I don't get why people keep talking about wanting a legion rework
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I just don't get it legions a pretty plane M1 killer injures easy but forces an actual M1 chase for a down while not being overpowered and not underpowered either. Very few people have complaints about how they are to play against because they needs to actually outplay for a down unless the survivor has a terrible positioning and they have a average playrate because he can be enjoyable. Honestly some of their addons need changing but that's about it. I feel like they have this stigma because of what people expected when they launched but their past that now and he's just an average member of the killer cast without any real outstanding flaws except maybe being a bit generic but sometimes that can be a good thing.
Legion is just a mending simulator and he lacks lethality which technically makes him an uninteresting M1 killer. Plague is more interesting because she has more gameplay than legion does.
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I don't get why they think the outcome would be better.
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Nah most survivors complain when I play them, even if I play like ass
They say legion is annoying to vs, cancer killer, no skill, takes 5 mins to get good at them, etc
I'm willing to believe it's residual trauma from how legion used to be, and now people just regurgitate the same crap over and over
Legion's pretty fun to me, to play as and against
If a rework is coming, it'd better be a net buff
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Legion is just not a good Killer.
He's in the same spot as MoM.
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He definitely needs a rework in some sort that makes him actually interesting to play, instead of him being a killer who just stabs you constantly.
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He basically has no power. His power is a joke
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The fact that he is a normal m1 killer out of feral frenzy is very underwhelming. You can loop him for days and he can do diddly squat about it.
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"Very few people have complaints about how they are to play against". Never heard a more incorrect statement
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His power can't down people. Once you injure the survivors you're a basic M1 killer. It takes WAY less time for Myers to reach tier 3 than get a successful frenzy with at least two people injured. Tier 3 takes a full minute to run out w/o addons as well, so you have lots of time to down survivors. I mentioned this before in a different thread, but Myers has faster vault speed in T3 and a bigger lunge that can be used to actually down survivor. IMO Legion is just a weaker Myers with a weak tracking ability only supported by addons.
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Legion has a lot of short-comings while having strengths that aren't particularly amazing.
- He has no mobility. If you use Frenzy, you actually lose distance. So that's out the picture.
- Mending sucks. Legion is a slowdown killer, meaning he has to make people mend. And mending is literally just M1 holding without so much as a skill check.
- Legion has very little interaction. You straight-up cannot counter Frenzy in most cases. Legion is too fast and pretty much ignores looping for the initial hit. After that, he leaves to chain hits. Your skill as a survivor was irrelevant and now you're mending.
- Nothing in the 1v1. He is a very generic M1 killer with no downing potential. This is true for Wraith who is much less reviled, but Wraith at least has the urgency that a stealth killer naturally warrants. There are no fun gimmicks to play around.
- Deep Wound is a joke. Sure, mending is boring, but that's it. Just boring. There is little to no sense of real danger, making it more annoying than anything.
- Legion in Frenzy isn't terribly fast. 130% is enough to get a single hit in, but not enough to get a mass chain going if the survivor runs in a straight line away. All it does is contribute to Legion being seen as a joke to the community.
- Legion STILL has the brutal 4-second cooldown. Idk why, but it's still a thing. He's punished more for misses than the Nurse.
That said, he's still probably my favorite killer.
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He doesn't need a rework. He needs some QoL changes and an addon pass. That's it
Survivors want a rework because they hate a killer that can stall the game. They are used to 5-10 minute matches and something that turns it into 15-20 minute matches is horrible in their eyes.
Killers want a rework cause they suck at Legion. They are often the killer that will frenzy, run half a map to fatigue in front of a healthy survivor to then chase that healthy survivor normally. For how "easy" the legion is, I sure see a lot of people completly misplaying them
If this was in response to Scott's video then i suggest to ignore it. I like Scott but he has proven time in time again he is absolutly clueless when it comes to Legion
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I was thinking for Legion they could make it interesting maybe, in his frenzy, he could hit one player, and then he could hit another and if he manages to hit the first player again before the frenzy ends, then he downs him. Could be interesting.
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he is just boring imo and he is the biggest piece of clickbait BHVR made
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Idk, for me Legion is the most fun killer to play as, maybe i'm lame, but i really like his power
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I never was able to get why people say with Frenzy you lose distance.
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Legion has absolutely no chase power. They’re the killer with the weakest chase potential. Their power is to give survivors BT and a Sprint Burst and to slightly annoy them by mending. A lot of survivors don’t bother healing leaving you with an even less threatening power. It’s boring and tedious to face a Legion, it’s just no fun. It’s a basic M1 killer that can run just a bit faster than you and then leave you to mend. Hit and run is so boring because there is barely any interaction with the killer leading to a snoozefest. Which is why I also dislike killers like Wraith and Ghostface who follow the same “hit and run” concept.
Legion was flawed from the start and their power can’t be too strong since they circumnavigate windows and pallets leaving the survivors with no counterplay (as we saw with old Legion). Legion needs to be reworked from the ground up in my opinion.
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Legion is a killer missing alot of power and is straight up an unfun killer to face, solely because all they are is a "get hit hold button" killer, I would rather watch paint dry than face legion
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I actually gave up on a legion last night based upon how boring he made the game. It just went on forever. It was literally over 20 minutes and he still hadn’t killed a single person. It wasn’t a 3 gen situation but even without ruin gens would regress to almost nothing every time we got driven away. Couldn’t fix gens, couldn’t hide. Just boring and rather irritating. I didn’t stick around but I’m pretty sure he was running oppression, discordance, tinker, and pop goes the weasel.
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Mending simulator
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Well, they're great at gaining bloodpoints. But their power could be so much more. Atm they excel at the first hit but suck at chasing the down.
