Can you killers play the game like it was as meant to be played

Dear killers do you like to troll I hate tunneling and camping until cheating is no longer allowed n dbd this sucks cause it is my favorite game but until cheaters are sorted I'm done tunneling n camping is not a stragey it's lazy and unskillful the worst at this are rank 8 I'm sick of this I been talking about it for three years and until killers can't go to hooks why a player is actively on it I quit


  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Oh boy, tunneling and camping is considered "cheating" now?? LOL, wow. I have no advice for you if that's truly your belief (other than, move on to another game).

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    bubba camping a hook in the basement is the EXACT thing he does in the movies.

    If anything it's more true tot he lore

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    There's no made up rulebook that says how to play the game, if I wanna camp someone then I'm gonna camp them.

  • OGJesus666
    OGJesus666 Member Posts: 2

    I’m saying man hook camping is the worst they literally just stand right on the hook and wait... clown players

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    So wait, Killers killing someone is cheating now? Um, ok.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Only if Survivors play the game like it was 'meant' to be played.

    Please don't repair a generator until the killer has one hook.

    Then only repair generators after each other hook.

    Make sure you leave 3 generators close together.

    Don't cleanse Hex totems please, unless it's Haunted Grounds.

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    I am asking for two things stop tunneling n camping or play fortnite because that stuff is really immature I play killer slot as well I never tunnel or camp unless the survivor deserves it play to make everyone pip how is that not accurate how many blood points do you lose for hurry hooking every survivor

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    I'm not I run the killer that's what I do it's fun play to make everyone pip why not try not to help everyone you can karma is good I mean just play fair patrol gens not hooks

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    What this thread needs is some posts to devs streaming while they play killer, that way the rest of us can watch it, dissect it, and write a new rulebook, since obviously the people who designed it will know best how it's meant to be played.

    Until then, this thread is just random players saying what they do and don't like. Can't really take anything away from that except that you can't make everyone happy all the time, which we already know.

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    Besides glitches and hacking, literally the only rules there are is:

    1. Killers kill survivors
    2. Survivors escape

    How those rules are achieved does not matter. Period.

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    No two things really it's one stay away from hooks when a survivor is on it then you couldn't tunnel the survivor don't play like an obnoxious person just play for fun for me I like being chased I just hate the fact since I'm good at them I am constantly tunneled or camped I have had matches shorter then my load time due to camping bubba's then directly after that tunneled by sport and 4k slug by ghost face that was this morning this as a survivor main is what I deal with it is so far from balanced that it is sad I hate the fact that I as a killer hook survivors and leave advoid the hook for the most part but I am tunneled every match I rarely escape but the rest of my team normally does but I am punished for knowing how to use a pallet it's #########

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    It always has been considered cheating what are you new

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    Punctuation dude. And if you're really that good at running and looping then you'd be escaping more and not getting downed so much.

    If queue times are too long try playing Killer. You'll get a game instantly I promise and you'll learn a lot more about how Killers work, which means you'll do better avoiding them.

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    Not at all I just don't tunnel I use pop n sur and I don't get mad I usual cheer for the survivor and hope they get away and that's cause killers are toxic and I understand

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    Not true I do have some killers let me go but the majority of them punish me for running them around for 1 to three gens and that's what I enjoy I am saying that once I am caught I am camped or tunneled for the rest of the match

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited March 2021

    Devs literally say it's not, they're valid strategic choices. Though context is key. 'Face camping' is a dick move, and intentionally ignoring other survivors you could have hit, to tunnel one in particular is as well.

    Camping and Tunnelling is detrimental if the other survivors are efficient and do gens.

    Then there's the fact that survivor mains love to throw these accusations around whenever they mess up. Sometimes it's not camping, it's being looped around the hook by another survivor. Sometimes it's not tunnelling, it's failing to hide from the killer while the person who unhooked you has vanished and failed to take aggro.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I will start playing the way YOU want me to play as soon as you start playing the way that I want you to play.


  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    maybe if the game gets balanced around fair 12 hooking, then sure.

    otherwise, ######### off, try to win games consistently without any of those "lazy" strats............

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545

    I guarantee you sit at the exit gate when the killer gives up wasting time teabagging dont you

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I barely understood that poorly worded and structured statement but here goes. Math wise: 4 survivors, it takes two hits to down a survivor( unless you have insta down) Thats 8 hits. Then it takes three hooks to kill a survivor each. If each survivor is healed after a hook then two more hits are added per hook. This doesn’t include second chances perks like DS, Dead Hard, etc. So add in some extra hits to each survivor. Cause most survivors run it. Realistically it will take around or over 48 hits for a Killer to 4K in a match with decent survivors. Probably more with SWF. So forgive Killers for not playing how you like.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Looking at this dudes comments I feel like English isn’t his first language. I can barely understand him.

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    Your the person that doesn't even buy killers crying about being genrushed invest n the he game or get good because toxic killers are a waste of everyones time including there when I am forced to play killer dailys only I don't try to rush through a match I hit on person thanaphobia try to down whoever is the next person on a gen hook them kick gen pop hit another survivor and so on so forth not ever going to a hook unless I actually hook someone constantly patroling gens and getting 4ks by simply patroling gens and if that's two complicated force a three gen and as long as their is only three survivors left with a three gen patrol you shouldn't have an issue ggs buy that I mean git good

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    ugh, go play fortnite buddy

  • Renfear
    Renfear Member Posts: 137

    It's not cheating, no, but there's ways to play that are fun for everyone and ways to play that ruin the experience for the other players. If you're going to play in such a way that other people won't enjoy playing with you, then you're not cheating, you're just a ######### person.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Doing gens is also lazy and unskillful, but that's the game. Why complain about it if you don't like this games rules there are other games to play.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Still can barely comprehend your words. It’s like if someone put to words what someone is saying while gargling bees.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Great soo are survivors gonna start looting all 3 chests constantly stacking on gens becoming terrified when they hear a TR and cleanse every dull totem on the map?

  • eveofmana
    eveofmana Member Posts: 23 Surprised no one posted this. There are no rules against these strategies, but there are discouragements. If anything was "cheating" in my mind, it'd be SWF Voice Chat vs The Pig.

    Face Camp and killer's Chase value drops and survivors can gen rush with ease, so killer gets only one 2 hits and a kill for their score.

    Tunnel and Borrowed Time and/or survivors can block/take hits.

    Survivors that know the map make me eat pallets so my rush resets cuz otherwise the loop won't end around the pallets.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Dear Survivors, vaulting through windows with long walls is completely broken. Stop cheating. I can't believe that you don't play haddonfield the way it was meant to be played using all the long walls and windows. You know how I know you are a cheater? Cuz you burnt an offering with a stode key on it. Cheat codes in video games that have a competitive edge should not have cheat codes built into the game. Obviously the game wasn't meant to be played haddonfield offerings... thats why they are considered rare add-ons. Until some cheat code fire wall is placed in the game to stop people from using the haddonfield cheat code I quit.

    ~ThAtS wHaT yOu SoUnD LiKe~