Can dead hard be considered unfair?

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

So dead hard has no counter when used for distance (as you should be using for the full value of the perk), but can this be considered unfair?

Note: I am not saying that I want dead hard to be fair, I am asking if it is or not considered unfair.

I have said before that dead hard is different than the other exhaustion perks because it is so easy to use and unrestrictive, all you need is to be injured. With sprint burst you should be exhausted most of the game because it's not used just for running away from the killer, but rather to objectives and teammates faster for good value out of it. If you are saving it just for the killer and walking everywhere, you are doing your team a disservice.

Lithe of course is nice to have but only works when vaulting.

Smash hit will be good, especially on unsafe pallets.

Adrenaline rewards survivors for completing their objective.

And head-on is just a meme perk.

But dead hard just needs you to be injured and by the press of a button you can extend or even end a chase by using it. The other exhaustion perks (minus head-on) can also do the same thing, but they at least require some sort of skill to use to get full value out of it. You can 99% sprint burst and use it to get to objectives (too many people don't know how to use SB correctly), you can save lithe for when you need it, and you have to predict the killer for smash hit. With the other exhaustion perks, you have to change your playstyle just a little bit to use the perks properly.

Dead hard is just E and bam, chase extended, no skill needed, and a second chance if you mess up. This is especially harmful on killers such as Trapper when survivors can literally go through his traps on top of extending a chase. Even better killers like huntress or billy struggle because you can't always go for a swing at something like a mindgame like a pallet (I would explain some examples in details, but it would make the thread too long) because you don't have LOS on the survivor, or you barely don't make it in time. Sometimes you react too quickly and swing, but miss because the survivor pressed a button on their keyboard or controller. I feel like I am being outperked rather than outplayed especially when more than one survivor is running the darn thing.

So, can the perk be considered unfair, or am I still just wrong and it is?

and if I see a single comment saying "it doesn't work half the time..."


  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    You're gonna smash your head against a wall trying to argue with killer main about the fairness of DH.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I don't know... if you know to position yourself to get the necessary distance with dead hard and know your pathing, I don't think it's brainless. I've seen so many dead hards at nothing, without any plan, that just work to prevent an early hit and can be easily baited out. I guess that's most of the cases. It's a bigger nuisance when the survivors know what they're doing, what can be also done with good positioning with the other exhaustion perks.

    I agree that invicibility through traps feels too much, especially considering how Trapper already feels lacking in power.

    And yes it doesn't work most times hahahahahahahahahahahahaha sorry, I had to say it. That's why I don't even use it. I'm more annoyed on how survivors act cocky towards you because they have it (eye roll) than because of the perk itself.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    I think people remember the times where dead hard has extended a chase more than the times it's done nothing as an exhaustion perk.

    I've played killer all day today and I've went against countless dead hards and while some of them were great and extended a chase. Most of them bought them a couple more seconds. Sprint Burst is so much more powerful than dead hard but I hardly see it.

    I don't find dead hard unfair but I can see where killers are coming from. I just want to reiterate that this perk is up there for most fun to use. I have baited more dead hards out today then lost to them.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    At this point I would be very surprised if dead hard got nerfed next patch.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    You gain more distance at the start of a chase with Sprint Burst.

    You gain a lot of distance with Lithe in a chase.

    You gain a short distance with Dead Hard in a chase. A distance good survivors think about in a chase and would act differently without it.

  • Jack_TheJolteon
    Jack_TheJolteon Member Posts: 128

    Knowing how Dead Hard works and being a heavy David Main, Dead Hard doesnt work a lot of the time and Can be easily countered by just waiting a few more seconds so No Dead Hard is no where near Unfair

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I'm with the "Dead Hard is bs" group.

    In my opinion it's the best perk in the entire game, only rivaled by Ds+Ub.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702
  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited March 2021

    dead hard, to me, is a perk that exists in some paradoxical state. It either does nothing (trying to dodge a hit) , or too much (for distance). My main problem is how it exacerbates map issues on m1 killers.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422

    Ah yes, when you have no other argument, go for whataboutism. Perfect.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    "Is SHADOWBORN UNFAIR because you can see more of the game at a time with no effort?!?!?!"

    How many nerf Dead Hard posts are we gonna get this week?

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    One perk i hate more than dead hard is Iron will. Both are terribly unfair. Fun thing killers think iw is fine but they don't know how much times they missed survivor because of it but yeah

    Dead hard is unfair and should not make every killer paranoid about it in chase even if there is no dead hard

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    to be fair killers are more faster than survivor so why shouldn't we have perks to help us win chases??

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    you can replace it with completely different how they did with ruin or tinkerer

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    to be fair killers are more faster than survivor so why shouldn't we have perks to help us win chases??

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I think the difference is the versatility of Dead Hard. Lithe and Balanced Landing require some kind of pre-planning, and an environmental trigger.

    For example, you're being chased, you drop out of a window and use balanced landing. Lithe, you're being chased, you jump a window and sprint off.

