Anybody else having an awful experience with MMR?

I haven't played survivor yet, so I'm not sure how good MMR is going to be for the survivor side but man, my experience with Killer so far has been absolutely awful. First match of the day, I play as Blight, one of my mains and encounter a toxic 4 man SWF with full Meta builds and 3 flashlights that bring a coldwind offering. I got beat pretty hard that match since I wasn't expecting to get matched up with people that were clearly much more higher skilled then me, but fine, whatever it was just one match. Next match I decide to play as the Twins since I had a feeling that every match would be like the last, and boy was I right. Almost every single match I've played today with Killer I've had to absolutely sweat in my games which got really boring and frustrating.
I wanna play DBD to have fun, and to give the other side an enjoyable experience too, but when I'm consistently getting matched up with really high skilled survivors it forces me to be extremely sweaty which ends up in me having no fun and the survivors having no fun.
I just don't think MMR can work with Dead by Daylight. This game is mostly balanced around casual players so when you start putting serious matchmaking into it you end up with really sweaty, unfun, and unfair matches. Is anybody else having an awful time with MMR or is this me just being unlucky?
I'm sorry you had bad games today.. same here. With this MMR i played with a lot of spirits players who tunneled me for some reason. Red and yellow survivors who played very very bad, we played against the trapper and they ran towards him and his traps. i can't tell if they were trolling or not.
I hope that MMR will change, not everyone experiences the same thing and we need better experience and people to play with.
Remember to take a break if you need to by the way.
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I had a great day. Played my main (Doc), got matched with groups that put up a fight, didn't feel like I was babysitting a bunch of root vegetables, nor did it feel like I was being offered up for slaughter. Some wins, some losses, some map offerings, some keys, nothing that wasn't fun and engaging.
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I had some pretty good games. aftr a couple games where it was weird.
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As Killer I played once against a 3 man SWF team who gen rushed and got three gens done before I even got my Myers to rank 2. If they were that desperate to get out then get out of my game. I gave up and just let them leave. I seriously think there needs to be a penalty or something for more than two people on a gen.
As for survivor, I’ve gotten nothing but baby killers and baby survivor teammates and I’m rank 8. So so far it’s been awful.
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Here's how my MMR experience has been summed up in a kinda cutesy way^^
If I [BAD WORD] see one more [BAD WORD] genrush sweat squad or [BAD WORD] facecamping Bubba I'm gonna punch an Orphan.
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I have been in several matches both as killer and survivor and I am liking it. It's a definite improvement to the matchmaking.
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idem, as survivor i only got stridor nurses and infectious sluging nurses, it was completely unfun, totally, as killer i didnt have a bad time, a sweaty 4 man rushing gens like crazy and the rst were kinda fine (because i also started with a try hard mentality, i was the most anti fun killer for the rest of the matches) they didnt have fun at all, im sure about taht, and i will consistently start trials with that mentality if MMR forces me into this. MMR needs to go, i want my normal matches where everyone can have fun again, MMR doesnt work never did, never will, DBD is an smal game, you cant think like that when top 1% are just a few people, how much time do you want them to wait? also, lots of people will die on first hook and killers going AFK or just doing nothing in order to lose, all in purpose in order to de rank and play more normal non sweaty games, because not everyone enjoys the sweaty part of DBD because is not fun at all, in fact most people dont enjoy going agaisnt spirit and nurse all time with heavy sluging builds only those weir... do.
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You are matched with the survivors the same "skill" as you. this is how it should be. Why should you get to pummel noobs who will not enjoy the game just as you are not enjoying having to try.
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The only thing MMR does for this game is make everyone who is good at it not want to play it. It's a bit ironic developers who don't want to balance their game because it's a "survivor party game" and a more casual game have MMR in the first place.
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Survivors that are the same skill level of a really good killer, unless they're playing a top tier killer, will most always result, or very closely result, in a really easy win for all four survivors. It makes the game incredibly unfun and results in more killers at those ranks falling back to simply playing top tier same killers, and makes survivor suck due to it always being the same killers.
Sadly, unlike most games, the more "balanced" this game is in terms of survivors vs killer, the worse it becomes, specially for killer.
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Except that I am not having that experience; I am pummeling noobs as you so eloquently put it. The system keeps putting me up against people who have ZERO chance against me.
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I only get this on killers i never or rarely play.
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I am jealous, I have not had that experience what so ever.
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Agreed. I'm also jealous as that has not been my experience either. My main, Myers, just pulls exactly the same "Taste The Rainbow" I've been pulling for two months. It is either a rainbow, or solid Red. It is extremely inconsistent. All the other Killers that trying out just get people who should NOT be in the ring with me. It is very disheartening. This test will be over within one day. Some people are saying, it will gather the data and catch up. What the hell can it do in a day that it didn't do in a year in the background? :)
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I tried Trapper and Huntress 2 killers I rarely ever use and I had babies. In one game the survivor had 15 hours on the game.
I tried clown and it was hard but the survivors weren't amazing lol, its more clown sucks when they play safe and drop pallets early.
I tried PH probably the killer I've been most tryhard with and I'm getting really tough games. So MMR has determined that I use this killer and perform well with them. The real nugget of info though is what happens when you lobby dodge. One game was full of low ranks, they played quite inexperienced, the lobby before had members of team Agony in it. That's quite a difference on the same killer so either MMR isn't working or as suspected its throwing out anyone to cut down on queue times for survivors.
