Decisive Strike nerf isn’t healthy
This isn’t your normal rant about DS, just here to state my opinion, I personally don’t think the nerf is healthy at all for the game, you see, this game encourages tunneling by not punishing the tunnelers but also has a perk that discourages tunneling..? (like what?) and now suddenly everyone complains about that one perk that keeps the game healthy? despite being very situational and a one time use—
At that point I don’t see any reason to not to tunnel, if that’s what you’re aiming for then I will gladly cheese my games by tunneling and I encourage everyone to do the same.
Bravo bhvr
if you are being tunneled, you are not doing gens, healing nor saving ppl out of hook
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I'm been playing the game for 3 years and I've only started playing killer recently and I can tell you that decisive strike is the most abusable and unhealthy perk in the game in it's current state, even more so than ruin.
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If you really are getting tunneled, D-Strike still does it's job, and will still be an effective way to discourage tunneling. If you get unhooked, and then work on a gen for 30+ seconds, you're not getting tunneled. It is not a healthy perk rn, it's a perk that gives people 1 minute of invincibility. This is a very healthy change.
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I hate it when I'm tunneled doing gens and healing too it's so unfair... boo hoo it needed the nerf, stops it being used aggressively and actually allows balance and a chance for killers at high ranks that need hooks fast for pressure. If you're progressing the game you are being tunneled.
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you can always come back at that same survivor, with DS or not, it’s still possible to tunnel, DS helps not completely prevents and now, with the upcoming nerf, it will struggle to even help.
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I still put dead hard above it...
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They really should have increased the time that it is active for, you shouldn't have to purposefully lose a chase in order to use it. Even if the times went 60/75/90 it would serve better as an anti-tunnelling perk.
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Boohoo for what? Lol, I am a killer and survivor main, Nerf or buff I’m winning, so having a different opinion than you= crying, right?
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The whole point of DS is to have it when you really need it, even if you don't get to use it. The threat of DS is often enough on its own to deter killers from tunneling. However, increasing the timer would not make it better as an anti-tunneling perk. What will make it better as an anti-tunneling perk is to actually design it as such.
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If you are being tunneled, DS still does its job. 60 seconds of full invincibility is not healthy for the game. Never was, and never will be.
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Not to mention its the only Meta obsession perk on the survivors side apart from object so if its used less more killers will be given free reign to tunnel in more games.
I agree with this post so much because most people don't realise the presence of DS in as many game as possible is important because the devs started to treat it like a mechanic to combat an issue rather than a perk, which is annoying but if its usage decreases and there's less a threat of it then it become unhealthy for the game its why i want unbreakable and soulgard nerfed instead to stop the small pp meta but keep DS in games.
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The perk is not being removed, nobody's stopping you from using it.
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Having the option to slug means it isn’t an invincibility perk, especially paired up with many penalties by design
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Same perk, none of the abuse
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Find a locker then
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A lot of people bypass that by using DS and Unbreakable.
Also,getting slugged is definetely better than getting tunneled (as long as it isn't like twins level of slugging)
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Yea but i don't want to i it to be more likely there's an obsession in my game anyway having perks always ran is boring i dont like how when im killer i SHOULD always bring a regression perk or how on survivor I SHOULD always have an exhaustion perk adding one more is bad
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I don't get it. This game does nothing to punish genrushers but also has a perk to stop genrushing (NOED) like what? And now everyone wants to complain about that one perk that keeps the game healthy? Despite it being very situational and able to be removed before it even triggers.
You know what the real problem is? People want to believe that tunneling is bad. The killer kills, the perk exists to buy you a bit of time, but at the end of the day the killer has 4 targets and full discretion in how to eliminate them. Does it suck being taken out first? Sure. Just like it sucks to be the QB and get sacked before you can even get a pass off. Too bad.
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And then good old Unbreakable comes into play, which is pretty much always paired up with DS. Imagine the following scenario: you are playing your favourite killer on Gas Heaven, and you see a recently unhooked survivor, which happens to be the obsession, working on a generator. What do you do?
-Attack them and slug? Unbreakable and they are up again.
-Grab then? DS
-Leave them be? Gen gets done.
This is full invincibility and it must go.
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Since everybody inevitably disagreed, I think DS needs a rework at that point, who will use it when it’s became even more situational than before to satisfy the only-killer mains who just truly refuse to counter it and or even acknowledge it has a counterplay-
Oh well, let the tunnelers percentage skyrocket and bomb the game xD
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you know what sounds healthy for the game? charging straight into a hooked survivor going "borrowed time go brr" and making the stupidest unhook of your goddamn life, being correctly punished by having the unhooked survivor get downed again because of your dumb gameplay, except that person gets away anyway because they just decisive out of the pickup.
joke: "go for the unhooker, not the unhooked"
woke: "perks that punish punishments are unhealthy"
just delete ds. delete bt while you're at it. make survivors play the game properly again in 2021.