    With Dead Hard it's a shorter distance sure but if you use that distance to make a safe pallet or window then the distance is irrelevant as everyone knows once you make a safe pallet or window in DBD you can easily chain into other tiles as the killer will be forced to break the pallet.

    Secondly, the versatility takes out the mindgames. Take the killer shack or L-wall,T-wall for example. This is something that happens regularly to me. Last night as an example I look like I'm going to chase a survivor around the T wall, I backpeddle instead, the survivor catches this late and changes direction running around to the L wall window. They do not have enough distance now to make it there safely without being hit. They tap E and now they have just enough distance to make it safely. This is what makes Dead Hard so frustrating to play against because it operates as an "undo mistake" button. Lithe and Balanced Landing can not be used in this way.

    Lastly you have all the killer powers it destroys. Lithe and balanced create distance but thats it. Dead Hard avoids nurse blinks, blight rushes, huntress hatchets, deathslingers harpoon, pyramids POTD, trappers traps, and against all the killers with no anti-loop you just use it for distance to reach a pallet/window and loop them.

    It's too strong and too versatile for the little requirement it has which is 1) be injured and 2) press a button.

    Anyone who tries to downplay its strength either doesn't understand the game or they're lying. 99% of rank 1 & 2 survivors I see use this perk. Not the carried survivors, but the genuine good survivors. That right there says how strong it is. People wouldn't use it at the highest level if it wasn't extremely powerful.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    That's why survivors were given pallets and faster vault speed. You use pallets and windows to keep yourself safe. Oh and stealth thats why you have the 3rd person camera.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Well, I think that we have to deliberate on the meaning of "unfair" first.

    What constitutes, in the sense of this game, being "fair" and "unfair?" What factors do we consider in this definition? And this may seem pedantic but this really is important.

    I propose that to be unfair means to be decidedly helping the chances of one side. If we add something to any side's arsenal that makes it so that they are significantly more likely to win now, then it can be considered to be somewhat unfair. It throws off the balance of the game.

    In that sense, DH is only slightly unfair. Yes, it can be used to extend loops, but only when the situation is ripe. For instance, if the killer is too far, but if you don't DH you won't get another opportunity to use it, it could be considered wasted. If the window is too close and DHing to it would just prevent a fast vault or animation lock you, then it's useless. If you're in the middle of nowhere, or have nothing to dead hard too, then it's useless. Plus, this is the entire point of exhaustion perks; to help extend chases by helping you gain distance. Yes, it can be annoying to feel that a hit was robbed from you by DH (when it does work out, anyhow), but it's really only a few extra loops. Unless they DH to a very safe location, it's just running on borrowed time, delaying the inevitable. Very rarely will this turn the game decisively in the survivor's favor, and turn a 4k into a 0k. It's annoying and can feel cheap, but it's not that impactful if the killer has a sense of control and efficiency.

    As DBD is an asymmetric experience, meaning that comparing the survivor experience to the killer experience is like comparing apples to oranges, it's just impossible to tell. One thing you can look at, though, is the kill rate. Ever since the addition of DH, and with every other "unfair" perk, it's another thing to juggle with, but it's not anything that will decisively turn the game in your favor. The average kill rate is at a healthy 68%; hovering around 2ks and 3ks. It clearly hasn't broken the game (in red ranks, anyhow. I don't even want to think about the whacky hijinks in lower tiers).

    TL;DR, what does it mean to be unfair, if we're talking about making one side significantly more powerful than the other, then no. If we're talking about relative to before the addition of DH (in terms of the chase), then only slightly.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Hi, my name is NOED. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, late game 4k's?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Anyone who tries to downplay its strength either doesn't understand the game or they're lying.

    Saying such a thing is trying to shut down discussion. Sprint Burst has more value due to being able to avoid a chase entirely. To make unsafe gens safe. It's how you use a perk to what gives it strength.

    Also, why are we against strong perks? Must everything be mediocre, weak, or useless? Dead Hard is strong, yes. But it is not unfair.

    Thats coming from a Nurse main who despises the perk.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    This is pretty much the most sober assessment of dead hard on this entire post (other than maybe the asker). I'd beg to differ on trapper, though. Trapper has a lacking base kit, but his potential is very high, getting even higher the worse and less experienced your teammates are. If you can predict survivors, you can trap preemptively and listen to the applause of bear traps.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    @Mr_K It's not trying to shut down discussion it's trying to shut down all the disingenuous people. All the top players use Dead Hard, they wouldn't use it if it was a bad or useless perk. Also sprint burst being strong doesn't mean that dead hard isn't.

    @ShamelessPigMain ok and? I don't think you will find many people saying NOED is perfect in its current state.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Not every top play uses it. I know those who still swear by Sprint Burst over it.

    The perk pisses you off, we get it. Step back and take a more objective look at things and leave personal bias out of it.

