Scalped Topknot

I don’t play survivor almost ever, and even when I do I never go against an Oni. So I want to ask people who actually play survivor and face a semi-decent amount of Onis, what’s your opinion on Topknot?
As a killer main Topknot is the most OP addon on Oni. An Oni with Topknot becomes S-tier with Nurse and spirit. I would nerf the addon from 1.00 secs to 0.25 seconds but to compensate reduce Onis demon dash startup time to 1.50 seconds.
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Picture for reference:
Other people's opinion on Topkont:
My opinion
Personally I find it strong. I don't care if it's used against me. I don't have trouble against Oni players. He is a hard killer to play. If they can proper value out of this addon, then great for them. Oni needs to earn his power to get value out of this addon.
If anything it should be purple at least.
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It's pretty much one of the most broken addons in the game.
Either just nerf the numbers on it or maybe make it something more fun like increasing your turning while demon dashing.
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It's like insta-saw Billy but on a power stronger than Billy, and with a single add-on instead. It's incredibly strong and imo deserves a nerf. It removes a lot of the counterplay to Oni in his power (yeah, there's the argument of 'don't let him get his power then' at which point may i direct you to the entirety of solo-q). And though I don't play Oni, because he makes me throw up, my friend Donkerydoo does, alongside my friend Reaper, and they both agree it needs a nerf too.
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It's fine. Don't mind if it's used against me, since dealing with Oni without it is often too easy.
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The counterplay to Oni stays the same. Deny his power. There's a problem with this though.
I don't use it, I don't like it, I actually don't mind going against it tbh, but I don't really think it's OP because it's still Oni.
The frustrating thing about it is that I can't really control my teammates feeding Oni but I can control myself feeding Oni. If my teammates feed him and he's got his power the entire game because of them, it's definitely annoying because I didn't give him that very oppressive power, but at that point, the argument is more about bad teammates than Topknot. If players are good, it's not actually going to be that much of a problem to face because Oni's counterplay is no different. I'd rather just have better teammates than have an addon be nerfed. And if I feed Oni his power, which I definitely do here and there, then it's on me. It's my fault he even has the power in the first place.
So...the strength of Topknot really just comes down to how ######### solo queue is. At that point, it's more of a "should stuff in this game be balanced around bad teammates/bad players?" I'm personally going to give MMR a chance and see how much better games at high level are.
However, if it was changed, would I care? Nah. I use other addons. It could probably get a rarity change though, I wouldn't mind that. It's definitely strong for a green.
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It's OP,and it atleast deserves to be purple or even iridescent.
Considering it's better than both of Oni's trash iridescent addons.
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I've got two oni main friends and they think it's op af. I don't play oni though so it's *their* opinion
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Top knot is definitely not op. If survivors play it smart and deny him his power he doesn't even get to use it for as long as they're not being greedy with pallets.
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As a oni main myself i refuse to use it unless its a 4 man swf, its just way to broken.
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Considering how the bloodweb currently works, wouldn't nerfing it to iridescent make it easier to get more of them? lol
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How about when he does have his power? We cannot blanketly say he will never hit someone.
Really though, the way you deal with Oni is either force an end to the Blood Fury (jump in a locker) or hide during it. Grouping up has always been the problem with survivors in these situations.
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I used to play Oni a lot and that addon is just
just so strong, its like old cracker billy with the install saw. can you play around with it? yes. is it difficult to play around? kind of.
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Broken. The small amount of counterplay he had in his power, staying around things like L-T walls or small loops, is gone with this add-on because he charges up so fast that the speed decrease when winding up his power is meaningless and you can't play around it. I play a lot of Oni and I still refuse to use topknot and will probably never use it. I don't know how this add-on is still in the game, or is at least a red add-on but whatever.
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Reduce his overall startup time to compensate for the nerf of an overpowered add-on? TF?! He doesn't need that buff, his dash charge time is fine at 2 seconds. 1.5 seconds at base would be absurd. Everything about Oni is basically perfect apart from topknot and his red add-ons that could do with reworks.
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It's his strongest addon for sure. I don't think it's over powered on it's own right, as there are iri addons in the game that are stronger; however they are just much rarer to come by.
It's one of the strongest addons in the game but it's only a green rarity which is what makes it over powered. I have 58 of them right now....I should only have like 6 or something ideally, to use against sweat SWFs where it's pretty much needed.
I would leave it the way it is probably but I would make it iridescent.
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Love the Scott Knot
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Also,the addons that increase passive built up of Blood Fury
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On paper its nowhere near OP. Its just an add-on that provide a significant, usefull and noticeable bonus to a killer who is allready strong at base. Also it shine more because the rest of Oni's add-ons just don't have such noticeable effect.
Nerfing it would not be the end of the world for Oni. But its not exactly a super urgent priority.
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It's insane. It is the most OP add-on in the game besides Tombstone Piece. It literally makes him genuinely impossible to loop unless you're in a really good spot with really tight corners and windows.
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I wouldn't complain about Topknot if every Oni I faced had decent internet.
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Makes games a good challenge and more fun.
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As someone else has already pointed out, it's not the add-on that makes or breaks Oni, but rather how often he can obtain his power, which relies on survivors not being thoughtless and feeding him unnecessarily.
An add-on shouldn't be nerfed due to survivors playing poorly.
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A Topknot Oni is extremely extremely annoying to go against. Makes him very oppressive with just a green addon. I personally wouldn't mind it be a purple rarity since its so good.