What is up with the game connection quicking me out AND PUNISHING ME FOR DCING
Pls fix ur damn servers...
its tuesday.
every tuesday the Steam servers go down for a few minutes due to maintenance.
BHVR has nothing to do with it.
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We are still being punished for it.
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It's hard enough getting to rank 1 after the rank reset. Now I'm down to almost rank 3 after losing several pips from getting disconnected. Very annoying.
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do i need to get the penalty tho ??? #########, and is not just today, the last few weeks it has been like this
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The past few days there were actually some Steam server issues.
i agree it’s unfair to get penalties for this. I guess we should mostly blame the people that always DCs from matches intentionally..
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weird how those problems only affect me on this game, hmmmmmm
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Many people were affected the past days. There were actually a few threads here on the forums.
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I play on PS4 and have fibre broadband. I would be lucky to be DC'd once every few months.
It might be your internet that you need to sort and not anyone else's fault. As for steam doing maintenance, if its every week on a Tuesday...then you know when it will happen, organize your time around it.
As for Steam having legitimate issues on their servers....that at least is a valid query
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I haven't had this issue but BHVR could work with Steam, Sony, Microsoft ect..and disable play from that service during a routine maintenance window with notification. Still won't help with system crashes of course
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happened 3 times just this night, even tho the last one i didnt got the penalty
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the way the DC penalty system works is that it times you out based on your "level" of offenses, as soon as it detects you no longer being connected to the server.
it does NOT know what caused the disconnection. it has no way of telling whether the DC was caused due to a game crash, you pressing the "leave game" button, a network failure, steam servers going down, etc.
therefore it is literally impossible for it to make any exceptions based on game crashes / server failure.
now, we all know that every tuesday Steam servers go down due to maintenance, roughly around the same time.
how about instead of blaming the devs, we use our brains a bit and think to ourselves "hey, its tuesday and around the time that the Steam servers are going down for their weekly maintenance. i should probaply not queue up for a game right now!". that way you can easily avoid any potential DC penalties.
however, should you forget / have a game that lasts longer than expected, thats okay too. after all, the timeout you will receive, given there is no lengthy record of you DCing matches - which would be entirely on you, is only going to be 5 minutes.
so when the Steam servers go back up you should, at most, have a 3 minute timeout.
should you have received a multiple hours / days ban due to it, go contact the support here: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us
however, keep in mind that such lengthy bans are only given after a multitude of DCs within a certain time periode to one another, so its not guaranteed that they'll be lifting it.
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OP, I've been struggling with this issue for the past few weeks. I play on Xbox One, and recently the game has been disconnecting on me either before the match or during game play. It's gotten so bad and has happened so repeatedly that I got a 72-hour ban. I've submitted multiple bug reports but to no avail. I understand your frustration.
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I submitted a lost progress ticket with video of losing pips for canceled matches. I've lost at least 7 in the last couple days. I only got a generic email saying it's a known bug they are working on. :/ Would be nice to replace the pips we've lost due to this bug.
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Yeah. I've been down that road as well. Sadly, I've never gotten any of my pips reinstated.
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then dont ask questions if you dont want anyone to answer them.
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come on!!!! it s my second time, steam server fall, my rank too. fix this, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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su juego de mierda ya me arto, entre después de volver los servidores y ya tenia mas bugs, con la sensibilidad del de la camara muy mal , tenia todo al máximo y estaba super lento, con quien estaba jugando siendo rango 7 hizo mas puntos que yo siendo rango 3 y perdio esquirla y yo gane 1, ósea, su juego me arto de tantos bugs y tanta mierda, lo único que lamento es que no se pueda denunciar por estafa a estas mierda de gente hdp!!! 4años y ni servidor dedicado tiene los forros de mierda estos!!! métanse el juego y lo que gaste es esta mierda bien en el orto!!!!
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Simple fix, dont play during the maintenance window.
Steam has been doing maintenance on Tuesdays since before this game was made, how many times before you figure out the pattern?