    So far, its no better than survivors saying X OP pls nerf.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I explained my reasoning on the previous page, it's too powerful and too versatile to be used so often every game with no real requirements. It's stronger than mettle of man was.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I mean,NOED can be pretty cheap but if the killer manages to get a 4K with it then your team screwed up REALLY bad.

    All it should do is guarantuee 1 kill.Everything more is poor play on the survivors side in my opinion

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited March 2021

    Believe me, people on this hellscape of a forum say NOED good more often than you'd think.

    But that's not the point. NOED is much more "unfair and unfun" than DH could ever dream to be. DH is still rather situational and will guarantee a few extra loops, or help you get to a loop. NOED will activate specifically if you're playing poorly, and is an instadown on all survivors. Not only is this "unfair," since you pretty much don't have to even work for it, quite the opposite, but it's unfun for both sides. No nuance, no subtlety, there's no sense of satisfaction. When devour hope works, it's great. When haunted grounds works, it's euphoric. When make your choice works, it's orgasmic. When NOED works, it's just "meh."

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited March 2021

    Well I would object to the concept of guaranteeing one kill, that's still too much power vested in one perk. I think most people would agree that whether or not you win or lose should be driven by your own merits (otherwise, it would be considered a "carry" or whatever people say). Perks should help you achieve that goal, by amplifying the effort you put in. The more effort, the greater amplification. Guaranteeing one perk to be one kill (unless you really are a bad looper) is 1) already taken by rancor, find your own seat, 2) pretty cheap. I don't think there should be perks to salvage and rescue you after playing badly; that's what it means to be "cheap" and "unfair."

    Plus, rancor is so much more fun. I quite like it; you're supposed to not want to be the obsession (hence why DS and object make you the obsession), and so rancor is a great big middle finger to that whole mess.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    Noed can be a "bad word" some games but I personally believe Dead Hard has more of an impact than NOED does. Its not uncommon in red ranks to see all 4 survivors using it, 12 dead hards per trial usually, say 50% are ones you can bait out, thats still 6 dead hards that grant a free window/pallet and carry the chase on. It eats up a lot of time. As I said it's an undo button on command that makes killer powers and mindgames worthless. If you play well or fool a survivor you should be rewarded thats how most games work but in DBD one side gets an undo button.

    Once again it's single player design in a multiplayer game. I do wonder what if any multiplayer games the designers worked on before DBD.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited March 2021

    Well yes, I'd say your assessment of how dead hard is used is spot-on (I always go against Megheads and memers so I can't really tell).

    That being said, I think that the crucial aspect is that NOED can guarantee a kill, while dead hard is just a free teabag. Against decent loopers and in the correct hands, it'll extend the loop, which can really chip away at a killer's pressure, but NOED is unlimited free intadowns (until the hex is cleansed, that is). Getting two instadowns with NOED while the endgame collapse is active is pretty much securing those two kills, even with a SWF. Time is ticking, the killer is probably patrolling the slugs, so survivors just throw in the towel, teabag at the gates, and then scramble. Two of what should have been escapes converted to kills by one pile of bones.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    But the multiple dead hards over the course of the game snowball to a position where 4 survivors make it out so its more than just a free pallet, everything in DBD has a snowball/butterfly effect. I've seen single dead hards costs entire games to be honest, like you can pinpoint thats the moment the game was lost.

    But again I agree with the other person, nerf both DH and NOED. I may have the profile picture but that doesnt mean im a fan its just for the memes to be honest.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited March 2021

    Even with those multiple dead hards, it isn't a screw-up-once-and-literally-die perk. Even though it can stall, it won't put off the inevitable or automatically win the chase. It's just delaying the inevitable (meaning being stabbed). NOED intrinsically has more power than this, even as a hex perk. It's brute force, without nuance or subtle activation requirements. Its survivor analogue would be like if survivors had 3 health states and could afford 3 hits before going down, in addition to a speed boost that a lot of people overlook. It's, to coin a phrase, brute force, giving a bazooka to the baby. Dead hard is more like giving ammunition to a soldier; it helps them facilitate a deed of their own agency, even if that ammunition is nuclear.

    I agree that dead hard should be nerfed, probably just because it would open up perk diversity. A weaker dead hard would mean that I could maybe run something new, like autodidact. As for NOED, the instadown should probably be scrapped entirely, probably just with a speed boost and an automatic reduction to missed swing cooldown and successful hit cooldown. It helps you recuperate from your own mistakes, not take survivor mistakes and add a giant middle finger of an insult to injury.

    I may have the profile picture of a toxic SWF survivor perk but I neither have any friends to survive with nor the ability to loop :)

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It is a perk designed to directly rob the killer of a hit. It cannot be fair by it's very definition. The only other perk that even comes close is Adrenaline, the perk that rewards genrushing.

  • MrBison
    MrBison Member Posts: 10

    I consider it a unfair perk because it corrects your mistakes, a survivor can do a very bad loop and be in a really bad spot, bud DH can correct this error, and on dbd, the killer relies on survivors mistakes.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Dude that quota was filled on Monday and next week's one was filled on tuesday...