So hillbilly sucks now?

I have faced one since returning after leaving before pyramid head chapter.
I've gone against several today. I think it depends on what time you play the game.
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There was so much Hillbillies because of how broken some of hiss addons were. Now tryhards switched to Spirit and Freddy
He's still good BTW
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The bad billies moved to easier killers like Spirit and Freddy.
The good billies got punished for actually trying to curve with their chainsaw and go for snipes and dropped him.
That overheat change satisfied no one with more than 10 hours in this game. All he needed was an instasaw nerf. Nothing more.
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I have respect for Billies who can get a clean hit, even with a bunch of walls and other obstacles in the way. In general, he's so speedy that for me I'd personally just go into the walls lol. It's a shame that there's issues with his build.
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Yeah when a curve billy gets a crazy hit on me I just stare in amazement. Never could get those curves down myself.
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Hillbilly is still a solid killer, but Leatherface is much easier to use comparatively after their changes.
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For real! Even when I get around a corner, there's that chainsaw coming at me and it takes me out and I'm the same, just thinking 'DUDE that was good' lmao. It's the same if a hatchet gets me perfectly. Eye coordination 10/10.
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Billy's still strong. People would rather just play other killers now, especially since his stronger addons got removed.
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He isn't bad, but he was nerfed pretty harshly. I'd more saying he just isn't fun to play anymore.
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I had made an discussion about thia and explained why Billy is still strong and that the only people having problems with him now are people that just arent as good at him as they want to think. Billy is still easily low to mid A tier when played optimally. Hes just harder now to curve with, and no more instasaw. Also the overheat but thats honestly laughable. Youll never overheat if your even halfway good with him. Like, you have to absolutely be trying to overheat to have it happen. People quit playing because of a mix of herd mentality as well as bads that only ever used instasaw.
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Hillbilly is definitely still very strong. He just requires more skill now and isn't as brainless
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For me the quitting came from moving to PC and never quite liking how he controlled since I rarely use add ons on killer. Even using A and E to turn just felt way too sensitive compared to a controller. It actually made his Rift a nightmare for me.
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People don't think he's weak, they think he's simply not strong enough anymore to justify how hard he is to play against survivors who don't just run like they're waiting to get downed.
If he's still one of the strongest why he's completely extinct since the nerf?
Nurse is hard, but once you learn her you're using the best killer in the game. What do you get from learning Billy in return? A killer that might be better than Bubba assuming you're playing flawlessly.
The only to reason to still play Billy is because you really like the character, he has no niche in the game anymore.
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The only reason you dont see them is due to the addon change that removed charge time, this allowed people to get easy chainsaws with the speed they could charge it up and streamers etc. Saying hes bad. Hes still in the exact same spot as before just without the faster charging addons which 90% of people used
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He's still really powerful, people overreacted to the nerf. I think the instasaw removal put off all the noobs but also he's kinda boring.
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He's still hella strong, but he can also be a challenge to learn. Most people rather play simpler killers like Spirit and Freddy, who don't take such a long time to learn.
Billy isn't too different than he was pre rework if you didn't use insta saw or rev your chainsaw at the wrong time all the time.
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1- Billy is underestimated by the community.
2- Billy is still one of the most skill expressive killers and one that is rewarding to put hours at.
3- The heat mechanic introduced in the rework made it difficult for players to train how to use his M2 in loops and curves. A change that maybe could help here could be making Speed Limiter remove the heat generation completely so that you can use it to train in matches.
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It takes no mechanical skill to use Trapper's power though; you just have to hold M2 to place traps, and going around M1ing people is not a skill set that's specific to a killer in particular. It's a different tipe of difficulty in a more strategic way, which makes him much easier to pick up.
I do agree that if at least his animations would be fixed and the stupid roar would be removed or at least only make it play during a succesful chainsaw hit, he would be much more fun to play, but Billy needs to go back to his old state minus insta saw and Tuning Guide (which is all they needed to nerf) for the average killer player to consider playing him again.
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Billy's still fine. He's just bugged to hell right now and his animations and pushed in camera feel like garbage so people aren't playing him. Same with how I theorise people aren't playing Blight because of how god awful his POV currently is but that's getting fixed next week. The other reason people stopped playing him is the removal of insta-saw, which was what made him an actual threat against even SWF teams. Now he's still good, but no longer amazing unless you learned double engravings.
Against a good team of survivors Billy was always just "decent" without add-ons but he was probably the most fair and balanced killer in the game when he wasn't using insta-saw or crack. He still is, but he's now less appealing to play because of his animations and Oni exists (Who also has had a camera bug for nearly a year that still hasn't been fixed lmao)
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I'm glad. He was such a braindead killer with too much map pressure with no meaningful downside. Now he requires some level of thought to use his chainsaw.
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When he will be fixed ? Mclean said he will but WHEN??
