D/C Penalties
Just like every time a new killer comes to town I've gotten back into dbd. I would like to play with my only other friend interested in the game as well, but wouldn't you know it, the first game yesterday, his internet times out and he's banned for a day.
I'm not entirely sure how it escalated up to a day, but I assume for the same reason as right now.
Is there an appeal for this stuff? I actually do want to play since I just decked myself out in the brand new bad Nea hair cosmetic (For reasons a fair amount of people should comprehend)
If he got a day penalty, then he should not dc so much or play when not playing with you or at all with such an unstable internetconnection.
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So you're saying he can't play dbd?
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That's been the general answer for this kind of issue.
"If you disconnect a lot for any reason, stop playing DBD."
I have had the same thing, though normally it's just a single bad day where the game wants to drop trials back to lobby. Then I lose pips, get a DC penalty, and simply have to wait for whatever is giving the server diarrhea to fix itself. For players that have that issue more consistently, you will mostly just find people telling you not to play, and no word about anything ever getting fixed.
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Another dc bait thread. Your not getting a 24 hour ban for 1 dc. Its not the servers. Its something on YOUR end. If its servers you would have mass complaints. Own up to your temper tantrums, or get a better cpu, isp, nic card, find the malware ect.....
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The first two statements are correct. But it's nothing on my end. Did you read the post???
Whoops two statements after the first one
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Once again, if its the servers you would have ALOT more complaints. If this is somehow really a one off, this should of been asked in technical issues
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Let me give it to you again.
It's not my stuff, it's my friend's.
I don't know where then day penalty came from, but he's said he's had it before.
Shouldn't there be an appeal for it.
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Sounds like your friend has a lot of disconnect issues.
People get upset when you suggest they check their own internet out, but it's not out of malice. I make that suggestion because as others have already noted, server issues would affect a much larger amount of people. If you don't think your friend is disconnecting from games they don't play with you on purpose, then their internet is probably at least somewhat likely for the culprit.
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I personally think it's his internet, but he thinks otherwise
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Let me give it to YOU again, in all caps TECHNICAL ISSUES. Out here your just crying. No there should NOT be an appeals process for it
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Never a fun conversation to have with your friends. Hope he gets it sorted.
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It's called "general" for a reason
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It can't be appealed because on the server end, there's no way to prove his internet booted him, as opposed to him pulling the ethernet cord from his router or something similar. It can definitely seem unfair if you are being disconnected by your internet, but it's one of those things there just isn't a good fix for that is 100% fair to everyone and can't be taken advantage of by bad actors.
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Your friend is probably playing without you and either rage quitting from matches or his internet is so bad it's cutting out a ton to the point he's at a day worth of penalties. He can send a support ticket down if it was his first match and he was instantly hit with that day long penalty because they'll be able to see it was his first match and was given a large penalty in error.
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It is, and you got your response, and judging by your other posts here your just trying to justify your friends bad connection. You here trying to change a system when you don't even know what the problem is
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To be fair, you don't know either.
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I'm not the one complaining about DC penalties, and if I did have a problem I would trouble shoot it with the help of the part of the forum dedicated to those issues
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Your friend is lying to you or not telling you all the information.
If your friend is TRULY disconnecting that much then they have an issue with their ISP or their computer.
If there is no internet/PC issues then they are blatantly purposefully DCing.
Either way - If they are disconnecting that much I am glad they receive day long bans because I don't wanna be stuck with someone like that.
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Your friend can attempt to appeal their ban here, but it does take more than just 1 DC to receive a one day ban: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000836752