killer mains how do you do it?

yogi42 Member Posts: 42

i normally play 50/50 but i find myself playing killer alot more but man i have to ask

how do you put up with it?

the teabagging, the non tunneling yet you still get DS

survivors body blocking each other to save each other

i legit dont feel like a killer i feel like im just getting bullied

why can a survivor save another person off a hook even though i attack? i feel like i should be able to grab them even if their healthy like i dont even tunnel but they all hang around a hooked person so what do i do?

how do you deal with this??



  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    With time you get a thicker skin... Especially when you learn not to abide by survivors' rules.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    Your mentality is a big factor. If you attribute everything survivors do to you as bullying, being toxic, etc. Thats on you. Don't take offense to every little action the DbD community considers 'toxic'. Just ignore it, understand it will always happen, and focus on your objective. Spread pressure, have slow down perks if you find gens going too fast and outplay survivors in mind games.

    So yea, I'd def recommend changing your mindset.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    You just have to get good. It sounds rude, but the better you get the less you'll get bullied or crushed when dealing with those problems.

    Alternatively, when it gets too much for me I like to run the most toxic build I can. My best Killer (Hag or Spirit) with a Memento Mori, OP addons, NOED, Franklin's, Devour Hope and Corrupt (I like the time it buys me). Not a guaranteed win but its refreshing, albeit toxic, to hurt Survivors the way they hurt me.

  • yogi42
    yogi42 Member Posts: 42

    but legit i dont like camping and when i go for an unhook i go for the unhooker cause it makes the game longer and more fun

    yeah i get called toxic?

  • yogi42
    yogi42 Member Posts: 42

    i dont want to become that proxy camping toxic killer but it seems like its the only way?

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    Toxic really doesn't mean anything in this game. It's a token word that people like to throw around that's lost all meaning by this point.

    You don't know these people, they don't know you. You're never going to meet them. Why be bothered by them at all? They're just mashing their keyboard to yell at pixels on a screen.

    But yea, finish the game, nod your head, and go to the next one. The only person on this game that can really make you upset is yourself, you know?

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    “Winning solves all problems.”

  • GbyeDinah
    GbyeDinah Member Posts: 42

    They prob are running borrowed time... that’s why they don’t go down after you hit them. Also I play killer a lot too and sometimes I’m like “ teabag me one more time” then ... I just make sure they die;) if u don’t play nicely then I don’t either.

    I much rather a game of good survivors and I play fair as well.

  • Beefmur
    Beefmur Member Posts: 261

    if they do all the gens the best you can do is find the gens that are the closest together and camp on them. down someone and put them in-between the 3 gen

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    i legit dont feel like a killer i feel like im just getting bullied

    Well, here's the hard truth, if you can handle it. You don't feel like a killer because you're not one. You're some guy playing a video game. Same for the survivors. You're not a big bad dude wielding a sharp weapon and inflicting horrendous bodily injuries. Nobody is getting hurt irl. Except in their feelings, apparently.

    why can a survivor save another person off a hook even though i attack? i feel like i should be able to grab them even if their healthy like i dont even tunnel but they all hang around a hooked person so what do i do?

    What do you do when they're handing you the win? I guess, you stay there... and win?

    And alsp, you can grab them regardless in that situation... which brings me to the point where you need to take the game as a learning experience, because you need it as clearly you don't know the mechanics that well.

    Then, stop focusing on non-issues, like tbagging. Banter exists in every game. As for the DS, it's getting changed the next patch. Bodyblocking? It's part of the game. Some things we like, others we don't. I'm sure there are plenty of things that survivors don't like and yet that's the game we have.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    New Flash- You can only be bullied if the Survivors are above your skill level (or bring stacked offerings/items/add-ons)

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I stopped playing Mr nice guy. When they hit me with DS before it felt it was unfair, when it happens now I just think "Yepp I deserve it"..when they t-bag I just think yeah we are not nice to each other, and why would we? We are opposite teams in a game about killing.

