Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why you shouldn't be mad about Tunneling, Camping, Slugging,

Hold your horses friend, don't you dare go down there and type about how wrong i am without reading everything first

So i am most certain we can agree that being Tunneled, Camped, or Slugged is not fun and that's because it isn't, but here are why you should not be mad about these techniques Killers are extremely positively able to do

Tunneling -

So before we start we ask ourselves "What is Tunneling?"

Well my friend Tunneling is having the killer chase you and ONLY you throughout the entirety of the game and completely ignoring everyone else

some situations that happen that aren't considered tunneling

  • You Get fully healed before being chased again
  • You are ignoring the healing and just decide to work on a gen
  • You are healing someone else rather than yourself leaving yourself completely vulnerable

Now here are some things about why Killer's will Tunnel

  • There are too many survivors left and too many gens done
  • They want the Weakest/Strongest survivor out the game as Quickly as possible
  • They are punishing you for bringing a Key/Map/Flashlight or for Last second switching

That doesnt mean a Killer will tunnel you for no good reason but not every Killer will do that, assuming every Killer will just tunnel slug or camp is what brings the toxicity into Dead By Daylight

Easiest way of countering a tunneling Killer is to just do Gens, a Killer can't pressure every survivor at once unless you give him that oppurtunity

Camping -

Pretty much the same as above, whenever you're being camped yeah it sucks like all hell, but the Killer can only get 1 kill at minumum from thi strategy, as said above Just do gens and get out, it's a 1v4 so if the killer is giving you all of his attention, Your teammates better do those gens and just escape, The Killer will depip cause he loses points for being to close to the Hooked survivor and they get little BP while that leaves 3 escapes and 1 death, That is a heavy win on the survivors side but If you have the perks decisive Strike and BT feel free to try and use them as late as you possibly can, if you get 4 gens done you can most certainly loop the killer for another gen and possibly escape, don't know how to loop effectively? Play the actual game and dont always try to be a gen jockey

Slugging -

Another extremely counterable strategy the Killer can do

Slugging is when the survivor is put into the dying state and the Killer killer leaves them there for a while, Killers are only able to get a slugging pressure if you guys are all together which you almost should not be doing, being way too Altruistic will get you killed faster than a Bubba raising his Chainsaw, if someone is being slugged leave them there, the Killer will pick them up eventually if there is no one trying to help them

Thats literally it, being less Altruistic will literally save your team a lot of Hook states and allow you to Escape more games

that doesnt mean every game will be easy though as there are some tremendous killers out there able to Pressure you like Spirit Nurse and such

but the moral is don't be mad at the Killer for something you put yourself through, i do play both sides equally so im not only saying this as a Killer main but it seriously upsets me seeing other survivors get mad at their own misfortunes

Thanks for reading!

If you still have yet to have your mind changed You're most likely a little Entitled Whiney bish so try opening your eyes and mind that Both Killer and a Survivor have objectives to do and both sides will do whatever they can to achieve their Succession



  • sleepywynd
    sleepywynd Member Posts: 118

    Prepare for rage comments lol. This does make a lot of sense^^ I think another thing that drives camping is survivors being a significantly higher level than the killer (e.g. rank 16 v rank 2/4) and as such just being better/more experienced at the game. So the lower-level killer tries to salvage something (and while I'm new we all know how bad matchmaking is XD).

  • DrunkTXlabRat
    DrunkTXlabRat Member Posts: 8

    agreed. tunneling, camping, and slugging really aren't a problem for me. people run around the map without stealth. they blow skill checks. killers kill. survivors don't survive by setting off the killers radar. and they have no place to complain about how a killer kills.

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    Yes which was where i put the reasoning of them trying to get the weakest/strongest player out

  • sleepywynd
    sleepywynd Member Posts: 118

    THIS XDD I'm dying. "You were literally tunneling just me!!" "You also took a protection hit while M1ed twice"

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    I know survivors cant be that stupid but if they are they're the whiniest little bishes in the community so i pay no attention to them

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    That is in a way taknig the game hostage but i doubt the devs will really care

  • sleepywynd
    sleepywynd Member Posts: 118

    Yeah, but if you got a 4k slug against a strong survivor team after hooking some people once or twice... they're gonna have DS and just go revive everyone resetting the whole process.

