Cant play any game as hillbilly on ps4

The tittle says it all. Ive tried several times to find a match with hillbilly today but the load time only with him are without end. I tested other killers and i find a match in less than 1 minute,and survivor queue times are also normal.
Are you a Billy main?
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Are you?
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I main literally every killer, I am asking because if you have a high win rate as Hillbilly that could answer this
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I had the same problem and I had been playing him recently too on ps4 it took literal 6 minutes to find a match and then it gave me all rank 20s
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Sounds like there may not be many survivors at your skill level as Hillbilly to match you with. Is the Hillbilly your main and do you have a high sacrifice rate using that killer?
I'm not completly sure but I think I read that each killer has it's own rating now.
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Same,i was joking...yes it took me ages to find one and i was against baby survs unfortunately
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Same unfortunately
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Yikes, same with me when I tried Michael yesterday
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I had the same issue with playing Hillbilly on PC. The queues were extremely long compared to other killers (four minutes without a lobby for Hillbilly vs less than ten seconds on another killer I do well with).
Hillbilly was having a lot of match making issues on their first MMR attempt half a year ago. I think they just haven’t figured out how to incorporate one hit down killers.
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I think, as last time, Billy's mmr is bugged. It won't go up no matter how much you destroy the fun of brand new players with him... Try not to use him untill MMR is over
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cant bully newbies,i let 2 players escape the 2 times i could play today
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Yeah, I go for 2 hook each then let them do gens and stuff, when I see they're newbies... No point in go tryhard and spread toxicity to new players... But I'm away from Billy untill MMR is OFF
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I know it only a 24 hour trial this time but isn't MMR going to be permanent at some point?
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Yes, they want to reset ranks to twenty with bloodpoint awards. So they need a MMR that works without considering ranks.
Thats why this is an actual problem that needs addressing. They’ve messed up Hillbilly in both MMR test runs.