The new matchmaking system is only against hated killers

linancy Member Posts: 38

After at least 6 games with the new matchmaking system, i played against high winrate killers such as Freddy, Spirit and nurse.

Some were red and green ranks.

I'm purple rank survivor and the matchmaking with other survivors are not bad. not a big difference, just the killers are repeating themselves.

They're always Spirit, nurse or freddy with the most annoying perks.

The game become annoying as well and way more harder.

I don't like this at all.


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Step 1 make a competitive game

    Step 2 make a mmr system that penalizes weaker killers with frequent losses

    Step 3 killers all start using higher tiered and better characters and builds

    And that right there is a cycle to make what dbd was into a duller game

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I also feel people should play differently in this time, and actively try to exploit the system.

    Normally that would be bad, but it will help for testing purposes and in getting those problems ironed out.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well that is the result which should be expected. The killer roster has a definite scaling in viability against more or less skilled survivor. This will lead to the best survivor only playing either player that have truly mastered the respective killer or only the top of the tier ladder over and over again. But I already foresaw such a development months ago since that is the logical conclusion.

  • wuperbear
    wuperbear Member Posts: 33

    That sounds super duper no fun! Respect casual players please! Variety with a little bit of randomness is what keeps dbd entertaining for hundreds or even thousands of hours.

    I hope better balancing will be introduced if they continue with the mmr system. Casual players that desire mostly fun instead of sweaty games after sweaty games should be respected! Look at what happened to games that focused solely on competitive players e.g ow. i loved that game back then, but ... the devs, they only cared about the competitive events and data gathered in master ranks. Casual players(majority) eventually left cause of the same old boring meta that competitive players abuse. Every game felt the same, whoever chose the better comp wins, people refusing to follow the meta looked and felt dumb. Why so many characters then when we should only pick the same?

    I love nurse, but I too agree that she is extremely not fun to vers against as survivors, especially when she carries both range and charge addons (which u can't really tell in advance, nor do anything to prevent, nor change anything after acknowledging it, unless u played thousands of hours of nurse urselves).

    Not here to argue with any nurse spirit or freddy main, but hey, we do need some variety up there. I hope the devs hear some of it and try something new.

    Or worst case scenario, at least prevent or decrease the rate whereby we get the same killer/s. I'd rather have a long as* queue time than going in spirit nurse spirit nurse spirit nurse after spirit nurse.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I'd say hope to meet you in the fog as Wraith but for some reason even the 2000+ hour players I'm getting are trash so if you're good maybe not.

    -smh rank 1 mutter mutter MMR bad survivors mutter-

  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 48

    Yeah. By SBM I think they meant Meta killers. To be honest they should gather WAAAYYY more data from matches (winrates for each killer you played, matches that you played for each killer and win% etc.) so they can narrow down the spectrum. Also if you are picking up a new killer or playing as one while you haven't played with them you shouldn't get green-red ranks from the get go. Especially if you want to pick up someone like the nurse. If they really wanna make SBM a thing they should discard the ranking system in the whole picture and rely on these:

    Winrate (how many times a survivor escaped or how well are you performing with said killer)

    K/T (constant 4 Kills/Trial should result in you getting better survivors and overall a bigger challenge)

    Some separation (Killers should be somewhat categorized: Chase based, Power based, Combined this is how heavily their performance is increased by using their power or how efficient said power for the killer: Like Huntress is mostly power based but sometimes relies on chases so she is either power based or combined, Nurse, Power based (obviously), Spirit same, Clown he is combined because his power helps him in chases but he is just still running after you, Wraith & Trapper are chase based because they are mostly running after you if you don't play into their hands)

    So if they ever dream of making SBM possible then they shouldn't just throw specific killers against specific ranks because that won't change a single thing. Instead they should collect more data and try to optimize based on that data stack (okay may be too hard to implement just in a hot minute but still should be considered at rank reset.

    P.S.: Add rank rewards, if you wanna implement this throw EVERYONE back to rank 20 every season and base matchmaking on this strategy and have nothing to do with ranks.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Well I just got a huntress who got no hooks all great start so far I guess for survivors? Lol.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    That post reminds me of the good old days, when red ranks meant facing Hillbilly or Nurse basicly each game. To be honest, that might sound dull, but could be a sign for the MMR working well.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Because they're the strongest killers and most viable at high level. If MMR goes through and you're a really good survivor player this is pretty much going to be every match until some other killers become more viable.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I remember what me and few others said that high MMR will only be Spirit, Nurse and Freddy and the matches won't be fun in the slightest for anybody. And oh look! We were all right.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    When you say Annoying perks, do you mean gen defence. That's killers meta for you, an entire build made up of perks to stop gens. If only the devs see the issue.

  • OrangeChonk
    OrangeChonk Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2021

    This is kind of scary for DBDs future.