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128


    Face the consquences of your own actions without putting the blame on someone else when you are the causer

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495

    Walking over everyone three minutes after we were slugged is not waiting for DS

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    In case any of you are interested feel free to check out my Twitch


  • sleepywynd
    sleepywynd Member Posts: 118

    That's true, but sometimes it is still hard to find people who just crawl away, and the killer will just walk off and go do something instead of wasting their time trying to find the first person they slugged who crawled 3 miles. It's not like you and I can just sit on our phones, and if its THAT bad, dc.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495

    I think you are misunderstanding, if a killer legitamately can't find us before we bleed out thats fine, but I have had instances where the killer knew where we all were ( ie walked over all four of us consistently) and spammed m1 over us till we died. It wasn't a case of one person being left, but multiple and choosing to waste everyone's time

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    You're the one victim-blaming. Killers shouldn't be condemned for killing, survivors shouldn't be ostracised for trying to escape. If you as a Killer chose to tunnel/camp/slug then own up to your actions. The same way if you let your teammate die so you can finish a gen/hookbomb to save your own skin and escape. You did it because you wanted to win, not bc the other side was progressing the game too fast.

    If that's the way you want to play, that's fine. Those strategies exist in the game for a reason. But don't get mad and try to rationalize your conscious decision as a necessary evil. IMO, that is only a vicious cycle.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    tunneling a survivor because they brought an item is kinda stupid. But I do understand it if it's a last second switch like you mentioned.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I mean you could say the same thing about Gen Rushing, but I doubt the responses would be as welcomed on this forum.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    There's also instances where the killer may not mean to tunnel but it just sort of happens anyway. Scott Jund made an excellent video about this,

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674
    edited March 2021

    The only way to look at it is that I as a Killer have to be chasing or downing somebody. If your team-mates don't take pressure off of you having been hooked recently that's not my fault and its on them. Its a 4v1 and you have to expect the collective group to play together to survive .

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    Despite Scott's video (and i heavily agree with him) People are still going to act the way they are

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Oh I agree. But the wiser of us can understand most people's arguments are full of salt and #@!$.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427


    Tunneling is ok

    but camping is an ######### dirty play that ruins the game

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    although it sucks being camped it is not a bannable offence but it is very punishable every Killer and Survivor strategy can be countered no matter what

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    No, they are both just fine. People need to realize its just defense, nobody has a problem with being hyper aggressive to the point of getting 12 hooks, securing hook states is just as good and sometimes its the only play to make in situations.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I tunnel, camp, slug, hit on hook, and if I'm feeling extra spicy I let some survivors bleed out. One too many toxic swfs has made me numb at this point. It's every other game. If you tbag then enjoy your bleedout or facecamp :)

    I have all the perks anyway so I couldn't care less about the bloodpoints or score at this point.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Sure @Jack_TheJolteon. I'll trace a parallel to make it easier to explain, please read everything.

    Suppose that you need to attend a job interview that your friend arranged at his company. You arrange for your unemployed neighbor to take care of your kid so you can go to the interview days in advance as you can't find anyone else. 30 minutes before your interview is due, your neighbor cancels without an excuse and you miss the interview along with a life-changing opportunity.

    Now suppose, your neighbor knocks on your door after a few days, in a hurry asking for a ride downtown for an urgent matter that he cannot disclose. You have nothing to do ATM, but remember the job you lost and say NO.

    Neither you nor your neighbor had issues with each other before. You were just neighbors by chance, but now are stuck in a hostile cycle of retribution. Neither of you really knows why the other committed the first "######### move", but unless someone gives in both will keep escalating aggressions. Furthermore, both of you didn't commit a crime by pulling those moves, there are no laws that say "you should be nice".


    What I want to say with the scenario above is that the fact that your "######### move" was or not an act of righteous retribution or even justified at all doesn't mean you were less of an #########. If you're pulling "######### moves" accept the fact that you're an ######### and all of the Hostility that comes with it.

    Now back to the game, Slugging/Camping/Tunneling/Hookbombing/GenRushing are not against the terms of service, they won't get you banned, and are perfectly valid tactics. They are considered '######### moves' because people slug 4-5gens, Camp in the early/mid game, tunnel at 4-5 gens, hookbomb for stacks, or bring 4 toolboxes with BPN mostly because at least 1 person had their experience ruined. Not to mention how easy is it to transfer the sins of others into unaware bystanders. Who has never been BMed into oblivion only to equip an Iri Head or a Key for the next match?

