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Chapter Concept: The Secret Foundation

Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
edited July 2019 in Creations
 Okay, so I love SCP, and something struck me. SCP would really fit well into DBD. Now, lets address the issue at hand. It's from a video game and therefore it wouldn't fit. But, this character really does fit as I put 106 alongside the others and he looked great. They also wouldn't need to buy out the characters as they aren't from a company. So, with out further ado...

In the midst of the Great War, nobody could like the young Corporal Lawrence. He gave a creepy vibe wherever he managed to be. And with no to little battle skill he was quiet, but one day, so were the enemy trenches. He and his group had to check it out and when they met there, they weren't met with German soldiers, but a cold silence. Strange slime was everywhere and nothing was seen alive. Then, the first body was found on the floor. The entire floor. The flesh was somehow smeared on every surface. More bodies were found, all covered in oily black scum. The latrine was tough for everyone there and sent them all back.

Corporal Lawrence, was the first to find the hole. He slipped in head first with out a word. 2 minutes went by with him in a dense blackness, with sounds of moving stone and odd liquid shifting all throughout. After a while, a hand emerged, and then another, and finally the head of the Corporal. With the help of Private Dixon, Corporal Lawrence came back from the hole. He was covered in oily black ooze smeared on his face and body, vomiting the same black liquid in gallons for minutes on end. His eyes rolled like a pool ball as his body was as limp as a boned fish. Chills went down everyone’s spines. When back at the base, no one felt at home. Even the toughest of men curled on the floor in sobbing heaps.

The Corporal, was a changed man however. He was in better spirits than ever before, smiling ever so wide. He talked of the joys of creation and destruction, and made comments that were replied by the soldiers with a promise of a quick, painful death. Private Dixon, gave more horrifying information when he woke one night to see Corporal Lawrence staring over him, his eyes as white as silver dollars. No one felt safe and that next day, things would take a turn for the worse. Dixon, was found the morning, his body snarled in the bared wire, his intestines spread 10 feet around him, in every direction. The next weeks came with a swooping sickness washing over all of the men, eating flesh down to the bone with oozing black sludge. Nobody survived that war in that group of men.

Corporal Lawrence was brought to a ward, with every soul there wishing for him to be as far away from them as possible. The nurses begged to be transferred, as he became less strange and more disturbing. He would sing “My Bonnie Lies Over The Sea” in a looping, monotone voice. Every ward member wished for some way to shut up, but no one could even muster the strength or courage to get out of their bed as he rocked back and forth on his, whispering about his previous crew, with bubbling giggles in between. However, one November night, he and all eighteen other men vanished during a nurse rotation. The room reeked of rot and black ooze coated the beds and walls, eating away at the foundation. There was no sign of any life left there. That was, until a nurse moved a bed to it’s side and could barely let out a scream when she found a truly horrifying sight. In a tight, perfect spiral were hundreds of teeth, neatly rested on the floor. The teeth were accounted for every single person in the ward, except for one. None of the men were ever found again. And neither was Corporal Lawrence.

Stories of disappearing men and mysterious deaths popped up throughout Europe. Sightings of a strange, dark figure stalking towns. Years went by, as men continued to show up, mangled beyond comprehension. Their bodies stretched in almost comical ways.

But one day, the secret SCP Foundation came across the blackened man and managed to capture it. They secluded it from the outside, keeping the world safe. They documented it, test after test, feeding after feeding. One day, however, the whole facility would soon go into a melt down, the cells shooting open as horrid creatures of all natures escaped into the wild. But, one cell had a peculiar figure emerge, and as it walked away leaving ooze and decay under it's feet, the man sang “My Bonnie Lies Over The Sea”. It could sense new lives, as well as a new hunger and let out a deep bubbling laugh. It walked out into this new void, this new dimension ahead of him, and this old man felt at home.

KILLER: The Old Man (SCP 106)

