Hottest survivor tier list

This tier list is very objective because it’s a fact Yui is the hottest survivor in the game
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I didn’t include the males I’m sorry
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David, obviously
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Here it is. (I have considered Quentin's actual actor in my judgement, since everyone can agree that his model in game is an abomination)
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New survivor is hot S tier. Yui looks like a potato belongs in D tier, and kate is the hottest. Meg and feng are in D tier along with nea and claudette.
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You’re lying
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No lies in this one. Yui's face looks like it got ran over by a car tire, and somehow deflated a bit. Meg looks like she's constipated. Claudette because only toxic players play her, so I can't exactly say much but she's in D because of that, and along with feng and nea.
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This list isnt accurate because Cheryl is on the same tier as Nea. Nea is by herself on tier F.
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Yui is a badass and Meg is a cutie you don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Nea looks decent is some cosmetics
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All of us can't lie to ourselves we have to accept the truth.
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Laurie is the hottest. Zarina is second hottest.
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David and Dwight are at the top for me.
Then Felix and Jake
Then Adam
Then all other dudes
Then the chicks.
Then Jeff.
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Felix, Steve and Dwight.. damn I'd give it to them.
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Imo the snowboarder is the only one that doesn't make her look like a circus performer
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And here is mine:
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Ash is ez S tier. Fight me.
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Yui is waaaaaay too low
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Well, in my opinion A Tier suits Yui just fine. She is attractive, but not as attractive as some of the others, such as Claudette (best girl <3) and Kate.
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Yui on that bike really gets me going
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The correct tier list
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*Sees Yui at top*
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Wow Yui in C tier is a crime
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I know how that is. What you feel for Yui is what I feel for Claudette :)
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Not ordered beyond the tiers.
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Yui and Meg are too low
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david then Felix
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The Evil Dead Ash is hot but the one from Ash vs Evil Dead not so much. I know they are the same actor but he hasn't aged so well. He still has some charm tho.
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That’s right
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Jane. Enough said. Then Kate. I would gladly give these girls hatch every time as Killer.
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Elodie is a mixture of a cutie and a hottie tbh (If Quentin's face were to be, y'know, fixed, he'd probably be in the middle of A tier)
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Here is my tier list
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Nancy and Zarina should at least be A Tier, I'd move Kate up to S Tier.
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Meg is not D tier
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This may be the 100th time I say this but Yui and Meg are too low
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Yun-jin is older so she's bound to look less "hot" than Yui.
But on a side note, I really like Zarina's looks. She looks really sophisticated.
My male bias is and will always be Jakey Jake.
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The only survivor I’d want taking me to pound town is Jeff. Maybe David too.
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Sorry man, she uh, just looks too much of a potato to me.
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How can she compete with Yui when Yui is bad af.
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I think the only change I'd make there is swapping Nea for Jane. Nea is ugly af.
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I mean, like I said.
It's mostly personal preference, but biologically speaking, Yun jin is like a decade older than Yui so aesthetically she'll look less pleasing.
Maybe comparing Feng and Yui would be more suitable, but Yun Jin should be compared to Zarina or Jane.
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Yui is god tier waifu, but meg constantly looks like she's trying to tell if she just farted or shat herself.
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Here. Opinions, #########. Except Quentin if you like quentin then ill findyouandstabyouwithacrufixcuzuneedsumGAWD
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Dunno what you're talking about Laurie Strode is a C at least and Nea is a D lol
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Why is elordie so low
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Who’s elordie
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For me, Felix and Kate are the hottest.
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I Disagree with most of this list. But at least you give meg the props she deserves, even though she's hotter than yui, you almost got it right. But Don't listen to all these meg haters. I have one in my swf too, and he's clearly an idiot.
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Had to make a FACTUAL tier list myself because SOME people don't understand true beauty
Here's the truth. It's not debatable
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Might put one that’s in C tier in B tier. Also, that one in A tier is so underrated I think that they should be in S tier by themselves. That’s just me though.