    Pulling one of those moves as retribution just makes you a justified #########, an ######### nonetheless.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Well, the concept is correct, calculations not really.

    I think you missed the mark on tunneling. Tunneling is perhaps the greatest part of a killer's arsenal, as a dead survivor is a survivor not doing gens. If you can identify the weak links and only deal with 3 survivors, instead of simultaneously dealing with 4 survivors, go for it. It'll save time, slowdown the team by robbing them of someone who could have been doing gens, and if you identify the weakest teammates and tunnel them out of the game, it'll won't take that much time. It's the most efficient method, and a genuine problem. In the long run, being down a teammate is like losing a limb. Even if you don't tunnel explicitly, you'll want to prioritize survivors who are dead on hook than survivors who haven't been hooked once.

    The idea behind camping again, is correct, but miscalculated. You have a maximum of 2 minutes on the hook. In those 2 minutes, three gens will pop. That's still 2 more gens for them to worry about, and 2 more gens worth of time for you to find another survivor to camp to death. This is assuming that survivors play with complete efficiency; many survivors don't understand this and go for ill-advised altruistic plays. So that's two kills with barely any work; just chase a guy once, plop down, bring out the pizza, and wait for 2 minutes to pass (assuming that they don't kill themselves on hook). A 2k with a minimal amount of chase and a minimal amount of blood points for everybody. That's still something that people can get reasonably mad about; you're depipping and getting minimal blood points because you got chased once and died on first hook. For the other survivors, there's literally no chase interaction. It's just sit down at the gens and stare vapidly until you can leave. That's awful, awful gameplay.

    Slugging is more questionable in this sense. It's more effective than you give credit for; survivors who are trying to heal slugs are survivors who are not doing gens, and also survivors who are bunched up; you can apply more pressure when survivors are closer together. If you get two slugs on the ground, with god forbid knockout, then you're set. You don't even have to patrol your slugs; if you have infectious or maintain a tight gen patrol, you can keeping finding guys until you've got 4 slugs.

    The solution to this? Loop better. But that's not always the case, and it's still a very unfun way to play the game. It denies survivors of chase opportunities; it's boring. You're just lying on the ground, there's nothing you can do as you watch your teammates fall and try to pick each other up. It exploits the fact that downed survivors are just sitting ducks, and so feels just like camping. Slugged survivors have no agency, and they have no opportunities to actually play the game.

    But that's heavy slugging when you go against things like slugging nurses. Every killer should probably slug a little bit, just to be strategic. If you know there's another survivor near you, it would be absurd not to leave the guy you just got on the ground so you can ramp up the pressure.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    no, it can be just defense but it still make the game sucks, it has always an option ( removing the egc is activate )

  • chronicdreamz23
    chronicdreamz23 Member Posts: 20

    @Jack_TheJolteon You just sound like a salty killer that has lost too many games

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    "Camping -

    Pretty much the same as above, whenever you're being camped yeah it sucks like all hell, but the Killer can only get 1 kill at minumum from thi strategy, as said above Just do gens and get out, it's a 1v4 so if the killer is giving you all of his attention, Your teammates better do those gens and just escape, The Killer will depip cause he loses points for being to close to the Hooked survivor and they get little BP while that leaves 3 escapes and 1 death, That is a heavy win on the survivors side but If you have the perks decisive Strike and BT feel free to try and use them as late as you possibly can, if you get 4 gens done you can most certainly loop the killer for another gen and possibly escape, don't know how to loop effectively? Play the actual game and dont always try to be a gen jockey"

    So you want people not to be mad about camping, and this is your advice to them?

    Your advice is that if you're being camped it 'sucks like all hell'.

    As the survivor, why do you care about the Killer depipping, losing points or whatever? It's boring to sit there on the hook.

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    perhaps you didnt read the part where i said play Both sides 50/50 and im not just saying this as a killer main

    Please read through everything before making childish assumptions ^^

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Once again, someone misses the point of why these are so hated.

    You know what? How much fun do you have when you're playing against teams that just predrop pallets and hold W? How much fun do you have watching gens pop left and right because you literally cannot end chases quick enough tha KS to the cheesiest of stratagies? Because that's pretty much the survivor version.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    The only thing that annoys me is for doing it and getting messaged about it when I get like a 4k or 3k our of it when I could have easily had a 1k if they did these counters.

