The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

If MMR does actually work, both sides will be unhappy regardless.

Just imagine the official MMR is out right now, and you're getting paired against people who are close to you in terms of experience. Now this is a good thing, but also a bad thing. For survivors people would see lots of Nurse and Spirit's alot since they're the two strongest killers in the game, and that can get boring after a few games. As for killers if they're to get matched against a team who basically splits, then gg with trying to stop those gens from being done. If MMR can actually work then it's gonna be good for people who are new to the game, and for people who haven't played certain killers. But for the veterans of this game... Killer side will most likely evolve around Nurse and Spirit to have a chance at winning, and for survivors this would be terrible since everyone who plays survivor likes to see a variety of killers. All this will do is basically show how unbalanced the game really is, as if everyone who has many hours in this game didn't know that already. If I'm forced to play Nurse or Spirit just to remotely have a chance against quick gens, then sorry I most likely would just take a break. And it won't be fun on the survivor side to, since a lot of the killers on the roster can't pressure gens at all for lack of mobility. I can only hope the unbalanced stuff can be addressed, but Jason is more likely to make it into DBD before that ever happens.


  • linancy
    linancy Member Posts: 38

    You're right and I'm glad that MMR was just a test.

    I couldn't play peacefully without those repetitive killers and general skill based matchs. Every game felt like red rank that everyone was sweating to win. It was not fun at all and i doubt i would have continued to play this game again if MMR was not a test.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    No, it wouldn't.

    People just got used to beating bad opponents and are getting mad when they finally fighting ones who can fight back. Opinion of such people doesn't count.

    At the same time, skill based matchmaking would finally uncover the ugly face of dbd "balance" by showing how it is impossible to play on any killer but holy trinity of S tier killers against actually good survivors or how it is impossible to play against nurse/spirit/etc without using holy trinity of S tier perks and playing in SWF and so on.

    It would be for the good.

    So stop saying it is bad, this matchmaking will do a lot of game's health (as long as devs would actually use the data gathered) in a long run.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    So you think it would be fun to just go against Nurse and Spirit consistently? There's no variety of different killers to go against, and that would really boring after awhile.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I'm trying to figure out why it would all be Nurse and spirit consistently - because it's my understanding that the MMR system they are looking to implement is going to give you a separate MMR score for each killer separately.

    Anotherwords, your weaker killers will be put up against weaker survivors.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    I think it would be fun if devs finally acknowledged that having to use Nurse and Spirit or some certain perks or play certain gamemode as survivor against good players isn't fun for both sides.

    Right now they have no way to effectively confirm or disprove that unless they are willing to believe subjective view of certain people, so they need data. It just so happens that the best way to gather data about how game is played on different skill levels is to match players by their skill for a few months.

    I guess you'd better keep status quo and keep whining how SWFs with 4 same perks and Nurses with Spirits aren't fun to deal with.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited March 2021

    It really only affects people who go for consistent wins.

    You can master an m1 killer, but you will reach a point where survivors know what they can do with the perks they have. Chasing a survivor around like a dog, eatting the pallet can only get you so far when multiple survivors, ones that dont cower at the first instance of a terror radius, are on gens.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Because if a person is having constant winstreaks on Nurse or Spirit, he'd be having high mmr on such characters and thus he would be matched against survivors with more or less equally high mmr, so that it would mean that good survivors would have to deal with certain killers much more often. It is for the good though, since it would reveal how awful the balance is in those skill levels where players have reached the skill ceiling of their characters and are doing their best.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Now I feel dumb for asking - that should of been obvious to me. /facepalm

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Yeah, at killer that depends on survivors' mistakes you'll just eventually reach the point where no matter who you do, survivors would have a counter-action you can't answer. So you'll just be on MMR swings - one game is a victory because you're matched with survivors not good enough to deal with M1 killer at their skill ceiling, then you get matched with survivors who can deal with M1 killer at their skill ceiling and so on.

    While on killers like Nurse or Spirit, you don't really care whether survivors know how to loop effectively or not. Now the survivors are stuck in situation where killer has a counter-action for anything they can do.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    That's fine, you at least can admit it, some people would be arguing.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There are no "sides," only the Player base of which many play both Killer and Survivor. I am so sick of this false dichotomy narrative. Personally, if MMR actually works, I will be thrilled. I like challenging games. I want to be paired up against people who I don't have to put on kid's gloves. The idea is that eventually, playing against them, I might get good enough to also steamroll. Onward and upward. The game is PvP. It isn't supposed to be rigged to give anyone a free "happy" in a match. Everything should be hard fought and earned.

    All that being said, if it does work (and so far I don't think it does) there will have to be a serious retooling of some Killers and SWF will finally have to be addressed. They will need to be in their OWN Que and an additional 5th Perk will have to be unlocked for Killers to help them counter the SWF 5th Perk (Comms). If that still doesn't balance the problem, an additional Generator for SWF to power the gates can be added to objectives.

    Likewise, if it DOES work some Killers will need to be tweaked downward because that will be easier than trying to tweak all the others UPWARDS. In short, there are fewer Killers that are too strong than there are those which are weak. It is less work to bring them down to earth, rather than try to bring all the others up to match. Fewer projects means fewer unintended consequences. This will have to be done because if MMR does work, Killer diversity in what gets selected at mid to high level play will plummet.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Its lose/lose. Right now I'm not enjoying killers as 90% of my matches are easy 4Ks and I long for a challenge.

    But when MMR hits and suddenly I can't play Doc or Clown or even Blight anymore because every match is a 3-4 man comms team with Prove thyself, Adrenaline, Dead Hard, etc. Am I still going to be able to play these killers and have a fun, fair match? Hell no.