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He's not bad or anything, and he's fairly balanced now; it's just he worked a certain way and he was fun and they changed him in a way that most people don't find him as fun anymore.
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I think what people miss is the addons
aka insta-saw and/or crack billy (Charge addon + Movement speed)
Can't say I miss them, they were extremely boring to face in my personal opinion.
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The overheat changes made him unfun to play.
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Ever since they buffed Bubba, when I play Billy and get pallet looped by rank1 forever, I will regret I didn't choose Bubba. Bubba is much more easier to use and much more efficient in forcing dropping pallets.
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Billy still has no meaningful downside to his chainsaw, the overheat is barely an issue. It doesn't require any more thought than it did before. Unless you were referring to his instasaw add-ons, you should still have the same complaints about Billy because barely anything changed in that regard
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Not that good anymore. Hardly anyone plays him. Used to be a scary killer like nurse, now heβs not as dangerous as bubba.
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i tried billy out on trickster ptb and nothing got fixed so we can hope mid chapter
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He's still very fun and deadly. The only thing gone for good was the insta chainsaw and you never overheat if you are a good hillbily.
There is less hillbilly probably because he require more skill now lol. And there are other killers that are so easy to use like freedy that people just pick those instead.
I personally prefer the harder but rewarding killers, there's nothing more stimulating than downing that overly confident survivor in a loop with an unexpected turn or doing a chainsaw down from the other side of the map with tinkerer. I love hillbilly.
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The funny part is when I started streaming/playing today after reading the forums: The first killer I was faced was a Billy - saw 2 of them today in 4 hours of playing.
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No, get Junkyard Air Filter and Punctured Muffler and you basically have Billy at almost the same level as Old Billy.
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I learned to Billy by holding M2 for entire games till I could curve and use the saw at loops.
He's not as fun anymore.
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Were just going to casually ignore ohtofu and the billy mains community at large are we? They have said the issue with billy is hes not fun. People can say oh overheat dosent affect billy for players that dont overuse the saw.
You mean his power the reason you play the killer. Did people forget that one of the most exciting and fun things to do as billy was saw across the map for prolong periods of time or are we just gonna pretend that never existed.
It makes no sense if billy was still a fun killer then people would be playing him. Saying there all just bad players is arrogant and really speaks about the kind of egos we got in this community. If you can still have fun with billy thats good for you but the community at large is having an abyssmal time playing him something needs to change.
There were people who swore by old freddy but in the end behavior changed him and now people actually like playing him you can argue hes to strong and yes you'd be right but now freddy actually sees play.
That arguably more important then whether or not you enjoy playing him. Its also nonsensical to have a cooldown meter on a power you want to learn. Stop and focus on this point stop being dismissive and actually explain why does overheat need to exist?
Do you want billy players to learn there powers limitations or just be harassed by the overheat mechanic. Im so sick of the overheat apologists who dont even try to explain why its needs to exist bar to punish payer who are learning the killer. You know the ones who are struggling. Its nonsensical and arrogant.
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Haha...thats how I usually get caught! I run a loop as survivor and think "there's no way I could make that turn as a Billy." Then the Billy makes that turn....sigh π
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thanks god hes gone!
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He doesn't necessarily suck, but a lot of what made him strong was his zoning ability with his saw. Can't really do that as much with the overheat.
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People only played him when he was able to abuse his broken add-ons.
He's still one of the stronger killers on the roster, he just takes skill to use and is quite fair for both sides now.
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Speaking as one of the 12 people left who still main him (just kidding.....there's 15 of us!), he doesn't suck and is still very viable. What the overheat bar does hurt is his ability to zone or mindgame with the saw. Against good survivors you don't have the luxury in some cases to patiently bait out their mistakes and neither can you run double engravings as effectively as before (you can still run them, but managing the heat is pretty brutal considering you also have to allow for map traversal.
That being said, there are certain things which I fully understand are off-putting for some players. The roar and the camera bobbing are the main offenders which spring to mind. He also does still have issues with ghost saws and collisions on things that don't appear on screen, but otherwise flicking and curving are still viable so long as you're willing to put in the time to learn it. Slaughterhouse gloves + doom / death + muffler still allow for reasonable heat management while playing with a speed build.
Fun is subjective so take anything people say regarding that with a pinch of salt. Also, be mindful a lot of people relied on instasaw Billy to succeed in chases and those opinions you can safely discount (everyone knew his old addons were busted).
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The overheat exists because BHVR wants to make the free killers less popular by making them more punishing to learn for new players and less fun overall for veteran players in order to push DLC sales. Huntress is probably gonna receive the same treatment.
They know stuff like the overheat and blink recharge on Nurse are stupid mechanics that people hate; the reason why these killers didn't originally have these mechanics is simply because whoever made them wasn't dumb and didn't think they were needed.