    And I don't care about winning or losing anymore I play for fun. To let the last survivor go after a game of being a "toxic" killer is the least they expect, but I do it anyway. As killer I like to be unpredictable.

    But I am in no way a killer main by the way I play survivor 80-90% of the time, and I never t-bag and stuff since I respect killers, they play alone.

  • yogi42
    yogi42 Member Posts: 42

    thanks for the replies :) im just going to try and win my own way and not take it seriously

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I don't want to be bragging, but its basically that I rarely lose. If I do lose then I try to look why did I lose.

    Was I too aggresive? Was there a certain moment where I screwed up? Or did I have no chance in the beginning despite playing my cards right?

    Sometimes I get badly annoyed by this game, especially when the survivors get toxic about it, but I'm used to it.

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    Yea man! If you need any more help or advice let me know! That applies to anyone reading this; I don't mind if someone wants to reach out and ask for something.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Just don't get salty. Let it go.

    People teabagging and/or clicky clicking want your attention, don't give it to them.

    People bodyblocking are free hits, if the person escapes go slugging since there are injured survivors nearby.

    You have to make sure you don't lunge in order to get the grab. You can grab healthy survivors trying to hook save, off gens or totems.

    Ds has a nerf going live in a few days that should help with that.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    As has been said, play your game, and accept there are going to be a lot of times you are going to get your ass handed to you on a silver platter. I play killer with the mindset of "Respect is a two way street" if I'm outplayed, I'm outplayed, that's just the way matchmaking goes a lot of the time. If I'm taunted, bullied, ect. I try to be the bigger person and ignore them. However, don't hesitate to make yourself a nice endgame build, and just afk in the middle of the map when the time comes. Every so often, you can snag some overly cocky or foolish survivor that doesn't take the win when they get the chance and just *has* to leave the exit gate to come taunt and/or bully you just a bit more. I feel more satisfaction from those kills when they are automatically sacrificed because of EGC or because they took things too far and now even their teammates won't come back for them and they suffer the consequences of their own hubris than I do even honorably sacrificing survivors who played respectably and gave good chases. I can't put my finger on it, but there is just something infinitely more satisfying about those people that had their chance to leave, but chose to come back anyway facing the consequences.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    9/10 times you are called "toxic" in end game chat it's not because you did anything wrong, just because you won/killed a salty saltine Survivor. My advice? Turn off end game chat. It's very rarely worth looking at anyway.

    As far as tbagging? You've just got to learn to not care. Focus on your game and improving in chases. The rest is just nonsense.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531


    In all seriousness you get used to it fast and just have a laugh out of it, or you can become a bitter sod like half the forum

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    I just look at tbaggers as a free person to tunnel. Then when they complain post-game I just say "You gave me the signal!"

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Because the killer role is far more interesting than the survivor role. It's always interactive 100% of the time and is the role where the skill ceiling is higher and as a competitive person, I do want to become better at the role and win more.

    Now there are times I just give up. Haddonfield with four balanced landing's? Yeah, I'll go stand in a corner, because there is no way to win that game but if the map is fair then I'm down to work at it.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Where are these "bully survivors" man, I'm bored of whack-a-moleing with bots 24/7.

  • DoctorRogue
    DoctorRogue Member Posts: 4

    Like most people say dont let it get to you, DS is getting a much needed nerf, and body blocking is honestly just free pressure, if 3 people are trying to save the dude on the hook, guess what? thats 3 people not working on gens and most likely injured. (Also, you can grab by just tapping m1 if someone is trying to save from hook assuming they dont stop the interaction.)

    And lets be real, you really shouldnt get upset if someone presses CTRL more than 2 times, thats just silly.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    I play the game, I guess. If everyone escapes, then well done for them. You're not supposed to win all the time. Better luck next time, maybe you'll win next game.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Teabagging = not gaining distance

    Body blocking = free hits

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    and if you're having a bad run as killer take a breather and come back in about an hour or two. that's what I'm doing.

    and he's right don't follow survivor rules at all because that's all they are. I've tried to follow them the best I can but I'm at a point now where I'm giving up on that. because as a killer you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. you get the same responses either way.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    It's just a frustrating game in general.

