
I have seen so many countless threads about NOED, and what surprises me is I don't see rancor getting any complaints. I think one of the reasons is it only affects the obsession and not the entire team. If I died to rancor that would probably annoy me more than NOED especially if I did a good job evading the killer and not getting hooked.
This isn't a perk that can be deactivated so my question is when you're playing survivor and you're exposed, how do you play around it??
Getting killed by rancor even though I didn’t get hooked once home feels like a robbery at times
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for real
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It's because of a couple of reasons:
-rancor is rarely seen
-it only works on one person
-that person knows they're the rancor target
-it doesn't carry bad players
-you won't 4man slug after you've been out ran all game, cause again, only works on one survivor
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Well you should be questioning why you can see the Killers aura when gens get completed. Then stay as far away from them as possible when the gates are open.
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Because Rancor is actually balanced. It reveals itself before you go down in one hit and it actually puts pressure on survivors but isn't overbearing. If you want help in the endgame but don't want to be handed free wins use Rancor.
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The perk is very thematical and balanced IMO.
The obsession sees the Killer's aura after each gen. The Killer sees "scream bubbles" of the survivors location. It is not a hidden perk such as NOED. Also, its hilarious being the survivor with rancor and someone else hits a DS. Your problem now lolol.
I like it. It fits the theme of the Spirit too (her perk). Slowly building rage until it cannot be tolerated anymore.
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I never knew that until I looked at the perks description.
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Hide maybe? You can see killers aura every time a gen gets done
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Which is strange because Tombstone Myers does the same but nobody has a problem with it. 🤔
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Every time I've used Rancor, I've never seen the obsession after the last gen pops. Wasted perk slot.
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Tbf he is like 100% move speed and takes ages to charge it up
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One other thing that makes that weird is that Rancor is a Spirit perk and everyone ######### hates Spirit lmao.
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This happened to me once:
"Ah, I see the Killer's aura hooking someone just as this gen finished. Thank you Kindred."
"Wait, why can I see the Killer's aura as this gen is finished? Did I accidentally equip Dark Sense?"
*one gen left* "I keep seeing the Killer's aura when a gen pops. But I don't have Dark Sense? The only other thing I can think of is Rancor, but that only affects the Obsess...*glances as HUD* OHCRAPOHCRAPOHCRAPOHCRAP"
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It's best to use it with Nemesis and Furtive Chase, sometimes you can even kill more than 1 person at the end.
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Not a big issue when you're matched with garbage randoms that feed him, and also the fact that it's impossible to tell whether he has it or not until the first mori happens. "You can just tell by how long he's been stalking." How do I know that? How could I possibly know how much stalk he's gotten on me or my teammates, or whether he has stalk increase add-ons? He's such a polarizing killer, because at base he sucks, but his add-ons make him broken as hell.
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1) It’s rarely ever seen (because there are perks that have more of an effect on the game)
2) It’s extremely easy to play around. Just get stealthy when 1-2 gens are left, you can usually make it out in most cases
The only reason to worry is if you’re running OoO, but at that point you fully deserve to be Rancor’d. :)
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Actually his hand opens up when he is in T3 if he has a tombstone
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rancor only ruins the game for one survivor instead of the entire squad. it also notifies you about rancor so you can choose if you should play immerse.
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Without Rancor we don't have Rancor Roulette, and that just wouldn't do.
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Doesn't matter if he's right up on you when he pops it, which he should in most cases. And that's a pretty minute detail that can easily go unnoticed.
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If you are seeing the Killer every time a gen gets done and are the Obssesion you are warned you can get your butt busted the very moment the last gen pops and you can anticipate it by getting far away from the action once the 5º gen is about to pop.
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Worst was when I DS'd the killer right before the last gen was finished. I became the obsession and got myself moried shortly thereafter....lol
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I hate Rancor with a passion (Not because its unfair because it's not unfair but rather it fuels my anxiety and makes me worry all game because I know I'm gonna get hunted down)!
So I'll throw my friend with DS under the bus if she has it up (when we're together, I'd never do this to a random) and she's cool with it, she's much more level headed with stuff like that, wish I had that kind of attitude tbh!
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Wait someone else came up with this? lmao this is a build of my own I've had fun with for a while, I even created the same name. I can't believe it's actually a thing.
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Rancor might get a couple more complaints if this new end game perk starts a new end game meta (for some killers).
I know I’m looking forward to it.
Even if I got done in, doesn’t mean it’s over just yet xD
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If despite knowing the killer is running Rancor (because you see the killers aura after every gen repair while you’re the Obsession), and you choose to not play extra stealthy/cautiously once the 5th gen is repaired, then that’s on you if you die to it.
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I cant even remember the last time I seen someone with rancor.
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It's definitely been a named build since at least January 2020, but I think the overall concept has loosely existed ever since Ghost Face was released (Furtive Chase, while a cruddy perk, was the first killer perk that could cycle the Obsession). Then Oni brought us Nemesis and made the build better and a little more popular.
I used a loadout along the lines of Rancor Roulette sporadically after Oni came out as part of a "Hunt the Obsession" joke build I liked to run (which later wound up being really useful for some of those "hook the Obsession" tome challenges). I have no idea who may have actually used it first or thought of that name though.
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See furitive chase I haven't tried yet. Mine was nemesis and rancor obviously, but then PWYF and enduring because it made it harder for them to escape endgame (also the stuns are annoying lol). The goal of mine was to have the roulette on one of them, but then try to get as many as possible with rancor endgame I experimented with bloodwarden, and remember me to see if I could get more than 2 survivors endgame but it didn't really do much. Maybe Tricksters perk will be good for this build.
Its such a fun combo. For once you want the survivors to get all 5 gens done lol I'll give it a try with furtive over enduring for a few games just for the randomness.
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He also moves differently in Tier 2. His knife hand is rigid while his empty hand is open and moves while he walks. He doesn't do that with any other add-on except full Tombstone. It's quite obvious when he has full Tombstone if you know what to look for.
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You have to actually earn Tombstone Myers and even then you can just jump into lockers every time and never get insta killed. You're also stuck with a basic m1 killer who can't do very much. NOED can be used with Deathslinger who can shoot you.
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I like having rancor and then having a tryhard force ds on the killer, then die later because of rancor
it always feels like karma, a little bit of justice.
but only in that scenario
otherwise rancor is just a #########-you-in-particular perk
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But that's the problem in the counterplay. The alternative to getting insta-moried is being insta-downed? What kind of options are those?! I swear this game is so survivor sided, but people just glaze over the few OP things killer has like they're not legitimate problems.