Here is what they could be:
Each member of the Legion can be controlled and has a Unique Skill.
Press and hold the Power button to switch between members.
(Left and Right on the D-Pad scrolls the list of members, release the Power button to select the new member to switch to.)
The Legion is shrouded in a black cloud (from a Survivor's perspective) when switching members and suffers a moderate decrease in movement speed.
When switching members, the member that got switched out enters a cooldown for 90 seconds.
Frank always starts the Trial.
Frank - Relentless Assault, after performing a full Lunge attack you instantly perform a short Stab attack right away.
Julie - Feral Frenzy, after successfully hitting a Healthy Survivor the location of all Injured Survivors within 36m of your location are revealed to you via Killer Instinct for 8 seconds.
Joey - Drive By, Press the Secondary Ability button to begin Sprinting at 5.2m/s for 15 seconds. While Sprinting your attacks become ruthless, the first Survivor hit suffers with Deep Wound, the next successful attack during the Sprint places any Survivor into the Dying State, regardless of Health State (does not ignore the Endurance effect). Your FOV while sprinting is reduced by 15 degrees. The power gauge takes 15 seconds to recharge.
Susie - Copycat, you can perform Running Vaults at pallets and windows. Performing a Successful Attack after Vaulting gains you a token. Each token gained decreases the cooldown for each member of the Legion by 25%. Up to 4 tokens can be gained at one time. Lose a token each time you switch members.
Iridescent Button - slightly increases the Stab attack range; the duration of Killer Instinct is increased by 4 extra seconds; Drive By FOV is increased by 5 degrees; Vaulting a pallet causes it to break instantly.
Fuming Mix Tape - considerably decreases the cooldown of all switched out members.
Cold Dirt - is now Rare the black cloud remains for 3 seconds after switching members.
Filthy Blade - is now Rare Survivors in the the Injured State suffer a 2% decrease to Vault speed.
Frank's Mix Tape - moderately increases recovery speed of a missed Stab attck; slightly decreases Frank's switch out cooldown.
Stab Wounds Study - is now Rare Survivors hit by a special attack suffer from the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds.
Joey's Mix Tape - is now Very Rare slightly decreases the cooldown of Drive By; slightly decreases Joey's switch out cooldown.
Nasty Blade - is now Uncommon Injured Survivors suffer a 1% decrease to Vault speed.
Stolen Sketch Book - Survivors inside your terror radius when a Healthy Survivor is Injured suffer with the Oblivious status effect for 10 seconds
Susie's Mix Tape - is now Very Rare increases Running Vault speed by 10%.
The Legion Pin - moderately decreases all members switch out cooldown.
Defaced Smiley - Survivors afflicted with Deep Wound have their location revealed to you via Killer Instinct if they perform a repair, cleanse, open or heal action. Etched Ruler - Survivors performing co-op reairs have their location revealed via Killer Instinct.
Julie's Mix Tape - is now Very Rare when Injuring a Healthy Survivor reveal Healthy Survivors location via Killer Instinct within your terror radius for 4 seconds; slightly decreases Julie's switch out cooldown.
Mural Sketch - Survivors outside your terror radius when a Survivor is placed into the Dying State suffer with Oblivious for 15 seconds.
Never-Sleep Pills - is now Rare slightly increases movement speed while switching members.
Friendship Bracelet - slightly decreases all members switch out cooldown.
Mischieft List - gain 100% bloodpoints when switching members; gain 200 more bloodpoints for successful attacks; slightly increases cooldown of all switched out members.
Scratched Ruler - Survivors that exit a locker within 16m of your location scream revealing their location.
Smiley Face Pin - slightly increases the duration of the black cloud upon switching members.
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I think if they made mending actually a threat he would be fine. Right now when I'm survivor and a Legion hits me I'm like ok cool back to what I was doing.
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I play a lot of legion and honestly I feel he's in a mostly good spot.
He does need some qol changes such as the removing the need to take you out of frenzy in missed stabs. It's totally unnecessary with his current power. Also reduce his base fatigue by a second.
He could use a light addon pass because most if his addons are lackluster at best. Frank's mix tape is probably the dumbest addon in the game.
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Legions whole power is about injuring people, which means he lacks lethality. And injuring people really only happens if you're playing against brainless survivors that group up a lot. As survivor you know exactly when he's in Frenzy as it shows the mending bar if they land a hit on another survivor and you know from the terror radius whether or not he's coming. Honestly, if you start running the opposite direction, they're still not going to catch up with you despite their recent speed buff and then what? What exactly did the Legion gain from this?
They injured a survivor, left them in the hopes of being able to get to another survivor in time. But if they don't, which they really won't in most scenario's against competent survivors then that's about it. No downs, no hooks, nothing. Just one simple injure, 2 at most.
Scott actually made a video about a potential "rework" for the Legion where he actually doesn't change a whole lot, but still ends up making the killer thematically more satisfying, making him more lethal, and also boosting his actual power making the Legion way better at what they already do best.
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As a Legion main, I completely agree with everything here.
I'm tired of seeing people say Legion sucks all the time, when in actuality they play like five games and have no idea what they're doing.
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Legion is fine, he is definitely not bottom of the barrel, but he could be so much better and I would not mind if they spent time thinking about a rework for him.
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Legion main here. I don't get it either. Why harrass Legion players? Chances are Legion players hate themselves more than you hate them. We're off creatures.
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Legion is a boring missed opportunity that’s why
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They're kinda boring to go against for me.
3/4 chance i get stabbed and they run away, so i can go mend and return to doing Generators.
1/4 chance for a chase against an M1 Killer.
I actually kinda like playing as them, but that's probably cause they're not my main.