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For nothing, it is better to have 60 seconds to believe myself invincible and start to repair injured and everything I can do in a minute because if the killer does something to me I have a spike and unbreakable.
If people learned to play and did not depend the decisiive strike, the game would be much healthier
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*Downs and hooks people too fast because they are making many mistakes*
*Gets repeatedly stabbed because even though he hooked, chased, downed other survivors and kicked gens and whatnot he had hooked one of them before*
Yeah, no. Decisive strike was a real problem. Rework it entirely if you want, people have suggested as much since forever, but unhealthy my ass- Decisive was the definition of unhealthy.
Besides after they mentioned the change, I started keeping track of if my decisive still would have worked or not. 7/10 times it still would have worked as I was being chased so soon off hook or right off it so it did it's job- the other 3/10 times were the "I was doing a gen ima stab you at 55 seconds and get an entire new chase out of a mistake I made" or jumping in a locker to force it or such after doing other things, which I shouldn't be allowed to do.
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the nerf just ensures the perk does what it's intended to do - DISCOURAGE tunneling.
If you have enough time to do a gen, you obviously aren't being tunneled at that point.
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Or there will be more skilled players who won't rely on a single perk to be vaguely decent. There is a huge difference between a skilled survivor and such a poor survivor that without his 60 seconds of invincibility paired with unbreakable he feels lost :3
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Did I ever complained about noed for you to say that? Nice try.
Thing is, Genrush has counters (tinkerer, ruin, rancor and those are atop of my head) while tunneling only has 2 perks against it, borrowed time and DS, borrowed time is very reliant on a teammate which hideous for solo players, plus, you can wait for 10 seconds and chase down the survivor. DS is now getting nerfed so there are no perks (especially for solo players) to prevent tunneling _Briefly_
F for performance, A+ for trying.
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The time limit it's active should have become longer to compensate. Even frozen while in a chase. If a survivor can outrun a killer for 60 seconds their perk shouldn't automatically become useless when they go down at 61 seconds.
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If they cared about survivors being “tunneled” then:
- DS (or some form) of punishment would apply/work on First AND Second Hook. I guess they think you’re only hooked once. 😂
- As killer, You wouldn’t be able to pretend to leave a hook, step away 15 meters and come right back to track that survivor down.
If DS was actually an anti-tunnel perk, and you were being tunneled, the killer wouldn’t be able to get around it’s activation, in order to deny the timer. Slugging would turn your DS timer into a UB timer. IF it was an anti-tunnel perk. Which it isn’t.
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It's the same argument.
Both are tactics within the game. Both have perks that serve to help counter them, neither is actually meant to be "punished" in any way.
Look at it this way. Camping happens, but if you camp a hook, you will lose points and get a poor chaser medal.
Tunnel at least the first Survivor out? You're well on your way to 4 iridescent medals and a juicy load of BP. Why? Because it's a tactic BHVR has no interest in stopping, it's meant to be part of the game, just like rushing gens.
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If the killer is tunneling a survivor, other survivors could try to take agro, body block to slow the killer, or take a hit to make the killer go into a weapon wipe. All of which would buy the tunneled player some time to escape.
If you're being tunneled; you can use as many pallets as you like, you could run to a corner of the map where there are no hooks, run to a place where all the generators are done, or even run to your teammates to try to make one of them take agro.
And none of these things deactivate the new DS. New DS just doesn't let you attempt to progress the game. No doing totems, gens, unhooking, or healing. You could follow the killer around teabagging for a whole minute knowing that the killer can't pick you up.
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So don't bring it, and deal with the consequences. You don't get to have the benefits of Decisive Strike without actually using Decisive Strike.
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If you want an obsession in the match, bring an obsession perk. You have 4 Survivors, that's 16 slots for just one of you to solve your own problem instead of whining for a free effect.
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So apparently, in this community, anyone who has a different point of views/different opinions/general constructive criticism means they are bad/crying/rely on perks/etc.?
gotta love the DbD community, they always neglect the fact that constructive criticism means people who aims to make the game to live longer, man oh well, I guess I am suddenly bad at the game despite having thousands of hours and favoriting killer a bit more because I had a different POV :c
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How do you abuse ruin? And how is it unhealthy?
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"The killer can wait 10 seconds of BT" and from here it is clear that you have not played as a killer or even survivor in your life. In those 10 seconds you can look for pallets or loops with which to make the killer lose precious seconds. You can even use BT to get hit, blocking an entrance, saving a mate. And do you think BT is really just about losing 10 seconds? Assuming the survivor is standing still like an idiot waiting for the timer to run out? Before we talk about what's good or bad in this game, make sure you know how to play. I can't believe, as a BT user, that anyone would say it's not useful. It will never be 10 seconds, but a lot more. Valuable seconds for my team who will punish the killer by seeing completed generators as they will not apply any pressure
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If you are a bad killer who are unable to keep up with a survivor for 10s then I can tell from a screen that you’re not a decent killer either lmao, nice argument, real nice xD
And those 10s do require a skill, no one said it’s an easy achievement but that’s what every player should do, right? have the needed skill to achieve what you want
Thanks for showing me the best contradictions I have seen today <3
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deal with the consequences is not a solution to a legitimate gameplay issue you shoudlnt need a perk to avoid something that's like i said a gameplay issue its why I don't like how gens work when im killer and i think you can see where im going DS being used is inherently healthy for the game as a whole because the devs treat it not like a perk but a mechanic, Tunnelling is a non issue because of the perk but if usage goes down issue goes up its why I don't like DS being nerfed but can acknowledge that there's issues with how it works the 60 seconds of invincibility doesn't exist until....unbreakable/soulgard.