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    If i cannot end chases quickly that tells me i have more practice to learn that Killer, and with how this game has been i have not really needed to care as i mostly play Huntress lmao

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    A lot. I want Survivors to challenge me, make me second guess my strategy and change my tactics mid match to meet them. If I didn't I would play a single player game where the npcs always react the same. Rush gens, split off, kill my hex perks, make me abandon chases to protect gens, much more fun than knocking 4 noobs down who don't come in with a plan.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    In a perfect world every survivor would bring BT or DS so nobody could be tunneled or at least if they did they could make it really hard to do so. At this current point not a lot of solo survivors do that so in my view the problem isn't the tunneling or camping it's more the fact that survivors are mostly bad and also don't bring perks to counter it very often.

    I only really get upset when I've been tunneled or camped when my teammates just immediately farm me without BT and I wasn't even been given a chance. I don't care about being tunneled I care about not even being given a chance to fight back or play the game.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    So you have fun... Not being able to play DbD? You find it fun to mindlessly hold W after people who have zero plan beyond doing the same to waste your time? You have fun when people don't interact with you in any way?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I find it fun having to adapt to new strategies. You can of course try and frame it as "not being allowed to play" but as the game is functioning, and I am in it making decisions and shocking people and kicking gens, obviously I'm still playing the game. I typically don't find myself mindlessly doing anything, if I get a survivor who loves w that much, I don't just chase them like a lost puppy, that's a waste of time. Sooner or later if they want out, they've gotta come to a gen. If I get a lot of w players, I change to a more defensive style and stall them out.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You don't understand what predropping pallets and holding W is, do you?

    Let me explain, since this concept apparently eludes you: it is when the survivors... drop the pallets without really trying to loop. At all. And then when they inevitably run out of pallets they just hold W away in a straight line, this wasting even more time. And all the while their team is working on gens. And if you break off and chase someone else's they do the exact same thing, thus artificially forcing chases to take much longer than they should by virtue of you only closing the 20+m gap at a rate of 0.6m/s.

    Skill cannot overcome this. It is a physical limitation of the game engine and a direct result of the game's design. You cannot "overcome" someone using basic maths agasint you.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    If it ruins the game for one side, of course players are salty about it. Those tactics are both effective and unfun, which is a clear design flaw in this game. Devs should care about it more.

    "Easiest way of countering a tunneling Killer is to just do Gens, a Killer can't pressure every survivor at once unless you give him that oppurtunity"

    No, this isn't true. Survivors are not one unit, they are four different players with personal emblems and points. Sure, other players can do gens, but it doesn't help the one who's being tunneled. Let's say the killer picks one survivor and tunnels him out of the game asap. Other players take that time and finish the gens, then manage to escape. You would say that "The survivor teams wins", but the game doesn't consider it as a win for the dead survivor. He depips and gets almost no points. There's no such thing as a team win as long as points and emblems are not shared.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    So you don't chase anyone, then?

    There's no adapting to a team that's not looping. You aren't even playing DbD. If you want to not chase someone holding W... You've got another three that are doing the exact same thing. Then what's your plan? 3-gen them? They're just going to do the exact same thing. No skill, no opportunity to adapt, it's just artificially inflating the chase time whilst slamming gens.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340


    I actually try for a 4 gen in those circumstances when I can, depending on map layout. I won't commit to a single chase until they get sick of it and change up. Does it work every time? Nope. But then, no strategy works 100% of the time, which is what keeps the game interesting. Boot them off the gen, get a slap in if I can, move to the next gen. If I keep my own movement economical, they won't have the ability to slam gens, at least not for long before they try to roadrunner off again.

    Why would you chase someone who is very clearly just trying to get you out of position for their team? If I'm running my super TR doc build, I'll spam static blasts as much as I can and try to build up madness stacks to waste their time more. On the right map I've been able to hit people on 3 different gens with one well positioned shock.

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    Nie, nie jestem deweloperem, nie robię tego dla pieniędzy, to jest opinia, że ​​nie należy się złościć na grę z powodu winy twórców, proszę jednak wetrzeć trochę soli w swoją ranę dla mojej satysfakcji, ale też mówię język angielski

  • chronicdreamz23
    chronicdreamz23 Member Posts: 20

    @Jack_TheJolteon perhaps you thought i actually cared about what you said playing 50/50. again you sound like a salty killer who loses alot

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    I bet you 90% of tunneling comes from players doing this. It's happened to me so many times, I can't even get upset at the killer for it. It was my team that let me down there.