Lore Question About Pigs Roar
I'm pretty sure in the first film you heard that roar when Adam or Lawrence got ambushed.
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She was in Saw 1? Maybe I watched another movie then...
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And what is the reason for the mask (if you have time to explain of course)
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He does it to catch his victims off guard, that is seen in Saw 1, rather, that is reflected in his power today, Also since you mention the creative freedom of the developers, the roar of The Pig is a clear reference to the Saw franchise and links it to his power, the sounds of Michael Myers' mask and his characteristic sound when he stalks, is also a reference and is linked to his power, any licensed killer shows something of his past through sounds or special abilities, On the one hand to Ghost Face, the power reminds me a lot of Scream's Ghostface when he called his victims and stalked them when he called them.
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pig is a she
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There's nothing specific. My head-cannon is that it's a torture by The Entity that has perhaps either beastialised her a bit to remind her she is its pet, or even used the auric cells to turn her mask into her actual face. The roar does sound a bit like the roar and growls of a wild boar.