Unless the devs decide to add something similar to bloodlust in the sence that it should be a mechanic or add an obsession every game then DS should legit stay as it is.
This may be surprising but have a guess what role i play more of, its killer DS is annoying i understand that but its like a bad tasting medicine the game need.
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you sound like someone who got to the red ranks off the back of DS/BT/UB and are deathly afraid that you might have to start thinking before doing things.
god forbid the survivor side require planning or thought in any of its games, where killer requires it in every one of its games, purely because of these perks.
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Dude if you really believe that a survivor doesn't know how to use the 10 seconds of BT to reach a new loop and keep the killer busy punishing him for his carelessness I would say that your supposed thousands of hours have played them with dummies in place of real players. No one would ever realistically say that BT gives the survivor only 10 seconds of life before being shot down. Those 10 seconds can transform them in every way such as defending whoever dropped you, reaching new loops and punishing a goofed killer. I repeat, if you are not open-minded do not spit judgments :3
Among other things, summarizing your reasoning
"This is my opinion and you have to respect it, if you have an opinion which consists in telling me that you don't think like me you know that I will not respect it and I will start saying that the DbD community is toxic. Damn opinions about my opinions" < 3
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TBF depending on RNG those 10 seconds is enough to get a safe pallet or for the survivor to use in an exhaustion perk where at that point its out of your hands, its easy to stick to the survivor for 10 seconds if most of the defense of the area have been used or its an open area. Personally unless its in the end game i think its better to just slap the BT'd survivor unless they overstay.
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lemme explain why i dont like this nerf
The perks being used as a bandaid to one of the games issues not its biggest by far but one of them and as if usage goes down issue goes up. Pretty simple nobody has ever said DS is weak but nerfing it will be unhealthy that a fact and is true. The nerf doesn't address locker "techs" or that it will still make you able to take a hit safely with unbreakable/soulgard so now you just will get unhooked and immediately bodyblock for the unhooker to get value it will be just as annoying but just weaker so the nerf is just bad, use will also go down because it wont be as good if you want to get gens done even though it doesn't even do much in that regard because if someone can be slugged killer gets value if they cant then DS wasn't affecting anything.
Its a bad nerf that doesn't solve the issues people have with DS which is that its annoying, by itself it still will be, and OP with the pickup perks which it still will be while less people may run it solo q so swfs are not as affected as solo q players who will likely find that less of there games have obsessions.
People are scrambling for any nerf to it and its just not gonna change much in most games while still being abuseable by swfs while solo q where players will have to do gens because of questionable teammates it wont find as much use,
ignore my ######### grammer and spelling
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I appreciate the reasoning, it will certainly change the gameplay given the very nature of the perk. Personally speaking I would say that the most honest thing to do is to see what will happen instead of screaming scandal. Remember the Ruin and Undying nerf? All to say they would have destroyed those perks and yet they are still being used despite that silly whining. We must not be afraid of change, it was necessary to experiment with a new approach. After all the devs will realize that something is wrong with the nerf or the community itself, we have to be patient, evaluate and then criticize. Nice post anyway
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i appreciate your comment but i just tunnelled salty random 80 and i dont think he will agree
im editing this because it was supposed to be comedic because i just played this game but i do personally find it to abuseable rn if its not in the game
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Actually DS is now completely anti tunnel. I hate to break it to you but if you're healing someone, unhooking someone, working on a gen, a totem or basically doing anything besides running, you aren't being tunneled!
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Seriously, how are you being tunneled if you're working on a gen, saving someone, healin someone or cleansing a hex? DS nerf changes nothing about getting tunneled, it just stops it from being used aggressively.
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Survivors are
encouragedrequired to bring perks that half way tone those actions down.Those actions are still broken and abused. That's why those perks are meta in red ranks. So they are conributing to the problem on their own. It only takes playing killer in red ranks to understand that.
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And your destroying the fun of the survivor because you are crap at patroling gens git gud
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If your fun is "destroyed" because you were killed in a video game by the killer, than it was too fragile to survive regardless.
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It is simple don't tunnel people that tunnel n camp just make survivors depip stop taking pips for being camped n tunnel as for gen rushing just patrol gens it really is that simple
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Can you just stop doing generators? It ends the game too quickly n takes pips away from the killer. Just get better at looping spirit, it's that simple