MOVEMENT: 110% walking 96% carrying

TERROR RADIUS: 32 meters


POWER: "The Pocket Dimension"
-You have the ability to use a secret pocket dimension of your own to your advantage. When you hold Ctrl, you will kneel down and spray Pocket Dimension fluid at the ground, making a puddle of it (about the width of The Old Man). You can place up to three of these at a time and you can see were you have placed them on the map at all times. When you place a fourth one the least recent one will go away. If a Survivor steps in one, they will be trapped. They will then have to complete 4 very quick skill checks. If they miss two, they will be sent to the Pocket Dimension by being pulled into the puddle (see Pocket Dimension Specifics). You can pull the off of the puddle if you grab them while they are trapped. You cannot get trapped in them yourself as you are made out of it. If you go to a puddle you can click Ctrl to use it. You can only do this with a minimum of two traps at play on the a. When using it you will be slowly pulled into it, at which point you will point at the trap you want to go to. When you right click on the specific trap, you will be yanked quickly into the puddle almost instantaneously. You will then slowly emerge out of the trap you had selected. This emerge will take about 3 seconds. You will have a 2 second cool down on doing this again (so basically you can do it whenever). If you hold left click, you will go into a Dimensional mode in which you are in your own dimension. When doing this, other survivors can still see you but certain objects will appear translucent to you. When holding down left click, you will be able to walk through these objects at a slower speed of 98% when going through an object. Things such as pallets and windows wont bother you a bit (pallets can't stun you as well). Not only that, but you are able to pass most objects in that are thin enough such as the rails in the MacMillan Estate, the fences of Springwood, the Rancid Abattoir of the Coldwind Farm, the many walls of the Gideon Meat Plant and even the various Killer Shacks and Basements. This is just touching the surface. This allows you to become immune to all loops in general and make winding chases much easier. However, you cannot see Survivors on the other side of these objects. The power also has a cool down that, if held continuously, would last about 6 seconds. If it completely goes away, you will get a sort of headache and be stunned for about 3 seconds (like the nurse) and it won't start back up until you get back up. However, if if doesn't go down all the way, it will only take 1/2 a second for it to start recharging, which takes about 4 seconds to fully recharge.

-The player will spawn in a boxed room similar to the picture below. There will be a door at one wall which you will have to open by completing 4 skill checks in a row. If you fail one, you will have to start over again on the door. When completed, the door will fade away and a randomly generated hallway like the room will appear. The length stays the same throughout appearing about the 25-45 meter range. The turns i the hallway will be random however, making it appear more natural every time. After you complete the first door and walk forward you will find another door just like the first. This one will only require 3 skill checks but the rules are the same. After that one, another door will also appear, this time requiring 2. Same rules apply. After that door, the hallway will eventually end in a wall of black ooze. You will walk into the wall and emerge somewhere random on the map, far away from the killer. But, if you mess up 4 skill checks while in the pocket dimension, when you come out you will go down one health state. If you fail and you are healthy, you will come out in the injured state. If you fail and you are injured, you will come out in the dying state. You cannot be trapped in a trap while in the dying state.


PERK 1: "The Trapped Trenches"
-You have a deep connection with the entity that lets you use the Survivors’ benefits to your advantage. When checking a locker and no survivor is in it, you call upon the entity to trap that locker. If a survivor hides in the locker, they will be trapped and you will be notified. They will have to struggle out with a 10%/20%/30% decrease in the chance of successfully struggling out. You can only place up to 2/4/6 at a time with a 5/10/15 second cool downs.

PERK 2: "No Man's Land"
-Your years of running across the no man's land have given you expert stealth across the field when you aren't seen. When not in a chase you terror radius is decreased by 10%/25%/50% but while in a chase your terror radius is increased by 10%/20%/30%.

PERK 3: "Bump In The Night"
-When the Killer hits a Survivor, the Survivor has a 10%/15%/20% chance to gain the Mangled effect, a 10%/15%/20% chance to gain the Blindness effect, and a 10%/15%/20% chance to gain the Hemorrhage effect all for 35 seconds.

MORI: You walk up to the Survivor and flip them on their back. You then stand on their chest with one foot and lean over them. You move your hands toward the Survivor's face and them shoot out a flood of Pocket Dimension liquid at their face, eventually fully engulfing their head. As you do this a black patch under the Survivor will begin to grow. When you finish pouring the chemical you stand up and push the Survivor into the Pocket Dimension Puddle. You stand up, look forward, and begin chase once more. However, after the Mori, the body of the Survivor will appear somewhere random of the map looking like the picture below.


Mick Ogden had a tough early life. He lived in poverty for most of it. However, driven by desperation, he became a criminal. This led him down a life of murder and homicide. He would eventually be caught however and would be sent to life in an asylum and mental therapy. Nothing was working when trying to make a sane person out of this broken mind. Eventually, a secret government organization known as the SCP Foundation would take him from the asylum. His name would be completely erased from history, never to be seen again. He would soon wake up in the custody of the Foundation, being taken to his new home. Site-19.

The Foundation's purpose was to capture anomalies and study them for the greater good of saving the world from harm. Creatures of all kinds were taken here including SCP-956 the child murdering Piñata; SCP-173 the living, hostile statue; SCP-035 the possessive mask; SCP-682 the indestructible lizard; and even SCP-871 a self replicating cake. Truly, this was the strangest organization in history. But the researchers here needed test dummies as they couldn't risk getting injured, or worse.

This is what Mick would become as he would soon be known only as D-8352 of Site-19. He became one of the thousands of D-Class personnel. They did the dirty work that everyone else couldn't do, and Mick was the best in Site-19 mostly due to his expert survival skills when handling these "things". He was assigned to spend extra time with SCP-106, better known as the Old Man by the other D-class. He hated the staff that made him have to feed it and conduct daily checks. He yearned for the feeling of sun once more.

But one day the facility's containment was breached and in the mass confusion and chaos was Mick's way to freedom. He traveled throughout the facility, through hallways. He encountering hideous monstrosities around every corner, each worse than the last. He lost his breath however when he finally made it to Exit Gate-A. His ticket to freedom. He climbed into the elevator and went up, every second smelling the outside air more clearly than ever before.