    BHVRs goal with this MMR system should be to monitor the pick rates / kill rates of top tier killers and either bring other killers up to their level or bring the meta killers down. Also don't forget tweaking survivors as well. This is exactly how RB6: Siege or LoL does it. If their system is as accurate as they claim then that would actually make balancing easier.

    What worries me is their track record. They take FOREVER to change things. They want killers to have a 50% win rate yet they leave a killer like Freddy at 70% without making a single change to him since that dev stream 6 months ago. Why couldn't they make his abilities .5 second longer? Why can't they play with his movement speeds. They could've added small nerfs to top tier killers over the last 6 updates and see if the kill rate goes down but no let's leave wraith useless since the beginning of time and few years later we will finally buff him. They need to tell us their future plans with this MMR system because right now I don't understand why they're adding this.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    ermm again, it adjusts to your skill level so you have a fair challenge, im sorry you cant stomp baby killers.......

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    or its good for the game because now killers can play what they want without having to reach for the strongest of the strong just because they happen to be red ranks

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Going against the same killers ? Over and ... over again?

    Sign me up !


    Just end my suffering already.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    It's a nice thing that BHVR is just testing this MMR system. And I think it will get better over time because it doesn't really know your skill level right away. But if this MMR system doesn't work and will just break the game, hopefully, they'll remove it. And btw, Nurse has one of the lowest win-rate in the game, if not the lowest win-rate in the game.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I never thought about what MMR would do to the killer variety for good survivors. This is gonna suck.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    ermmm no? why do you think it works that way?

    Its on a per killer bases, and yeah if you intentionally do bad with a specific killer you get in lower and lower MMR matches with that killer.

    its just about matching you up, PER KILLER, with people of similair skill level as you have with again THAT SPECIFIC KILLER that you happen to be playing at that moment.

    it means, in theory, that every match is balanced.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    It wont, it will be fine, if it reveals issues with top end killers vs others they will do what they are already doing, reworking them

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I had 2 nurse matches back to back yesterday when I rarely faced them. Im a killer main, but survivor has been fun lately. I think I played 1 nurse since August when I started. I usually get Myers, GF, Huntress at normal ranks.

    I think its fun to learn against nurse too. I have a good video of me dodging the blink hit and got excited lol

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Pretty much this.

    A good mmr would let BHVR see if a killer is OP or just a noob stomping machine.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491
    edited March 2021

    I tried running fun builds this MMR since I didn't expect much. Something like enduring/STBFL/BBQ/Brutal. No regression.

    Got multiple games back to back of four stacks of meta perk survivors with multiple brand new parts on good and large maps. I could barely get more than 5 hooks in the game before all generators were done in under 6 minutes. My very first game was against all rank 1 survivors who were good, on mother's dwelling, ALL with soul guard/ds/dh/unbreakable.

    It's the survivors that made me resort to using tinkerer undying ruin pop freddy with slowdown add ons because they want to play sweaty then I can play sweaty too.

    I don't even see the need for bringing perks like that honestly. I played survivor with spine chill resilience sprint burst and windows and did more than fine. There's no need for soul guard/dh/ds/unbreakable but to each his own.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,270
    edited March 2021

    Are you excited to play Trickster vs high-level? Imagine if you could play him today with MMR on. I am enjoying playing survivor. My teammates are remarkable now. Survivor is super fun now. The killer games are very high-level so for once like last week. I enjoy challenge of playing but I can't imagine anyone playing low-tier killers like Trickster or Clown, Myers etc. in such competitive environment. Let's say Otz try to do 50 win-streaks vs actual good players.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I'm not excited for Trickster for a multitude of reasons even unrelated to MMR. Lots of issues with Trickster.

    That said, I'm not excited to play Trickster or any of the other weak killers for that matter against high-level teams. We could go into a whole topic on this it's just already been said ad nauseum. The MMR system is gonna have problems.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I'm excited for it. Killerside the mmr is unique to each character, so I won't be facing the same level groups I do on my main, and will actually have time to learn and adapt. Unlike now where if I try to learn a new killer I'm doing it against people who have invested thousands of hours into the game and come in hard to win, which makes any killer you can't immediately understand very frustrating.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,270

    it will not be a problem. This is the real reality of the game. I can' wait until official release of it. I have only one concern about it and that is regarding queue times. they just got to be careful about those when there is not enough killer/survivor distribution. other than that. MMR is really good.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Is that a sign of MMR being bad or a sign of balance being bad?

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    The saving grace of those days was MLGA and the ability to triple depip with DC's with no penalty. Games get too sweaty? Seeing the same 10 killers over and over? DC 10 to 20 games in a row and let the fun begin! Or just DC after tea bagging in the exit gates every 3rd game to stay the same rank eternally.