    When you grab someone and stay there in the grab animation for like a solid 2 seconds, and then it stops and the survivor is now like 15 meters away.....

    People with BT that shove themselves in your face piss me off a lot too, you are trying to chase after the unhooker and they think they are helping but really all they are doing is screaming "Tunnel me" at you, like if you don't want killers to tunnel you shouldn't be trying to make them tunnel you only when you feel it's convenient for you all. I guarantee if you wait out their BT, eat their DS, and then ream them into the ground and hard punish that behavior they are going to throw a tantrum in post game chat though; because a lot of survivors are super hypocritical.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I just deal with survivors no matter how they play. if they wanna teabag, click their flashlights I just brush it off. I do love the sound of clicking flashlights though lol.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I play about 50/50anf find myself playing more killer lately. It just takes a couple crappy solo queue matches as survivor for me to go back to killer so I have to rely on my own skill and not the awful people I'm matched up with.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2021

    how do you put up with it?

    Insanity helps /Kefka laugh

    the teabagging, the non tunneling yet you still get DS

    When the DS nerf gets here at least I will only eat a DS if I was actually tunneling.

    survivors body blocking each other to save each other

    I've yet to see someone body block Bubba's chainsaw.

    i legit dont feel like a killer i feel like im just getting bullied

    Learn a meta killer. The only reason I learned Nurse is because people were picking on my Trapper.

    why can a survivor save another person off a hook even though i attack? i feel like i should be able to grab them even if their healthy like i dont even tunnel but they all hang around a hooked person so what do i do?

    If you want to make a grab you need to just press the M1 button as they are in animation. If you hold down M1 the game thinks your trying to lunge. Survivors know this and they try to bait your M1 to get you to swing. So they can make the save as your wiping off the blood from your weapon. I just trade with them. You could also run STBFL to try to get 2 hits in before they pull off the save.

  • lolololol
    lolololol Member Posts: 106

    well if you’re not playing top tier killers, you’re setting yourself up for a bully squad.

    dont get me wrong, there are plenty of potato survivors out there that you can pull an ez win with a weak killer. But that’s like once in a blue moon senecio.

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    One thing that helped me was learning when to abandon a chase. If a survivor is taunting you, you shouldn't get mad and chase them. You should think, "what are they trying to lead me away from?" It's also good to abandon a chase if a survivor is in a good position. At the end of the day, they'll have to go to where the generators are and that's when you can catch them out of position to make things easier on yourself. You can also try to give a little extra attention to generators that are in areas that are harder to loop in or areas where you've already kicked a few pallets.

    Time is the biggest resource in the game and survivors will try to waste yours. Try to always keep in mind how many survivors are on generators. Is it the beginning of the game and you're chasing someone? Three survivors are on gens, maybe don't spend too much time on the chase. Do you have someone on hook and are chasing someone else? Well, one person is on the hook, one person is going for the rescue and one person is being chased. With only one person on gens, you might be able to finish that chase.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited March 2021
    • any form of ingame BM is a way to intimidate and distract you, don't let it happen
    • try to stay focused, BMing survs are often cocky and careless, use that to your advantage. If they're actually good at looping, don't get mad and just save them for the end
    • playing killer is a lot about game sense and time management. Sometimes you have to leave a survivor after a good mindgame from him or after he dropped 2 pallets and vaulted, this means you have maybe lost that chase BUT not the game
    • bodyblocking gives you free hits and nearly never works as intended. Only in the rare circumstances where you dropped a survivor before and then picked him up again. Or when someone sabotages a hook and you have to go far for the next hook
    • "tunneling" for me is when you mindlessly chase the same survivor after an unhook even if it isn't the best idea. But sometimes it is the best idea, then it's legit for me. If there is only 1 gen left and you don't have a kill yet, you need a kill if you want to win the game. Sometimes you also have to camp that survivor who has 15 seconds left till hitting stage 2 or till getting sacrificed. Depends on your will to win, if you don't care and just want to have a good time, play nice
    • Just slug people that have been unhooked lately. It pressures survivors off gens. If they jump on a gen after unhook - slug. DS is an anti-tunnel perk and works in this regard as it hinders you from tunnel someone out of the game. But it can also be abused (free escape in endgame for example). There is nothing you can do about this.
  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Easy. I've started tunneling and camping players that just hold W. So now I tunnel and camp everyone in every trial.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I legit don't view any of these as bullying.