Edit: Also this is more evidence the devs have been lying about swf. PH is getting the sweatiest games and all lobbies are swf. Literally all of them. My other killers are mixed. SWF is clearly at the top of the MMR pile.
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Every single game for me has been like this:
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I'll be honest. The games have been really balanced imo. Most of the time I get a 2k. If I get a 4k I'm sweating at the end of it. Kinda sucks since being casual is more fun, but can't deny the survivors feel like they're at my level
EDIT: Why are people looking so hard at ranks? Are they expecting everyone in the lobby to be around the same rank even though MMR isn't looking at rank when they make the lobbies?
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I mean logically, if the system works, and you keep playing casually and eating the losses it will adjust so you can keep playing casually.
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Im rank three killer and all i have been getting is rank 20s.
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with what killer?
i don't believe this at all.
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Ive played against exclusively red rank killers out of my 20 matches and the highest ranked survivor I saw on my side was 7. Like I’m clearly not good enough to face these killers yet, why hasn’t the mmr done its job and placed me closer to where I belong?
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I wonder if part of this new system is the level of your character. I like to level up my killer and survivor as much as I can before playing them for the first time. Is this a factor? Cause I have a level 30 Deathslinger and so on and I am not good at all. I barely get a 1k much less anything else. So why am I getting red ranks and survivors that are clearly above my level.
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what rank are you?
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mmr is going to ruin this game. i also play to have fun, but i'm still good at the game and don't like getting bad teammates. i don't want to have to sweat my ass off every single game to keep my mmr up just so i won't get matched with idiots.
the whole entire reason they're doing this mmr ######### is because killer mains can't easily learn new killers at higher ranks. why not make the solution having the first x amount of games with a fresh killer put you in lobbies that are like 10 ranks below your current rank? a red rank killer doesn't need to play against ######### brown ranks to learn a killer, they have the game sense.
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Yeah, except for the part where the survivors were much, much more better than me and I got steam rolled. Then I had to play sweaty, and even though I don't speak for everyone I think its safe to assume no one in this game likes going up against a really sweaty killer or sweaty people in general.
I don't wanna just beat noobs constantly since that gets boring extremely fast but constantly going up against *really* good people gets mentally tiring really damn fast.
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Because the ranks have been a good indicator of skill. Survivors listed as rank 15-20 play like they're very new to the game, survivors in ranks 1-4 are playing like they're very experienced. I've yet to see a low rank survivor perform well in a chase, and I've yet to see a high rank survivor run around like a potato.
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I’m only rank 12! 😭 I’m not good at the game I just want a fair match where I can learn how to get better. I just played one where I was paired with 3 red rank survivors and a rank 2 pyramid head. It’s really not great.
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I've only played survivor, but I keep getting sweaty Spirits with Stridor. I got off after that. I might try playing killer tomorrow.
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As survivor the games have been mostly fine, although the killers have been low rank newbies more often then not. As killer i'm getting this:
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Yeah I'm like rank 8 surv & my friend and I have been getting exclusively red rank killers and brown rank teammates. We get all the bloodpoints cause we do all the work, but I'd like to escape a few games, yaknow?
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Whats it matter what killer? Just using my mains pig, myers and ghostface. Im fairly good with all three
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Red rank survivor main here. Only played 5 games but all 5 felt really good. Teammates that knew how to run killers, even had 1 game that had a rank 2 nurse killer ragequit on us and had some insults afterwards (lol). No one really hiding around, wasting time. Totems, gens being done, people not dive bombing, etc.
So far so good in solo que. I did go against nurse 2 times in a row though, that was surprising.
edit1: Just went against Doc on Laboratory. Did the 1st gen and aggro'd the killer. He chased me all the while my team cranked out the 4 remaining gens. I could tell he was surprised as hell at the pace of the match when he got to EG and everyone had left except me, and he was just staring off into the exit, like did that really just happen lol. He made the mistake of sticking on a chase for far too long and it cost him greatly. He got 1 hook at the end but I unhooked and we were all able to get out.
Teammate quality is a lot better IMO. Which is the real enemy of solo que at high ranks (prior to this sbmm).
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from the few games i played, nothing but toxicity.
seriously, 7 DCs in 4 games. the only time no one quit was when they were beating me.
and dont even get me started on the end chat messages i'd get.
and i didnt even play unfair or anything.
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i dont think MMR or whatever you call it is a good idea. I dont want it to be more Esport than it is right now , why ? look at fifa , fortnite , rocket league ... we complain for our (toxic comunity) take few minutes to watch their comunity .... its a LOT more toxic . AND I WANT to have FUN at the game , wich i dont have with mmr on.
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Just came back to dbd, and now I will never come back.
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I found my matches as both killer and survivor to be more enjoyable - there were no super quick matches, they were harder (in a good way), and overall seemed way more balanced. Matches usually ended either with 1 gen left or in the EGC with 1-3 people escaping on average. As a survivor I only felt like one killer bullied - and that was just them tunneling someone else after their first hook. As a killer the matches were much closer in general - I only had one match where it seemed like 2 survivors were either purposefully playing bad or were playing bad and were easy to kill.
My wait times as survivor were slightly longer than before, but nothing to cry about. My killer times were also longer, but still what I consider a good wait time (2-4 mins). I am currently purple rank on both survivor and killer.
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my teammates have been a lot better lately, but so was the killer. really digging this new matchmaking so far