To put in perspective how weak the Clown is

Yords Member Posts: 5,781

Freddy pretty much has his bottles in a "trap" form base kit. They are much stronger and he can have 8 of then down all at once that survivors can't avoid. He is basically Clown, but stronger and with map mobility among other things.

The difference is that the Clown can constantly try to corral survivors with his bottles and he has a speed bottle that doesn't really have a good use most of the time. But all you have to do is drop pallets early and bam, completely countered.


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Aah yes cause freddy can also place his traps at 20 + meters in front of him. Ow wait.

    Well it doesn't matter we are at a loop anyway. Ow nvm they are awake.

    Freddy is the better killed but not because he has clowns bottles. Both traps and bottles slow down and force medium vaults. And that's where the comparison ends.

    You know that whole "hold w" debatte going on now? Outside of a cheeky gen teleport Clown destroys freddy in that scenario.

    I can also say "just stay awake and hold w against Freddy, bam easilly countered"

    Freddy can do a lot of things better then clown. Chasing is not one of them.

  • PerfectlyPink
    PerfectlyPink Member Posts: 435

    Ngl, my problem is his base design, he's so god damn boring

    Throw purple bottle on one side throw yellow the other, you either hit them or they drop the pallet. His power just forces survivors to play like idiots.

    All around boring and sad design that's antifun and antiskill

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    Even if I agree that Freddy is overall stronger than Clown, how do you believe that his snares are better than the bottles? They are completely useless against Shift-W players who run as soon as they so you, and if you lead him to an area he hasn't set up snares in, you can abandon the pallet loop while Freddy is trying to make that loop unwinnable.

    There are tiles that Freddy can't beat without breaking the pallet, that the Clown can when paired with his speed bottles, like the long short wall tile and the the long pathway loops on Coldwind and McMillan maps. Clown's slowdown is more potent than Freddy's slowdown,as it can be applied instantly to survivors and for far longer than the base 3 seconds of a snare, if you throw the bottle ahead of the survivor. The slowdown itself can be stronger with addons, with a maximum 20% slowdown compared to the snare's 15%.

    The bottles are limited and do need to reload, meaning there will be times where Clown can't use them without giving the survivor distance. But Freddy's snares won't work at ALL if somebody is awake, which is bound to occur at some point in the game. Heck at the very start, Freddy effectively has no power at all to down survivors other than being invisible at 32 metres (which is pointless as its the same distance as the TR).

    Again, I agree that Freddy is better than Clown, because his kit is more jack of all trades with passive slowdown and map traversal. But Clown goes all in on the chase alone, and it is a bit rediculous people saying Clown is so easy to counter, than saying Freddy is impossible to loop, in the same breath. You can counter Freddy much more effectively in chase than you can a clown, and there will be times where you won't even need to while you are awake.

    That is the end of my rant.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Clowns bottles are stronger than Freddy's snares by a good bit. Freddy is simply better because he has Map Mobility.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Against shift W gamers, yeah clown wins since you can pretty easily throw ahead of them. But honestly those players go down faster than decent loopers anyway so what's really the point unless you're on midwich?

    It's incredibly easy to keep people asleep as freddy. The game makes it incredibly difficult to remain useful while awake. Even if they are waking up via clocks they're still wasting time by traversing the entire map to do it every couple minutes so either way he's getting the better end of the stick.

    Decent Freddy's will pre trap the good loops forcing surviors to go through them if they want to go there. Granted, they don't up as much area as clown gases but place them in the same spots as you would gas and they function the same way. They also don't require a reload and stay there unlike clown gas.

    Clown technically has the better slowdown trap since you can throw them, but honestly they are used in near identical situations it makes clown not very impressive compared to Mr Freddy with all his other mechanics.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Clown is one of the most boring killers in the entire game to play against and as.

    He's slightly more fun because of the new bottles but it's still the same old #########.

    I could care less if he is buffed more or what but I still don't much care for him.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    At least with Clown you have to use your brain now with the inclusion of the antidote, which people keep saying is bad but still don't understand how to actually use it. All Freddy ever did was ripoff Clown when he got reworked, then gets his basekit buffed way much, and then just became a rather boring no skilled needed killer. Also I did experiments yesterday between Clown and Freddy as to who can perform better with their power on the Pallet Plant map, and I will say I had a much better time playing Clown on Game map compared to Freddy. It's the fact that Clown can throw his tonic bottles and get a hit before survivors can drop the pallet or even make it to it, and knowing how to use the antidotes helped as well. When I did Freddy I was mainly getting no use for the first three gens out of my power since he has to place snares, whereas Clown can just throw his power right at you. It was mainly going from pallet to pallet having to break so much, but once I finally got rid of all the strong pallets I managed to dominate easily with Freddy. Both games were wins, but Clown performs much better on Game map compared to Freddy even if there is pallets into pallets.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Clown has much, much better chase potential than Freddy especially when you get into higher skilled survivors who pre-drop against Freddy snares. Freddy also doesn't close distance at all unless you're lucky enough to have preset a snare at a choke point. And while Freddy's teleport is good, that cooldown is BEEFY vs optimal gens and survivors with sharp comms.

