When will mouse macros finally be dealt with? Oni/Blight mains are cheating

Why should Oni and Blight players be allowed to take impossible turns during their rush which they weren't intended to perform? These killers were balanced around having strictly limited movement options during their ability, that's called counterplay.
And yet 3rd party tools like mouse macros enable players to cheat the system by giving them the option to bypass this handicap entirely. Oni players probably have to be the worst offenders when it comes to this. Either patch these killers to be unable to exceed a certain turn degree or make these macros a bannable offense.
Survivors are allowed to spin on the spot at 200mph so I don’t see why killers can’t. Also the amount running stretched rez now is getting ridiculous. Let not forget those survivors that are also allowed to get fast vaults at windows designed to only give medium vaults.
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Whenever they limit stretched res so you cant see over any loop in the game. And yeah the fast window exploit. At least some mouses come with built in macros so your technically using a 1st party tool. Stretched res is literally editing the files for an advantage.
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Sure so long as survivors can’t spin to abuse animations or bind flashlight to mouse wheel or use stretched res
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What windows are survivors getting fast vaults out of, instead of medium vaults?
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I'm not doing any of that and yet I'm still forced to endure red rank Onis abusing macros. How is that fair?
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There is a huge difference between things that are possible on every platform and things which are only possible on PC. The latter ones should be clearly seen as exploits and fixed.
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Basically all of them. You can make a macro that will give you a fast vault from stand still at a window. I have never looked into the particulars of it, but I've seen videos of people showing it off and several descriptions of the method. Didn't intend to use it, so I didn't pay super close attention.
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I have never heard of a fast vault macro in my life...
I tried to look it up but I got tutorials on how to fast vault on Youtube & got World of Warcraft stores in google trying to sell me something...
Y'all trippin.
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Well, SWF use 3rd party tools like discord to bypass the handicap of lack of information. Do you think that people who play with discord are cheaters as well?
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And I'm pretty sure none of these "tricks" we'll call them are even possible on console, for both sides. So how is any of this fair through Crossplay?
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I could be wrong but wasn’t oni’s flick changed during ptb?
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I'm confused. Are you talking about A/E to turn? Because all that does is make controller like turns possible on PC. Definitely not an oversight.
Oni can only turn 90% and Blights turn radius is THICC.
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IIRC they can still J Flick. His normal flick was changed, but the J Flick uses adjustable DPI settings from the mouse and timing to allow Oni (and Blight) to completely 180 before a post-charge-attack.
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Yes, but they generate money so the dev's allow and encourage it.
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I can see how this works with Oni but this should be imposible on Blight thanks to his wide turn and lunge radius. I've never seen this.
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"Every platform can exploit this therefore it's ok"
Funny, weren't you one of the people complaining about the blight pause exploit? I guess if every platform can do it then it must be ok
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Oh my. That exploits are possible on every platform does not make them fine. What logic even is that?
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So when charging, there is a brief few frames before using an attack that allows some rotation. DPI settings can push that amount of rotation completely over the edge. Without using a macro to help and a mouse with adjustable DPI, it's nearly impossible to pull off on command.
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Here you go
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Okay then yeah that needs to be changed. If console players can’t do it that’s a massive tier difference between the two
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What? First please deal with real cheat softwares, then talk about hardware cheat pls.
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Your logic?
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Damn I've never seen this. I asked around at launch if this were possible and was told no. Thats a shame. I was hoping it would be like Mordhau where no matter your DPI everyone is on equal ground. Feels like a pretty major design oversight.
I was aware of the no bump lunge but not the twist.
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Exploits are exploits. They are bugs that can be abused, and should be removed regardless of who can use them or how they are used.
Can they be fun? Absolutely. Does that make them fair? No. The game was not balanced or designed around them, and until the devs roll up and say "that is now a feature, not a bug", it's a bug.
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No, you are completely twisting my logic.
I said that things which are only possible on PC but not on Console should be considered as exploits. Because apparently they were not intended to work that way, otherwise all players would have the chance to do so.
Then you say that an exploit ("pausing" while rushing as Blight) is possible on all Platforms and therefore no Exploit. Which is nonsense, because it is an exploit to begin with.
Thats like the biggest nonsense I have read this month.
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What does a flashlight macro have to do with anything? It's just annoying. Stretched res doesn't help you in chases and just looks awful. Oni, Billy and Blight mains are bug abusing.
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By saying that things only possible on PC but not on console are exploits you're kind of implying that things possible on PC AND console are not exploits.
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Isnt it dpi? I just play with high dpi and flick.
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Yeah,PC blight players out there flicking with like an up to 270 degree turn while console blight has to deal with a 30-45 degree turn :(
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Stretched Res is used to see over walls in order to do better in a chase.
There is extra visibility at the top of the screen, allowing better vision over obstacles using camera angles.
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Seeing Blight was the thing that made me jump to PC full time. I feel bad for the console killers who get screwed with seemingly every other killer nowadays.
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But have you forgotten the dev's golden rule?
Frustration is fun and makes the game more exciting!
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Oh really? This is a mindgame loop made useless because of stretched.
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Oni has a hard-capped 90° turn, and only the really low Blight mains abuse his stupid 180 flick.
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The thing is,no killer is nearly as handicapped on console as Blight is.
I can play every other Killer (e.g Nurse,Deathslinger,Huntress etc.) just fine.
It makes me sad because i really love the fast and aggressive playstyle from Blight
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Ahh yes let's go to everyone's hpuse and take their mouse problem solved
And I guess if you use stretch rez were taking your monitor
What asking for too much?
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Difference is one heavily progresses the game and the other doesn't.
Nice profile pic change. Suits.
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This has been evident for a while but people like that don't care my dude. They just keep downplaying it yet they and all the tryhard 5k hour+ tourney players all run stretch rez. I'm sure it has everything to do with preference and not an advantage lol, I'm sure of it!!
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I imagine that the video of Otz showing everyone the latest exploit might have something to do with everyone and their alt accounts trying it out lol
Edit: Sorry it's called a "trick" not "exploit" because Otz..
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I guess you're under the impression that if it was "non-stretched" that you wouldn't still see her head? lol
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Still "no advantage?"
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Overall these are all added, potential advantages PC players have over console players.
We can't even change the quality settings to get better fps.
Crossplay is very fair, isn't it?
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Can't believe people are really comparing and even justifying exploits (i.e. Blight's first frame flick) because of intended mechanics (spinning survivors). Then again... That's the dbd forums for ya I guess.
"sOmEoNe DoEs SoMeThiNg I diSliKe sO tHaT mEaNs I cAn ChEaT iT'S jUsT fAiR"
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wrong thread
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If a survivor is getting a fast vault at a medium vault window, wouldn't that mean he's good / more experienced ?
No srsly, where and what survivors are allowed to get fast vaults at windows designed to only give medium vaults ??
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It is not hard to dodge their hits. If something is to be done about their movement, then something must be done about survivors spinning.
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Honestly people on console have more skill compared to people on PC who have to cheat the game in order to do good. First it was the stretched resolution, and now macro mouses? People who abuse exploits are just straight up bad at the game in general
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An armed robbery is a crime. But by saying that I'm kinda implying that a robbery where you are unarmed isn't a crime.
That's the twisted logic you are using. Don't see what people are implying see what they are actually saying
Things only possible on PC can be called exploits because if it was intended then they would have made it possible on all platforms.
That doesn't magically mean that if it works on all platforms it always is something intended. You're just twisting words at that point