Who is your most hated survivor to play against?

I have no idea why but every single killer I go against seems to have a hate boner for Ash. It doesn't matter how good or bad I play they always camp me, tunnel me, or throw the game just to kill me. I even had a killer say "** you Ash" in the end game screen and I played really badly.
Is it true that every killer hates Ash or are there other survivors that are more hated?
I hate facing Aces. Not only are they mostly good, but they're also mostly toxic from my experience.
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I get pretty nervous when I see neon Neas in the lobby.
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Neas of course. These Noob3 wannabes most toxic and annoying in my expirience
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Jane; my god, that voice drives me up the wall.
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I despise them.
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For practical reasons, Elodie and Steve. For personal reasons, Graff-Crafter Nea's.
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Idk... I get the feeling that people hate shirtless David as well (I usually wear the 4th year anniversary crown). I get camped, tunneled, slapped on hook, etc. I personally don't like Feng.
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A team of bunny fengs is usually a pretty toxic match imo.
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Yesterday I had a very interesting game as shirtless David where my teammate Nancy asked me in the lobby if she could lick me, then in-game proceeded to crouch over to me and move her head up and down. It was intriguing, to say the least. More on topic: I do notice that killers like to switch chase to the shirtless David, if they see him.
Personally, I hate going against graffiti Nea or any Feng.
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I feel a way about neon Neas.
But secretly, I don't want y'all to know I feel iffy about anyone wearing cash-bought cosmetic sets from the store. Makes me feel like the game can go badly for me, but never for them LOL.
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Claudette. But I'm a Survivor main, so "playing with" is more accurate.
They often self-care to a pallet I need to play with for my chase. I noticed them too late and I feel I lead the Killer to them.
Please, stop healing under a window or a pallet. Your teammates need them for a better purpose.
Also, I do agree with the hate for Neon Nea. They often are toxic with the Killer in my matches... (I use the cat-skate outfit myself, I hope Killers don't think I'm gonna be toxic.)
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I'm the opposite. If there's an ash in the lobby, and he's not playing so badly that he ends up dead too soon, he'll get the hatch. Long time fan of Bruce Campbell, so I almost have to.
The exception being a good claudette. She's my Survivor main, so when I see someone's on her and playing well, even as killer I kind of want them to succeed.
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My wife likes to buy cosmetic items as surprise gifts for me on the games she knows I play a lot. DbD is the only game where those surprises get me killed.
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I think that's super sweet! As someone who really likes playing MMO-type games, I like gifts in the form of in-game items lol. It's nice to see the survivors wear something nice for once over their grimy usual gear. I'm saving up iridescent shards to dress up my Feng Min!
But yeah, who knew that wearing the free gear would be the best camouflage LOL
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None of them. They are all the same - there is nothing to differentiate a Feng from a Kate. Unlike killers; survivors have no special innate ability to make them any different. For every person who says X-Survivor is the worst to go against you will have another person say it is Y-Survivor or Z-Survivor based completely off their experience and not any true difference in base survivor skills.
I actually wish DBD took a cue from F13 and gave specific trait bonuses to each survivor - that would give more of a reason for people to play certain survivors. For example Feng's who ran Lithe got a 1 second extension on the perk or a Claudette who ran Self Care could do it 2 seconds faster than Dwight running the same tier. If each character's teachable perk were slightly better on them I think that would incentivize people to play different characters and builds. As it stands - Survivors are only different by whatever costume options which is kind of boring.
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They're all pretty similar anyways, so it doesn't make much of a difference to me personally. If I absolutely had to pick one, probably Blendette.
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Tapp. Can't stand them.
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Claudette because I have a hard time seeing them.
After that comes elodie, forgive me for the hook smack, but your banshee shriek deafens me..
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Dwight, David, Nea with colourful cosmetics, and Jake. I've found those to be the most toxic. Fav would be Claudette because I'm a Claudette main and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen a toxic Claudette
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they are like unicorns, but they are generally really ######### good.
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I hate Nea. Somehow I feel like Nea became a flag to toxicity just like Claudette but even worse. This is even more true for Nea with some cosmetics.
