Getting banned 24 hours in a row for like 2 weeks.

Recently I moved my computer and I was using wifi to play this game, and due to bad network disconnection happens several times, and last week I got 72 hours ban after 24 hours ban 2 times. Then I got a better network, it barely disconnect 1 time every 30 hours, but I still get 24 hours ban for only 1 disconnection. Just now I was the last survivor and the killer found me, then suddenly I got disconnected after stably played hours, then I got 24 hours ban again!

Can someone tell me how the ban time reset timer so I can wait until the ban timer go back to 5 min then I can play this game again? I was playing a secondary account since those 6 hours ban appear, and my second account has reached rank 4 as killer 🙄 despite I barely have any perks. I really need to know when will the ban timer be back to 5 min again.


  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    You need to play several metches without disconmect

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The reset for ban timers aren't known for the obvious reason that people would use that knowledge to DC as much as they can before it's reset.

    So you're out of luck i'm afraid.

    I would suggest that next time you have connection problems you just don't play at all. If the disconnect sdidn't build up to this amount then you wouldn't have this problem now

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I would submit a report, I'm not sure how the system works but maybe your account is bugged and always thinks you've had a few disconnects always

    You can submit a ticket there, good luck.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    Stop playing for a long period of time

    I'm talking like a whole week without playing DBD, you should be able to lower the dc penalty that way

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    It may not even be you friend, I've been having the same issue with penalties that aren't my fault, just now first match of the day I got a matchmaking lockout while doing a generator.. all survivors got points, killer got none, I even kept my medkit but clearly I deserve this penalty right? I have a similar post to this and nobody has answers. My other games don't drop me, my X series is wired to my modem.. there's something more applying these penalties other than just what can be accounted to your end.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I haven’t had disconnects but I’ve been getting weird lagspikes in DBD the past 2 weeks or so. Like it teleports me or the survivors a little bit.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,882

    Timeouts decay over time - it's not connected with how many matches you play without a disconnect

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    If your ban is currently at 24 hours, I'd say wait about 10 days before trying again. That should reset your timer.

    I had this problem last year. I'd play several games just fine -- then my internet would go out for no apparent reason. I had crappy internet, and it made it very difficult to play the game (though I enjoyed it immensely.) Had a streak of bad luck, which included 2 DC's caused by the server. So I quit playing DBD for a little bit, and instead played something else. (This was back when I played on Switch, which had MAJOR issues when it came to crashes) During that time I learned that after a while, it takes longer for the penalties to decay. Luckily for me, I got much better internet services, and no longer have to play on my phone's internet. If you DC once or twice in a day, you should probably take a break for a day or two before resuming play. (Or play on your second account)

  • aylawell
    aylawell Member Posts: 119

    Ok so the match is going well... then this:

    Then an error occurred message, and I load back in with my meditation and a ban. This is what I'm talking about.

    And not that it matters, but I just noticed I also de-pipped XD, I love you dbd