you guys make this game so the new players like it, they get good they leave. REPEAT you guys have so much potential its nuts dont waste it!
you guys would still make money if you did it and it would be bigger. Im spitting so many facts right now its gross
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It can be both. Right now it's neither. Comp players have to make up a bunch of rules and restrictions to make this game playable in a competitive setting, and new players have to deal with an insane grind, long queue times, a near complete lack of meaningful tutorials.
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i know how the game works . This game could be bigger than fortnite but the devs dont take listen
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they dont care about content creators because new ones would pop up instantly
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People leave BECAUSE of how hypercompetitive some people play it. Genrush, 4k slugging, standard metabuilds en masse... People playing competitive is the problem, not the solution.
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no people leave because of balance at high skill
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This game is definitely the most unfun for completely new players on both sides and not the other way around.
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The game isn't and most likely never will be properly comp viable. There's too many design oversights baked into the game. Like randomised map RNG. You think that would stand?
One team gets 16 pallets all spread evenly and the other gets 12 all on one side of the map? No thanks. That doesn't even mention perks or killer tiers.
Remember Hexys "best of the Nurse featuring Spirit" tournament? No thank you.
Most modern esports games like OW or CSGo are designed from the ground up with it in mind.
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they should try making it comp for 2 months and see their gowth
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they could have balance changes
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People quit cause of being tunneled camped n gen rushed
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You have proof of this?
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One thing this game has going for it, is its ease of getting into it when it comes to ranks, and to some people ranks mean something and its a tactic BHVR uses. It makes the player feel like theyre above average/better than they actually are. So changing the game to be more competitive would hurt the game more than it would help at the beginning, and there would be a small chance the game would take off again with a more competitive setting. They dont want to take the risk
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I would much rather they just introduce a competitive matchmaking mode for people to opt into, like so many other multiplayer games have. Casual for the casuals who just want to have a few drinks and get jumpscared by myers, competitive for those who need to feel the sweat dripping to feel alive.
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Won't work the sweatiest of both sides will go into the casuals and rampage whenever they feel like it.
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So, at worst it would work exactly as it does now.
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An asymmetrical game becoming a competitive tournament game is god awful, especially for DBD standards. The game is based around RNG than actual skill, and anyone can fight me on that to disagree. The game not only has RNG based upon it, but also has so much unbalance added onto it that makes it even worse for a competitive scene. The game was never supposed to reach those kind of standards, but people who embrace their tryhard mentalities are pushing their best to make DBD an esport.
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This is definitely true. There would need to be major incentive to stay in your lane. Like tons of cosmetics, face changes, crowns, stuff like that.
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It would be even worse for new players if there's no functioning MMR. Think about it: The devs put up these neat graphics in the main menu, one saying chill casual af play enter here. The thorough and inclusive tutorial prolly resides there now. They learn squat from that and most likely pick survivor first. Thirteen minutes later they and other newbies get a rank 4 doc or legion or whatever and get plastered. Never mind even stronger killers with but-tons of hours.
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Why would there be no mmr? I never said anything about removing the mmr at all... Just because there is a casual mode doesn't mean that you throw out the whole mmr system, that's baby, bathwater and bathroom sink being thrown out.
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my proof is that they dont stop adding killers instead of fixing the games bugs there you go
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enough has been said
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I didn't mean remove the MMR, it's not ready yet. Until then no modes could be introduced.
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You could make it a sweaty comp game, or you could make it fun. You cannot have both.
And I'd rather the game be fun than competitive.
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Fair enough. I had a good time with the mmr test, so I am hopeful they have at least gotten close to cracking that particular issue.
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I'm still waiting for that magical goal of 60 fps across all platforms, promised long before we even heard MMR in our DBD lingo. So we shall see.
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And I play on a three ps xbox comp and I punish anyone any time any system unless there better than me and I prefer controllers
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Except anything really worthwhile from your end.
Alright, so you want to make competitive. how do you propose that would be done? In a way that's actually fun, and not the genrushing, slugging mess we are seeing from people that thing you gotta play competitive
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I agree one hundred and ten percent I have hundreds of hours on this the update with the halos I played three days my wife had to make me go to bed I just collected halos for everyone with the exception of nurse if people played for fun instead of being sweet lords more people would play
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the fact that they dont stop adding killers' to fix balance proves that this game isnt competitive and it makes me sad because this game would be so much more popular if it was
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No, if it were 'competitive' it'd sink amongst the mass of such games.
What the game needs it's more dynamic gameplay, and more to do. The ought to take a leaf from Warframe, not Warcraft
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it would shrink and then get more growth over time your looking into the quickness of the the affect instead of the long term which is what everyone is doing
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That isn’t proof of your claim at all.
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I like this response, and I agree with it.
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im actually just done trying to talk to you guys. You dont know what your're talking about at all and its sad
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Shut it! You're ruining the fun!
Competitive asymmetrical games are hard to manage, especially if they're built around player experience and fun. Most Competitive games are symmetrical for a reason. Everyone has the same options available, teams have the same number of players, etc. You would have to change so many things in DbD just to achieve a somewhat comp feeling, starting with RNG and finishing with Killer/Survivor balance. The way I see it, Beefmur, is that you're thinking about doing the right thing but being wrong in the end. Not to mention the fact that you cannot show legitimate proof of your claim and instead blame new content for whatever reason. Also, making a game competitive doesn't mean that it will grow. Two of the big factors for growth are marketing and interest in the game/genre. Fortnite is a battle royale and Rainbow is a fast paced shooter, where DbD is a Survival Horror/Slasher type of game. And younger audiences are more likely to pick up a shooter than a horror game. (And don't blame me for my english... it's 2 AM)
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The game has to offer two modes :
- Quick Game, working with the current Rank system.
- Competitive Game, working with the MMR system.
I'm playing DbD in casual mode, I was a competitive StarCraft 2 player, but the tryhard it requires made me quit the game. If the unique matchmaking is competitive I'll leave the game, and this is the same for a lot of players.
Post edited by DoomedMind on0