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Me reading this and seeing nobody say "Jakes are usually the toxic ones"
Seriously though its usually the Neas because many players want to be like Noob3. Not saying all Neas are bad
In my experience I'm also yet to meet a non toxic Laurie player. Every Laurie I've mets either Tbagged, Sandbagged or messeged me after the game. Again not all are toxic. I'm sure there's good Laurie's out there
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They’re all just skins, nothing different other than aesthetic purposes. It’s all on the player.
BUT I do dislike some survivors due to their voice. I cannot stand Elodie’s voice. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. It’s so bad.
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Laurie. I have yet to see a non-toxic Laurie (that wasn't played by me when I play survivor). They annoy me.
I also hate any survivor wearing Christmas outfits. I will prioritize killing Dwelf and any of his festive [BAD WORD] friends.
I do like normal Elodie, though. She's great.
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Nea's, absolutely hate them. I've played against some nice ones, but there's a lot of them who love being toxic. A lot of them act like Noob3 wannabes, and some of them like to do Ayrun's tech stuff and fail miserably everytime doing it.
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I'm so glad I don't see any Adam.
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Steves, usually toxic
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I love nea and I am main nea but this ######### whit this skins well, let's say I learned to play as a killer around the time that skin was released.
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None of them bother me
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Yuis and Claudettes.
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You're my favorite person ever now, because I can just hear this in the bubbly, throaty cacophony of syllables that Talbot Grimes' (your pfp at the time of this being posted) voice would most likely be, and its hilarious.
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Claudettes. There’s no reason to explain.
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Puppet-hand Ash can do no wrong in my book.
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Yeah, but those cheeks......THOSE CHEEKS! :)
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Bill - Cuz 80% of the time he has BT.
Laurie - I just know they're using her to get DS.
Claudette - You'll never find her till end game.
Quentin - Cuz I feel like I'm killing the only Quentin player in DBD.
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Yeah him and Dwights. Nothing more annoying seeing the whipping boys even taking the mick out of you. I can't stand Jane either.
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i personally hate claudettes. i dont understand why everyone hates ash, before he used to have an overpowered perk called mettle of man but i dont get why people still hate him. maybe its cuz of his voice lines in the lobby?
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Probably Claudette. I just dislike how easily she can disappear into the shadows and foliage on most maps. The very very few times I've ever had a match effectively be taken hostage by the survivor team and last longer than 30 min, it's always been because a group of 3+ Claudettes decided to hide around the map without ever touching gens.
Nea and Laurie are reasonably likely to be used by experienced players who want to show off their looping skills (or perks) and be a nuisance, but at least they're interactive. I'd rather chase an uppity survivor than need to check every bush on the map for a sneaky Blendette.
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Jakes with the shades who do a locker play while you open the locker like an idiot then turn and see him crouching behind the shack window, letting your shame fuel him :( One of the most hilarious moments of my life when I played killer lol. Then the slight head shake XD
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All of them....Well I don't mind puppet hand Ash.
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I don't hate any of the survivors. They're just skins to me.
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Laurie Strode.
Even though the Dev's fixed the volume of the screaming, I still tense up and try to block it out as a reflex. XD
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Nea..most likely to the be toxic player
Steve..found a few of these
Festive Dwight
Laurie in brown clothing (for some reason)
Then...whoever is in neon or red.
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From my personal troubled matches, I currently hate playing against Nancy and Cheryl. Nancys have been the more toxic ones telling me to go to their twitch chat to be lectured while Cheryls are the ones that hide for the rest of the match the second things start to look rough for the survivors leaving me with the choice of killing off someone who has offered me some fun chases and trying to get their team out vs searching for a long time to find some Cheryl hugging rocks.
I'm more annoyed with constant lobbies of the same survivors. Like how many Megs and Neas do I really need to say?
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That is like 20x better looking than the actual character model.
If it were really nea that ######### would have broken my screen already from being butt ass ugly
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normally in groups
clicky clicky
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She's got that billboard ass; wide and flat
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