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What is your favorite bad perk?

Everyone talks about the good perks (DS, BBQ, STBFL, PGTW..,) but what about the bad perks? They have to get some love too!


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  • Member Posts: 2,649

    I mean it's not Meta but getting a killer confused by Pebble is the best thing in this game.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Distressing. My terror radius gets huge AND I get bonus bloodpoints? Ok, I'll take that on my two mains: Doc and Spirit. Doc makes his static blast more potent on letting me know where survivors are lurking. Spirit makes her phasing more potent.

    Oh, and Franklin's isn't considered a bad perk by any means but it definitely isn't in the meta, but I have so much fun pretending the survivors stole items from me and I'm getting them back. Makes me giggle. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,417

    Monstrous shrine for the memes. Sometimes I'll run only that perk and no other just for the hell of it.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Fire up.

    Example: Mike I find this perfect for as it take a couple gens at the least to get going against good survivors that know how to play him and break LOS. Tier 3 vault speed is crazy but the boost in all areas just helps with his comeback. I like it on some others as well tho.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Survivor: Flip-Flop. So you think you can slug me!?

    Killer: Mad Grit. I can swing all I want when I carry you.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    Fixated, Quick and Quiet.

    I don't know if they're considered as bad perks, but I love them so much.

  • Member Posts: 143

    Plunderer's, item hunting has been more fun, you can enjoy your teammates urban evading in the bushes whilst you are rich in items, all worth it! (Don't forget the easy escapes with the occasional purple / pink key :) )

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Survivor: Babysitter, because I can distract the killer and make sure my teammate heals

    Killer: Mindbreaker. I just think it's neat.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Survivor: Autodidact is addictive.

    Killer: Make your choice. I've won entire games on its back.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Killer: Bloodhound I think its a super underated hard counter to IW

    Survivor: I know its not a single perk butdear lord I love chest builds

  • Member Posts: 667

    Literally every bad perk is loved by me in some capacity.

    Meta in DBD is boring as sin.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Open-Handed for survivor.

    For killer I don't use bad perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Diversion, getting people to check random places is priceless, a pity that the higher your rank the less useful it is.

  • Member Posts: 278

    Self care (a lot of people told me it's a noob perk), deerstalker, spies from the shadows

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    On the killer side: Dark Devotion. It's not usually a particularly powerful or useful effect (though it does have goofy synergy on Doctor and combo's well with some other perks), but it is so freakin' hilarious when it works. Kinda hard to make use of at higher levels of play, but it's at least an underused perk; even the experienced players don't expect it.

    For survivor: Pharmacy. A guaranteed medkit plus that bonus chest-opening speed is pretty nifty. While it'll always be second fiddle to Plunderer's Instinct, I enjoy running it every once in a while for a bit of variety.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    For survivor: No One Left Behind. In the rare occasion this activates, this perk is amazing for tracking everything around the map and altruistic behaviours. Basically, I own the map.

    For killer: Monstrous Shrine. Gives me a focus and allows me to start moving survivors to where I want them. Can give a nasty surprise when survivors realise their time is a little less than they'd like.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    My all time favourite killer perk is Coulrophobia, which is often perceived as a very bad perk.

    I find it to be a very versatile perk. It’s a GREAT tool to compliment slugging for those times a teammate rushes in too early to heal someone on the ground. It often leads to a lot of free hits due to survivors thinking they have enough time to pick someone up off the ground, only to get caught out by Coulrophobia. This is even more effective if the downed survivor has mangled.

    Coulrophobia can also alter the survivors behaviour, allowing the killer to use Coulrophobia to control particular areas.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    MYC isn’t exactly considered a bad perk though. It’s often praised actually.

  • Member Posts: 503

    Blood Pact. It's like a "Great Value" Bond.

  • Member Posts: 1,531

    Surv: Autodicdic, tbh I dont think it's even bad

    Killer: Spies, surprisingly a large useful amount of info

  • Member Posts: 422

    Survivor: Detective's Hunch, because I don't think it's bad. Matter of fact, I think it's borderline overtuned.

