he’s released
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They refused to delay the abomination known as the twins, what makes you think they will ever delay pretty boi?
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Imagine being so petty over a optional video game character.
Spirit and Blight aren't my personal favorites, but at least I give them their positives and respect their existence for their fans.
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They consider the Clown rework a success and they're happy with it. This after pretty much everyone said it either sucks or is pointless. Let that sink in, they're in a world of their own over at Behaviour.
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Thats not a valid argument, comparing killer motifs to survivors. At least compare trickster to puddles which is equally dumb. Survivors are not survivalists out on a hunting excursion. What they where caught wearing is irrelevant
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Agreed. Delayed or deleted, but either of those are unlikely.
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very petty over a video game character. ok.
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You know deathslinger has a onesie now right?
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there ya go, thats better
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It's a joke, because of April 1st is April fools day, and this killer is a joke to many of us. Jokes just aren't as funny when you have to explain them
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Nah April 1st will be a Key buff
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People are miffed were getting another weak killer. Its not that the fact that hte killers weak but the community was continously trying to suggest good changes for the trickster to distinguish and give him his own unique gameplay i.e. ricochet, exploding knives, anything that went beyond fire a projectiles it hits it lacerates. That's the issue This is on the back of the twins failure to make an impact resulting in the killer seeing little play.
For my swf and solo survivor games it meant we got little to no games vs the new killer and naturally we were disappointed. As a killer player it means that I'm still playing the same old killers. I'll admit the blight and wraith changes look promising but all the same its kind of frustrating.
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The problem is that Trickster has no positives. I respect that people like K-Pop, but unless they're also masochists this Killer isn't gonna se much play till BHVR does something good (not like his last 'buff').
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The clown rework is all he needed. Extra skill cap and chase potential.
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It was a bad joke to begin with.
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He should be delayed, but he won't be.
It's also annoying that we have to wait until he is released, and gets bullied RELENTLESSLY by players for several weeks or more before they finally actually do something about it.
I think what bothers me the most though, is that they could make him fun, the tools to do so are there, and they are like "Yeah we are just not going to do that" and everyone is like What? Why? and bhvr is just saying "......"
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Yeah and 0 people use it, like 0 people use the stupid clown one.
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I thought it was decent