The hell are people complaining about?

I mean, I get it, mAYYYYBE The Trickster is a bit... off in terms of DBD, but i really dont get why he doesn't fit.
I mean cmon guys a HOT DBD KILLER!11!!! This is the shirtless myers we've always wanted!!11!!
Wonder when we'll get body pillows of him.
That's all the time I have, I gotta get back to playing Mother 3 on my Gameboy advance, GoobyNugget.
Even if we got the best chapter in DBD the community will still complain.
Because after all this IS the DBD community.
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DBD Developers: breathe
DBD Community: complains
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We truely live in a society.
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I don't remember hearing any complaints about oni or reworked freddy on release. Hell a lot of the changes behavior made and chapters thats worked were love and liked. Its just the fact that looking back on the last few chapters its hard not to be miffed. I mean come on the twins, trickster upcoming release, breakable walls reworked maps, holy hell midwich was and still is a disaster map. As the old saying goes where there is smoke there is fire.
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Unless someone throws a smoke grenade.
Ok I'll stop.
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Oh yeah i remember when freddy rework happened a lot of people complained that he was now too strong.
If a killer is weak, people complain.If a killer is strong, people complain.Theres no in-between.And imo from all the 3 killers we have and 1 upcoming (Blight, Twins and Trickster) i'd say Trickster was the most fun even tho he is pretty underwhelming to play as.
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Woah woah woah people on the forums are complaining!? That is a horrible accusation, expect a call from my lawyer.
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Try me, I got the best lawyer around
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Enjoy mother 3 unfortunately I’ve never had a chance to play it but I loved earthbound!
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I think most of the concerns about Trickster stem from his power and viability at killing, from the experienced killer pov. I do not believe they took his looks or cosmetics into consideration.
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Body pillows filled with neon needles
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I personally do not like Trickster. As much as I would have liked if we got killer that I actually find likeable and fun.
Otherwise, to me it is totally fine to try to get other fans into game. Some will like it and will buy it, others won't. I don't and I won't buy it. That is all there it is to it. As consumers, we all have right to praise or complain, some people do cross the good taste line though.