    Killer: Shadowborn. Please just give us an FoV slider already.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    insidious for killer and autodidact for survivor

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Survivor: Detectives hunch is the most underrated perk in the game imo. Can stop 3 gens and Noed aswell as complementing inner strength

    Killer: Gearhead while a bargain bin discordance is fun and can work in a gimmicky build using dark devotion. Make sure your second hit is the obsession and go for grabs

  • Member Posts: 566

    Why are people mentioning Autodidact? How is that a bad perk? It’s so good lmao.

    I’d probably have to say Flip-Flop as it’s completely dependent on being slugged and not being near a hook, but it’s so fun when you get it to work. Possibly even Visionary? I find it really useful on certain maps, but I’m not sure if it really warrants being called bad lol.

    I don’t have any for killer that I enjoy using. 😂

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Well, it's not meta, or at least high-meta. Either way I love it as my own kin.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Survivor: Red Herring. Am I at the gen? Am I halfway across the map? I'll never tell.

    Killer: Distressing, it's absurd how well that works with Doctor

  • Member Posts: 566

    I completely forgot about Wake Up. I never see anybody using it, but I actually really like it. Especially when I’m injured and also running Resilience + Spine Chill.

  • Member Posts: 366

    I’m a fan of deerstalker. I cannot keep track of my slugs easily

  • Member Posts: 486

    Survivor: Technician. I like to try and get Great Skill checks, but wonky console hiccups and my lack of practice (killer main) tend to blow up the gen and embarrass myself. At least it would except now nobody knows when I’m messing up lol. Thanks technician~

    Killer: Zanshin Tactics. Say what you will, but I leave pallets down and forget them, or I forget if I broke the pallet at this tile or not. Sporadically getting fed info that I’m too stupid to remember has helped me in game. Also, I pair it up with Nemesis and work with the survivor to bonk me in the head, throw in an obsession perk like Play with Your Food and now I got double the speed with my Twin Power.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I like Gearhead a lot. I've honestly gotten some crazy value with it without even needing to get a hook.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Territorial Imperative, or Fire Up for the anti-Pallet build.

  • Member Posts: 687

    Survivor: Inner strength, Windows Of Opportunity (since my mind sometimes blanks when the killer is hot on my tail it's very useful to me), POWER STRUGGLE. Nothing is more satisfying than watching a killer be so confused as to who threw the pallet on him as he scours the area for my rescuer.

    Killer: deerstalker for when I'm feeling spicy in slugging (and okay sometimes I lose track of where they crawled off too and often times... They lead me right to their teammate who was healing them off the ground like thanks!), Hex: The Third Seal. Having them blind as bats to where their teammates are on the ground or on hook lmaooo. Hex: No One Escapes Death. This one I'll throw on if I detect toxic in the lobby screen and usually I'm right when they start teabagging throughout the game. I'm petty leave me alone. And lastly... Franklin's for the reasons listed with NOED.


  • Member Posts: 486

    I also add that if you like the strat of leaving Victor with your hook (Twins) then you might wanna try Fire Up. People forget that Fire up let’s you pick up and drop survivor quicker. So down survivor, walk them to hook, drop them and put out Victor, then pick up and hook. Saved more time then downing, looking for hook, bringing out Victor, placing him under hook, picking up and walking survivor (hoping nobody kicks him before you hook survivor).

    Just a underrated killer perk tip.

  • Member Posts: 687

    As a Twins main, I didn't realize the potential with Fire Up for them that's interesting... I will have to try to keep that in mind when I unlock the perk from Freddy. My current build for them is ruin, oppression, coup de grace, and I forget the fourth but I don't have many good perks unlocked in my bloodweb yet. :( But I love controlling little Victor and landing a successful pounce and him latched on to a survivor's back. 😂 But anyways, I will def keep that perk in mind in the future!

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