    Teabagging has granted me super-lunge hits before, so those are actually welcome.

    I sure as hell don't like getting hit by DS, but with my preferred playstyle i get hit by it only extremely rarely.

    I like dealing hits, doesn't really matter to me who it is that gets hit.

    You can grab healthy Survivors who unhook, if you can't then they used the "imma unhook for 0.1 seconds so the Killer thinks i'm unhooking, but because they press the attack button while i've already stopped unhooking, it makes them regularly attack, allowing me to pull off the unhook" strategy.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,710

    Typically, I just deal with it in the current match best I can, and then I take an ebony mori for some catharsis in the next match.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited March 2021

    Well, to be fair, I stopped putting up with it. For the past several months, I haven't touched DbD and have been in Overwatch a lot more.

    But in general, that was when I started slugging and tunneling and camping. Oh, they don't like me doing that? Well, we're even. Having a fun match is a two-way street.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Just gotta push through the pain and hope for the best.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    It's quite simple really..

    ...Just be dead inside like me and somehow 4k,

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Yeah, Ifeel the same way, love going against “bully squads”. It’s so exciting to have 3 survivors swarming me when I’m trying to hook the other and I have to figure out how to outplay them. I wish all my killer games could be this way.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Yup, stand in a corner preferably blocking a chest, look down (to avoid flashlight blind farming) then /afk for beer.

    Match ends, the trolls de-pip with minimal bp so they all lose.

    I then come back, queue up and hope next match is better.

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    just remembering that, the stacks are against you, and sometimes u gonna lose for bs, and sometimes you are gonna lose cause you commited one mistake, and yea survivors can commit hundreds of those but, u are not a survivor, u are not suppose to win

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited March 2021

    It's really not as bad as it seems. There are always going to be the five year olds and six year olds and yes, that will cause frustration, but you can take solace in the fact that it's just an immature jackass trying to get their kicks by their fourth grade logic.

    Plus, killer is pretty fun, and if you suck at survivor (like me), it's really all you can play. It can be cathartic too; I got teabagged once as Bubba, and you can probably guess what happened when I got them.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2021

    First of All, I follow these "Unwritten Rules":

    1 - Play how you want to play and enjoy the game.

    2 - Respect is akin to Newtons 3rd law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ergo, if you show no respect, don't expect any.

    3 - The Killers role is to kill, the Survivors is to survive... Both by any means necessary. Hate the game, not the player.

    4 - When the gates are powered... Anything goes!

    5 - You paid money for a multiplayer experience, and thus aren't entitled to win every match. Anyone who takes umbrage to this should stick to single-player games where-in you are entitled to win for the money you paid. Being salty because of a lost match is unbecoming, embarrassingly juvenile, and toxic to the communities reputation. We're all people pitting our skills, strategies, and knowledge against each-other. If you lose and have nothing good to say: Leave a "gg," calm down/lick your wounds, and move onto the next match.

    6 - (For PC players anyways) Post game chat can be closed using the ">>" in the lower right of the chat box, and will remain closed until you open it again. No one deserves abuse, so if you find yourself frustrated over excessive endgame chat toxicity: Just close it, and continue enjoying the game in peace.

    7 - This is a 4v1 Lobby and Match style Multiplayer game. When you queue up to play a match you are committing to seeing it through so that everyone can enjoy the game, and everyone else who queued up is depending on your commitment to the match in order to experience said enjoyment. The acceptable reasons for Intentionally Disconnecting from a match are as follow:

    A Game breaking bug rendering you incapable of playing a normal match.

