What is the most balanced killer in your opinion?

for me i would have to say billy.

I think billy is the most balanced killer on every way, he has high mobility, instadown, fun mind games, awesome ways to play and just in general he’s so much fun to both play and verse.

Billy imo is also one of the most fun killers in chase, he has equal input from the survivor and killer while in chase though he has a bit ore control over it. anything the billy does a survivor can have a chance of countering but a good billy can also counter the counter.

Although i play more survivor then killer, i am infact a flick billy main. (doom engravings is my #########). I try to m2 as much as possible, though it’s not always possible in some areas.

Although billy’s nerf did make him a bit weaker, i think people exaggerate how bad it actually was. i use doom engravings almost every time a play billy (better with curving) and yet i might overheat once every second game if i’m unlucky. Any true pre-nerf billy main would still main him, from my experience the only people that actually are affected by his nerf/addon pass were people that relied on instasaw and crack billy.

From my experience billy’s overheat does near nothing that affects him. If anything it was the addon pass that nerfed him. rise up billy mains, we love you <3


  • Jay_Whyask
    Jay_Whyask Member Posts: 566

    Username checks out. 🐷❤️

    I agree, Billy really feels like the "default dude" of dbd. @Pig_Is_Pog what's your opinion on the Hillbilly's add-on pass? Do you always use engravings?

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Oni, he has counterplay and can still manage against good survivors. He is fun to play as and against, and is just an awesome killer all-round.

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    Billy is even worse than wraith in double window loops without bambokzo. He might be good @ killer shack loop.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Oni. When he doesn't have any blood, he's an m1 killer with nothing to help in chase. When he has his power, he's the strongest killer in the game 2nd only to the nurse.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Blight. He's the only killer that forces the survivors to actually outplay him, and he has an actual fair skill curve. (I'm assuming the killer in question isn't an exploiter.)

    Nurse is just too strong to ever be fair. A good Nurse has absolutely no counterplay, by definition that cannot be fair. Spirit is both too strong and too easy. Billy is honestly too weak, he can only really play shiot loops with his power agasint good survivors. He's kind of the opposite of Blight in that regard. Hag is Hag. Freddy is Freddy. And Bubba just doesn't quite have enough mobility/has an unfair chase style that he can do.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I don't see how. It's widely accepted that only Nurse and Spirit have a chance at the highest level....so technically it HAS to be one of these that is the most balanced.

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    Pls try to play Billy for like 30 rounds and then comment on him.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    ''Balanced'' would imply that both sides have a fair chance to outplay the other, that's why Billy is often regarded as the pinnacle of balance by many streamers and people in the community.

    Good Spirits & Nurses don't give you a fair chance to play against them. There's nothing you can do against a Nurse that never messes up, or a Spirit who has Stridor.

    That isn't balance. Sure, neither is top ranked survivor(s) but that's a different discussion.

  • Pig_Is_Pog
    Pig_Is_Pog Member Posts: 222

    I was a fan of his addon pass some of his addons were needed.

    Instasaw - was op af and there was almost nothing you could do as a survivor to avoid it.

    crack billy - o.g. curving combo, wasn’t as powerful as insta saw but was still very good, maybe a little too good considering there was no drawback.

    in my opinion billy is just as powerful as he was before, yes he lost his good addons but is he weak? no. Billy still had his 4 best addons (death/doom engravings, spiked boots (formerly thompson’s moonshine) and dads boots (formerly spiked boots)).

    Also no i don’t use doom engravings every game, i use it when i’m in the mood for getting some juicy curves. definitely his best flick addon :)

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    In a 1 vs 1 sure but it's a 4 vs 1 game. The 1 kind of should have an advantage against an individual from the 4.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Agreed, but the survivors should still have something to work with. Like, you can at least tell the Nurse is using her power or where she is aiming. Spirit? Who knows lol.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    As someone that has put the most hours into Spirit out of all killers, this is completely false.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    In my opinion, the most balanced Killer is probably Pyramid Head.

    His power is great at loops, but in most cases it relies on correct prediction, so its not unfair to the Survivor.

    Also, Pyramid Head can circumvent some of the strongest Survivor perks in the game, just naturally through his torment and cages. Which makes him have a better chance against SWFs than most

  • NoxVeno
    NoxVeno Member Posts: 177

    Balanced against what? As average play or against 4 person SWF sweat squad?

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Just the 1v1 interaction. Billy still loses in 1v4 against very good and competent survivors.

  • NoxVeno
    NoxVeno Member Posts: 177

    hmmm idk...huntress (non iri) isn't too off. kinda map dependent though.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I believe it's blight, powerful but counterable

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Myers. Very basic killer with a very basic ability, also has an actually functional ability unlike ghostface which is a huge plus

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Ghostface, The Twins, and Oni are the most balanced imo.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    But does she come with fair counterplay for the other side?

    Id put blight in the most balanced since he can get hits without mistakes but gives survivors the opportunity to counter him

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’d say blight or billy

    High mobility so maps aren’t an issue (except indoor but nobody likes those anyway)

    Can be rewarded for using power at loop but punishing if misused

    Have good audio Queues for survivors to understand (Spirit or slinger lack this)

    Just wish they would tweak hillbilly’s overheat slightly

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    At first I was like Myers? No. Demo? No. But I would have to say yea Billy is probably the most balanced killer.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    As long as we're assuming you're not bringing the absolute best add-ons I'd say the most balanced is either Billy or Huntress. I don't really agree with Blight. Against a really good Blight there isn't *much* in the way of fun counterplay or mindgames and it usually boils down to pre-dropping pallets then forcing him to kick them, and if you find yourself running to a deadzone with no pallet in the next 5 seconds then lmao that's a free hit because his power got off cooldown in 6 seconds. It's like there's an illusion of fun counterplay where you think there's something you can do against him when really there wasn't much you could do at all.

