STOP THE DS-CHANGE!! And here is why!

ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

We all know about the upcoming change for ds: it will deactivate, if a player makes progress like healing, repairing... because the player is not getting tunneled. But I think this changes are immature!! The only situation to know if the killer will tunnel is if the killer is near the hook and goes instand for the unhooked survivor. There are so many situations, which would be ignored with the upcoming change:

  1. Killer has left the hook, but comes instand back to tunnel the unhooked survivor who loose his ds because he starts healing before he hears heartbeat
  2. The killer has no heartbeat (stealthkiller or tinkerer) and the survivors don’t know where the killer is and so they make progress but the killer comes back and tunnel 
  3. Unhooked survivor get tunneled and use a instaheal during chase and so he loose his ds (it’s a healing action)
  4. DS nerf is a huge buff especially for basement killer like bubba, huntress, hag or trapper: two survivor are on a basement hook, a third survivor unhooked the first one, but the unhooked survivor has bt but can’t safe the other survivor because so he loose his ds... 
  5. The hooked survivor has deliverance so he jump from the hook and is broken. He has to decide if he waits in a corner for 60 sec (ds timer) or go for a gen but he doesn‘t know if the killer will come back and tunnel
  6. All gens are done and the killer hooks a survivor near a exitgate and leave the hook to check the other gate. The survivor get unhooked. Maybe now the unhooker have to go for another safe, but so the unhooked survivor loose DS if he starts opening the exitgate?!?
  7. A survivor get unhooked with bt and get a hit (tunnel or tank) and run away from the hook. Now he starts mending. Will this deactivate ds too?
  8. The unhooked survivor goes down again. If he starts recovering does it means he loose ds??

In my opinion it will change to much gameplay at the same time and could be a real gamebreaker!! I understand that the actual DS can be annoying for killer if they hook another survivor and have to eat a ds because another survivor get unhooked before 59 sec, but on the other side the killer just has to know which survivor were on hook before and how much time has passed since then... for a killer it’s much easier to know this than all the eventualities a survivor has to think about. I think a more balanced DS change could be: DS deactivate if the killer hook another survivor. However, for me all this shows that it will be a big mistake to release the planned DS change!! If you and the devs think about all these points, do you really think the upcoming ds change is a good one?? What’s your real opinion? Please „vote up“ if you don’t want the planned change.

Btw a long time the devs said ds isn’t an anti-tunnel perk and now it is?!? And if so, a survivor can get tunneled more than one time ;)


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    Let your teammate heal you. If the killer comes back you are either healed or have DS.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2021

    I'm having flashbacks of when DBD was adding the exhaustion mechanic. All those threads of survivors saying it was a bad idea and the game will die if they go through with it. That was a few years ago, the game is still running and it is in a better state than it was. I predict the DS change will be the same. There will be a dip in salty survivors for awhile but the amount of killer's returning will probably more than compensate that loss. The perk will probably still be meta. Only the killers that are actually tunneling will get hit by it.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    Don’t get me wrong, I think a DS change is needed too, but in a better way

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    You could easily avoid losing DS in those situations by waiting a little bit for starting an action that progresses the game.

  • TheOwl
    TheOwl Member Posts: 185

    I respect your view. However, many of the reasons you mentioned are why DS is receiving a change. The current DS's problem is that it encourages reckless behavior from many survivor players, with many simply ignoring all danger when they have DS and using it as a time of invincibility. You even touched on some of these behaviors yourself. If a survivor with DS gets unhooked and chooses to perform another action (pretty much anything except running or hiding), they are not truly being tunneled. They are making a conscious decision to put themselves in danger, so DS should no longer be active. 

    The DS change is a much-needed one, and I feel that the reworked version will still activate in most situations. Nothing will change when using DS to protect yourself from killers who are truly tunneling you. The change is only going to affect players who used it when they were not being tunneled.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    No did you even play the PTB? I used new DS once while I tested it for hours three evenings in a row. It is finally in a good place; anti tunnel and not 60 seconds of god mode.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    DS is just an abuse perk. Especially if all four are running it. It needs a nerf and I’m glad it is

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,649

    Sluzzy is that you?

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 952

    you took the risk of healing at the hook so you got punished accordingly

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    DS is a tunnel prevention perk, not an immunity perk.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Buddy... If you get unhooked and your outside of the killers terror radius and he comes back... That's not tunnelling, you should have left or let someone else heal you. If you heal yourself/others or touch a gen, it deactivates DS. but unhooking or being healed by others doesn't. I think your very misguided on what the actual change is AND the definition of tunelling

  • Blackandwhiteroses
    Blackandwhiteroses Member Posts: 3

    Honestly think the ds nerf is fine. The only thing I think would make it a little less bad is if they made it so you can open chests without it deactivating. It should also be activate for a little longer than 1 minute. Cause if you aren't doing objectives for that long, then it's fine. Maybe 90 seconds would be okay enough.

    I Also feel you shouldn't be able to 99 doors, though, so like you can't 99 a totem clean... maybe I'm just dumb.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    If you unhook someone, you aren't being tunneled.

    If you are healing, you aren't being tunneled. If the killer comes back to where you were healing, it is your fault for being out of position, allowing yourself to be downed again.

    If you are doing totems, you're not being tunneled.

    If you are repairing generators, you are not being tunneled.

    A killer that happens to find a recently unhooked survivor is not tunneling.