    A Player(s) taking the game hostage/hacking/exploiting bugs or unintentional game mechanics, or bullying/griefing you. (Record if possible, and Report them after leaving the match.

    Influences and situations outside of the game that make your disconnection unavoidable in order to deal with said circumstance.

    Disconnecting from a match intentionally for any other reason is a practice in bad sportsmanship that Ruins the experience for all other players, Disconnecting over petty reasons doesn't do anything other than piss off everyone else, and makes you a worse player for it since you don't learn how to play any better by quitting. Disconnecting is currently being punished for a good reason: Too many DC's from too many players results in leaving the community as a whole with a sour experience, and could eventually kill the game we love. If you are frustrated with how a match is going; Take it in stride as a learning experience, see it through to the end, take a break, and decide if you want to queue up for another match. We all bought this game in order to play it with others despite how each match goes, and the majority of the fun this game offers is in the variation of each individual match.

    Don't be a petty DC'er.

    8 - For survivors, Rage quitting via suicide on the hook is your choice, but as with rule 7, all it does is ruin the experience for the rest of your team, and piss everyone off. While it's not currently being punished, it's still regarded by the community as a show of bad sportsmanship. If you don't at least try to play through until the end, regardless of the results, you are only hurting the experience for all other players both new and old, but it's with the new players where this hurts the game the most.

    Bad matches happen, we understand, but that's no reason throw a game, especially over petty reasoning. Matches can turn around at the drop of a hat as long as everyone's still playing, and often do, but you won't experience that if you RQ on the hook, and by doing so you drastically affect the teams ability to pull off said "turn around". On top of this, it does nothing for your personal skill growth as a player, or your Blood Point/Experience gains, so there's not really any reason to do it other than petty ones.

    9 - If it's a legal mechanic in the game, don't be afraid to use it. Half the fun is discovering new strategies, counters, and synergies using the tools the game provides, so no matter how effective or overpowered you feel they are, there's nothing wrong with using them to your advantage.

    10 - Take the good with the bad in stride, rise to meet the challenge every new match presents, and overall... have fun!

    Otherwise... for me it's pretty simple: I'm a Sadist IRL and having survivors act Toxic or vomit their insecurities all over their keyboards in the post game chat REALLY does it for me. The Idea that I've Genuinely Hurt them IRL by beating them in a game is not only funny as hell, it gives me a feeling of POWER over them that can't be matched. Games like this are my outlet for these Urges and helpfully keep me from expressing them IRL which would be to my detriment. However I understand that Other, more Normal players definitely don't share my necessity to cause pain in others, and often fall victim to it due to endgame chat vulgarity, or groups of survivors whose only intent is to bully the killer, and gloat about it through their actions if not their words. I may be a Sadist, but that doesn't fully mean I lack comprehension of my fellow Human beings emotional suffering, In fact, I think it makes me more keen to it.

    Hence Why I created this list of rules. They are not created in my own self interest, and I Intentionally kept them as Unbiased as possible. So please, whether you follow them or not, you can at least keep them in mind. As for dealing with overall survivor toxicity, all I can say is either you should:

    1. Embrace it as a sign of weakness like I do.
    2. Follow the rules I've listed to avoid it as much as possible.
    3. Stop caring about it and just do you, no matter how much they complain!

    As for Survivors in-game tactics... while frustrating, they can be dealt with as I'm sure many have already made suggestions. Overall choosing to play killer is choosing to play the "power role", and while it's a thankless job... It's only as powerful as you make it! Perseverance is my best advice. Take up the Challenge, Learn from it, Adapt to it, and eventually the survivors tactics/toxicity won't matter anymore because you'll be dominating them and devastating their expectations. Survivors often make the fatal flaw in logic by believing the killer player is no better than an A.I. Bot in the game, so Prove that assumption wrong, and they'll panic. Stop following patterns, or being predictable, and you'll learn new things that make you a MONSTER to face.

    Post edited by TWiXT on