    I think it's just the abundance of deadzones on most of the maps that sometimes make it annoying to play against Blight. Not the killer itself, but the maps weren't designed with his power in mind (obviously goes both ways, blood lodge, swamps and Ormond are all terrible Blight maps because you can barely use your power on them)

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Neither of those two can beat a deathsquad that doesn't make mistakes, so that's a very poor metric to use.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    Demogorgon, Pig and Trapper.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    Myers is easily one of the worst killers in the game unfortunately. Bad survivors will lose to him nearly every time, but a good team, even if they are all solo, will absolutely destroy him. The reason for this is how limited his power is. Yes, you get an instadown, faster vault speed, and a longer lunge. However, if a survivor know how to loop m1 killers well, they will just play safe for the duration of t3, and rather than getting a down you will get a few pallets, whereas the team will likely get 2-3 gens if you commit too long. Myers is outdated, given that his special ability is still limited to m1 chase mechanics. Look at similar killers to him, Oni and Plague. Plague has a ranged special attack which can hit over many loops and with a decent radius, and Oni has an incredibly strong power which will shred through pallets 2x faster than a t3 Myers.

    Forgot to mention also that he is only 105% at the start of the game, incredibly detrimental.

    I'm not saying Myers is unplayable/unwinnable, because most survivors are simply bad, even at red ranks. You can win most games with any killers/any perks. A good team will demonstrate the weaknesses of Myers though.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    These two killers are the only ones who match up agaisnt "deathsquads" ( I'll just call them comp teams). If the team doesn't make any decently sized mistakes, even Spirit isn't strong enough to 4k. Nurse, however, still is strong enough. Nurse has the potential to make any chase last 20 seconds. If you consider going down that fast a mistake from the survivors, then yes I suppose you are correct. I would argue that it isn't a mistake though, it is just the nurse playing well. Even tops teams playing incredibly well have lost to top nurses. That being said, most games at a high level end somewhere around a 2k with 8 hooks.

    Not trying to say that these two are the most balanced btw, because in public games a decent player will win every game with these two.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    That Nurse would be competing against teams with zero restrictions. Which means 4 DH/DS/Unbreakable and some Prove Thyself/IW/BT scattered about. And that's before we go look at the stacked medkits.

    Not even the best Nurse can beat a team like that that isn't making mistakes. The maths just isn't there.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    You shouldn't be calling other people wrong, while calling the hillbilly most balanced killer after all horrible nerfs he's got.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Pyramid head imo.

    Yes he is better than a lot of killers but he is reasonably strong. Im in the camp that most killers are too weak while some are too powerful as is. He has a lot of tools available to him while none of them are ridiculously strong. I'd love for killers to be put closer to him.

  • Pig, cant be unbalanced if your relying on RNG!

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    I think with perks alone that team could still theoretically lose to nurse, and only nurse. However if we're throwing in medkits/toolboxes, I do think that it swings in the survivor's favor, especially with styptics. It really just comes down to the gen pressure though. If the survivors are coordinated enough to call out where to run to avoid gens being worked on like a comp team does, then yes they will almost certainly win, unless nurse gets an early hook forced to 2nd stage, then tunnels out even with DS. But I do agree that if there are no restrictions, even nurse has a disadvantage to survivors.

    Also very map dependent btw, nurse would only have a chance on smaller maps such as coal tower/wreckers yard. Pretty much anything else benefits survivors.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2021

    I really don't think it's Billy. I get why people say it, but Billy feels very easy to go against despite how fun he is to go against. I love a good Billy, but I'm always pretty confident in winning if I'm not matched with complete potatoes, even if he's a really solid Billy. It is soooo easy to waste massive amounts of time in chase with him, and that's WHY he's actually fun to play against, but why he's not the most balanced killer.

    I think the answer is Blight. He's top 3 imo, but he doesn't feel bullshit to play against. I can respect a good Blight. It feels fun to play against one. Unlike Billy, it feels like the match is fair BUT very difficult at the same time. That's what "balanced" means if you ask me.

    Others would be Oni (though still very abusable with a good team, however, ONE mistake that gives him an M1 can lead into a really good snowball where he has his power frequently, so it's not as bad if you ask me), Twins against team that understands their counterplay for sure, Huntress, and Doctor with good addons. These guys still have all their problems, but they're going to be more consistent and fair feeling (unless you get hit behind a wall against huntress..) than other killers.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Not Spirit lol. :)

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2021

    If your teammates understand their counterplay (which is literally what a good player means - I assume we're going by that when judging how balanced a killer is) they are actually very balanced and have a good amount of counterplay/counter-strategies on both sides. They're pretty enjoyable to watch when faced against a good team unless they have pure megahealing and anti-slug build. Then they're completely neutered. But you're not gonna see that often unless they know they're going against Twins.

    They're definitely not what you think they are. You're probably going off against their strength vs your average potato farm if you think they're OP.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Billy oh wait, nevermind. He got a rework.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Blight w/o j-flick is probably the most balanced killer in the game. Demo is also very balanced. If Overheat was removed, Billy would be on par with Blight balance-wise.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422
    edited March 2021

    Oni. His power can easily be starved by good Survivors, but once he's in his gamer chair, you have to rely on stealth and tight corners to keep him off you since otherwise he'll just Demon Dash you into next week. There's room for counterplay regardless of your playstyle as Survivor.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Gonna go with Plague. Her Power forces interaction which makes the game more interesting. Survivors have the choice between a soft noed the whole game if they don't cleanse or they give her a power spike.

    And of course she is a standard M1 115% Killer.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375


    [Insert Troll Face]