Until halfway up when the air cut off. The screams below him stopped as it became colder in the elevator. He was now filled with dread as he felt a new presence with him. The elevator opened not with the light of the sun but with the darkness of the fog. He walked forward hoping to see light. He eventually stumbled across a campfire with several other people there, seeming to be waiting for their death to come at any moment. Mick sat down with them. He wondered if this was another SCP manifestation out to get him but he rested. He would live on no mater what it took and help his new friends through the skills he had learned before from his past friends at the foundation.

SURVIVOR: Mick Ogden


PERK 1: "The Eyes Of The Foundation"
-Your experience with the horrors before have helped you to increase your perceptiveness to the oncoming danger. The fog, just for you, is lessened by 10%/20%/30% and you can see the killer's aura when within 3/6/9 meters. You can also see pallets, lockers, chests, windows, and totems from 7/10/13 meters away. However, while in a chase, every 3 seconds you have a 10%/20%/30% chance to blink, blacking out your screen entirely for half a second.

PERK 2: "Researcher’s Clipboard”
-Through time, you have observed killers’ movements and have studied how to track were they are. When a killed checks a locker, breaks a pallet, damaged a generator, or vaults a window you have a 10%/20%/30% to receive a notification

PERK 3: "Coordination Is Key”
-You have grown a bond with the other Survivors through your time surviving together and you have learned how to know what the other is thinking. Every match you will choose1/2/3 Survivors to become your friend. Yo can see that Survivor’s aura when they are working on a generator, hiding in a locker, or searching a chest. This also applies to bear traps and Jigsaw boxes, as well as Pocket Dimension puddles.


REALM: The SCP Foundation

Site-19 was one of many SCP Foundation sites around the world. This was one of the most well known in the foundation’s wide web of sites as it housed many of the most deadly SCPs there were to behold. Living statues; slender, pale husks; and plague minded doctors were only some of the horrors that were held here. But, even with the demons being kept in custody here, the security was one of the best out of all of them. Sure, there were some instances of small breaches in sections of the site but nothing too major. Nobody would have ever guessed that this site would also be the one with the greatest and most destructive containment breach in the foundation’s history.

No one knows what happened exactly but rumors such as SCP-079 being the main start of the breach have formed. If this is certain, what isn’t is who or what plugged the intelligence into the Site-19’s systems. But whatever happened, it was the greatest breach in history with over 53 SCPs escaping. Almost all of them have been recaptured on other sites or back at Site-19 but some are still missing, including SCP 106.

MAPS: Site-19

LOCATIONS: Cafeteria, SCP-682 Containment Unit, Hallways, SCP 106 Containment Unit, SCP 457 Containment Unit. See pictures below for examples of what they will look like.

106's chamber

Post edited by Brookstopher on


  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    Legit and im a scker for scp. Glad to know i have an Scp fan within this community

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
    Added a little teaser for you guys. Also pictures of The Old Man and of Mick Ogden will be coming soon.
  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
    Update: The Old Man now has a new and full body picture. Feast your eyes on his creepyness.
  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47

    Mick Ogden now has a picture just for him. I would think an alternate costume would be a lab coat.

  • OxxyLix
    OxxyLix Member Posts: 7

    105% walking? Dude it isn't fast. Even Hag has 110% as well as Huntress

  • OxxyLix
    OxxyLix Member Posts: 7

    105% walking 92% carrying
    His carrying speed is even less then Nurse's speed. Nurse's Speed is 96 %

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
    I fixed the carrying speed to 96. I had actually meant to put that. As for the walking speed, in SCP Containment breach he is extremely slow with simply walking toward you. I wanted him to be the second slowest killer in the game. Still able to catch up but still slower than most. His teleportion and walking through most objects gives him an advantage that helps him overcome his lack of speed, similar to the nurse’s teleport.
  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
    Changed perk 3 name to Bump in the Night based on the original ost for him.
  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47


  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I understand why his movement speed is 105 %, I have played SCP: Containment Breach and love SCPs in general, but I would be kind to him and give him at least 107%, it's still pretty slow but 105% just feels too slow, plus if a survivor uses the Hope perk is going to be faster than him so he will never catch up. Other than that I'm loving it

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47

    @LCGaster said:
    I understand why his movement speed is 105 %, I have played SCP: Containment Breach and love SCPs in general, but I would be kind to him and give him at least 107%, it's still pretty slow but 105% just feels too slow, plus if a survivor uses the Hope perk is going to be faster than him so he will never catch up. Other than that I'm loving it

    Thanks, just updated him. I played a round with the new killer and GOOD LORD, hes really slow. I think making him feel like The Hag speed wise would fit the character, plus it makes it a number other killers have. As such, he now has 110% movement speed.

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 66

    isn't this just the trapper who doesn't need to search for traps