hook camping is pathetic

well hook camping is easy to counter but huntress iridesent head is a bummer hook camping is so op when your teammates tries to unhook you then its a 100% down for them beacuse the hatchet is a one tap and it doesnt tell you if she uses it either there is no way to know there is only one little hint and that is if she reloads after 4 hatchest all the time. atleast make the balde on the hatchet different so you know that you have to be careful
Hook camping with iri head is the point where I go play another game tbh
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Do gens.
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im the one getting hook camped and my team wants to be some kind of heroes and they try to unhook me
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Then that's their fault for trying to unhook when the Killer is right in front of you.
If someone else is being camped, do gens.
If you're being camped, hope your team will do gens.
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Wow, you got some great solutions here.
If you are homeless, buy a house.
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I run kindred when I solo for this very reason. However even then randoms still refuse to do gens. There's already ways to punish hook camping but the survivors either don't know what to do or they want that save. It's not the killer's fault the survivor's are playing poorly and the devs can't do anything about it. No matter what counter they put in place it's useless if the survivors don't use it.
"You can't fix stupid"
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What do you want me to say?
Do you expect the Killer to just walk away from the hook and let you get rescued for free?
I can see the Killer purposely ignoring your teammates hiding in the bushes nearby and walking away like this:
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As someone already said, if you are solo Qing and run (basically mandatory) kindred, see the Bubba Facecamp™, just do gens... if I'm on the hook, I'll wait out those 2 minutes for you guys to do gens, so please do them.
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I once used iri heads and had the game won 3 times but second chances kept resetting the game. In a very strange way, Iri heads are balanced. I think it was an unbreakable, a deliverance, and a kobe. Put it this way there was no way of winning that game without iri heads.
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whats in it for the hooked survivor? i know hes buying his teammates time but what does he get out of it
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The lesson to hide better next time. Or chase better. Or whatever he did to screw up to get on the hook in the first place.
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Nothing, obviously. You'll die a slow and painful death as the Killer stares into your struggling eyes.
But the satisfaction of giving your team a full two minutes of uninterrupted generator time (which three competent players can easily bang out 3-4 generators) should be enough to motivate any non-selfish Survivor to stay struggling for as long as possible.
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They are the foolish ones. Hook camping is effective as it gives survivors tunnel vision and it works as bait. 3 others gen rush, leave 1 gen left and maybe then go for a save.