  • Beefmur
    Beefmur Member Posts: 261

    you have to set up for a hit with clown. For most of the killers if you set up youd get a down

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,649

    And to think there is a killer that is worse than clown coming out next week.....

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited March 2021

    If you know what you're doing, you can end chases faster with Clown than Freddy. Freddy is overall a better killer though thanks to his ability to teleport to generators. I except others to see him as a decently strong killer (like when he first released in 2018) once Freddy gets the hammer.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I wouldn’t even call the Freddy Rework a rip off.

    If someone attempts a hook save while Freddy is meters away, he can’t throw a snare at them to interrupt it.

    The Snares vs Bottles comparison is ludicrous at best.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    By miles. Clown will always end a chase faster than Freddy.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    But people think he's still weak? I guess people don't see what you and I see in Clown

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Deathslinger is probably the strongest 1v1 killer but still he can lose very easily. Ending chases quickly doesnt mean winning automaticly. The main reason why Clown is so "weak" is his lack of map pressure or mobility in other words. They went in the right direction with the yellow bottles but they are not enough for mobility.

    I have a simpe suggestion though. You get a SIGNIFICANT movementspeed boost with the yellow gas but as soon as you are in a chase the boost is at the rate as it is right now. That ensures that Clown can use these bottles to traverse the map way faster and fix his big problem.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    It’s because so few use him effectively, and also don’t slug anywhere near enough with him like the way Nurse players do.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    They went in the PERFECT direction with the Antidote. The mistake is believing it’s a map traversal tool, and thinking that’s something Clown still needs.

    Survivors cant gen rush if 2 are on the ground while a third is being hooked. Few take advantage of the speed Clown can down survivors, and use THAT to place heavy pressure on other survivors not in a chase (because they’re priorities are now divided between gens, a slug, and a hooked teammate)

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    A Good Clown can Rival just bout half the Killers.. In general. He is like High B tier. just barely pushing A tier. in terms of balance and skill. =D just putting my thoughts out there,

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Even as someone who thinks clown is pretty good like myself his slugging potential is average at best. He is great at ending chases fast though

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Exactly. All the good snowball killers have good mobility so they can go from target to target quickly. Clown simply doesn’t have this ability

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Never heard this comparison, I was gunna argue against it but I saw 5-6 posts that expressed my opinion already.

    I don’t use Clown as much as I use to, specifically not since his antidote was introduced, but I use to be a Freddy main. Even after his rework, I stuck with Freddy for quite awhile, an I never once had the thought (this feels like Clown).

    They really have different set ups and strategies, at least how I play them.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited March 2021

    For context, I’ve played both Freddy AND Clown since their initial releases. So therefore I’ve sunk significant time into old Freddy before Clown’s release, and into Freddy’s Rework as well. I am extremely experienced with both killers, even dominating at red ranks with old Freddy.

    Despite the community’s perceived attitude that current Freddy is OP, I STILL have chosen to not use him as much now as I do Clown. Clown better meets the goals and outcomes I want while playing a match.

    As for your first question, it’s already answered by me in the tagged quote: most players that try to use Clown don’t use him effectively or properly. That you claim that you’ve seen a Clown player get run by 1 survivor for 5 gens just validated what I said. I can start a chase with a healthy survivor, get them injured, and then downed within 16 seconds. This is what Clown is capable of. This is his potential when bottles are used smartly instead of just randomly lobbed anywhere.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I have a lot of respect for what you post, but can you not see the oxymoron of what you’ve presented here?

    There is an inescapable correlation between how quickly a killer can end chases and how effective that makes them at using slugging as a pressure tool.

    It’s pretty much how I win most of my matches as Clown once one survivor is dead. If the team don’t respect how quickly I can down them, and I spot someone after already having downed someone else, this horrible cycle starts for the team whereby they have little time to work effectively on gens because they’re either in a chase or helping someone else off the ground almost constantly.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    While I agree clown is great at ending chases fast you’ve went on record saying you use coulrophobia and mangled to help your slugging ability.

    If survivors end up playing safe and spread out clown’s slugging ability is about average and really not great compared to oni nurse or even blight.

    Slugging is a necessary part of high level games and clown can do it like any other killer but his actual ability to snowball is pretty average since he needs to reload and has no map traversal to get to his next target.

    You are right about your build though I’ve used it not trapper and blight aswell as clown and it works better than you’d expect

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Mostly because he's punishing as hell.

    You need to constantly think 5 steps ahead of the survivor. Know what places are the best for which gas to go at which loop and the slightest misthrow can mean you wasted a bottle and an oppertunity.

    Couple that with Clown needing downs for his pressure and he is extremly punished for any mistakes they make.

    He very much needs the blight mindset of learning how best to use your power at every loop using the knowledge of how experienced survivors run it.

    I would almost argue clown is more difficult then nurse to use at full potential.

    What Clown really needs is some changes that make him easier to play rather then make him stronger. For example it would be nice if the velocity of his bottles were increased a bit so you don't need to think 7 seconds in the future of where the bottle should go

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    CLown is better in chases i nfreddy, the only reason that Freddy is very powerful, is because of an add-on

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Which addon? His slowdown addons aren’t particularly strong and the rest are forgettable

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah his slowdown, I've done Adept freddy recently and just that one addon has proved to keep Gens at bay for a whole minute straight, plus me adding pressure

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2021

    I was trying to explain this in my post. Survivors who healthy that are going down to clown in 16 seconds is not what clown's potential is or any killer for that matter. If your ahead of a killer, even a little bit, it can take up to 10-20 seconds just to come close to the survivor, followed sprint burst+blade wipe animation from the killer grants another 22 seconds of just running forward and this is without using any pallets or windows.

    The clown getting constant speed boosts and slowdowns is placebo effect and is often not making as big of an impact as one would imagine.

    I do not think he is that punishing. I think he is unrewarding and i am going explain why:

    A lot of people compare Clown's gameplay to Freddy gameplay and this is understandable as both power share the ability hinder survivors. But, I don't.

    I think his power is closer to what Bubba power is in term of gameplay. A lot of Bubba's do not utilize their charge system in his chainsaw effectively. When you become well-customed to timing his charges, especially with add-ons like Chili, you will precisely be able to understand how much distance you cover in 1, 2, 3 charges. Bubba moves way faster in his chainsaw sprint, so you can think of it like clown yellow bottles. If you properly plan ahead, you can approximate distances and timings for when to rev and whether you will be able to reach the survivor in time for an instant down. Of course, do not expect to be able to do this instantly, your early experiences should account in a lot of trail and error. You'll probably experience ineffective use of his charges, bumping into objects during loops, survivors getting into windows due to reving chainsaw at wrong time/too late which you will eventually get past and every down will be an instant down with good mastery.

    Clowns is really similar in this regard. The hindered effect and Speed boost has a lot of trail and error. Many of approximation of distances and places to throw bottles when used in tandem can produce potential faster chases when survivors give you favorable routing to utilize it. The problem is that when both sides are thinking 7 seconds ahead with good survivor routing, it proves very challenging to get value out of his power. The power are similar in the sense that both powers are about how to approximate distances over large scale to get hits in the future.

    The common counter-plays to clown such as putting pallet down early is very effective in many cases, with Bubba and his speed boost, he breaks them instantly. Not to mention that Clown needs survivors to somewhat move in straight line to throw yellow bottle ahead of him and at the exact moment of passing through gas, he has to have line of sight to simultaneously to land purple bottle to take advantage of both effects at the same time. The reward is not even an instant down, its just single hit for all this setup. Bubba needs less setup to acheive similar gap-closing capacities and he gets rewarded for it far more.

    TL:DR Clown is not rewarding to play and faster chases are placebo of facing bad looping.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Which ones? If I’m not mistaken swing chains is max 8% and jump rope is like 3%

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788
    edited March 2021

    This is my problem with the slugging clown build. I mean sure, the average solo que team will often group together in the same area of the map making the anti healing slugging build good simply because you don't have to go far to find another survivor and they'll waste time healing/reviving while you're in the area. The smaller maps will help also. It's a good noob stomper build but that's about it imo.

    This build falls apart the moment survivors decide to split up and do gens separately which at high level is the best strategy regardless of killer.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 207

    I used to think Clown was weak, but while going for his adept I went from rank 6 to rank 2. I definitely won more than I lost.

    I'm not a phenomenal player, by any means, and I don't think that I'm some prodigy with Clown, but I don't think he's as weak as people think he is.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    I actually agree.

    It's not like you need to throw a bottle directly at a survivor to have them hindered. It can cover an area and zone the survivor, as well as using speed bottles to boost yourself

    Snares have to be places just right and it also can be a real pain when you have that weird delay where the outline of a snare you want to place doesn't show up. You also can't cancel snare placement either so you're just wasting your time.

    Even then, just because a killer may not be as strong as another killer doesn't make them "weak" overall. Deathslinger has a much strong chase than Huntress and subsequently huntress is weaker, as she has more counterplay, but that does not make her a weak killer overall.

    Clown is so slept on it hurts. Just because he doesn't zoom across the map like blight or have instadowns like billy doesn't make him the worse killer or near worse killer.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    They’re not really that good tbh. You’d be better off running Nancy’s sketch/masterpiece

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686

    If you're going to compare Clown to anyone to try and make a point about him being UP, don't put him up against Freddy, who's got the highest kill rate across the board.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Clown's bottles are better, but not by much. They work in the same way and the only difference is the bottles cover a larger area and make survivors vision disintegrate.

    But yeah, Freddy is just a better Clown.